
In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

author:Stinky tofu cake
In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

They were the first couple in U.S. history to serve in the White House and Senate, and at one point almost became the first husband and wife president since the founding of the United States.

They are not only a pair of political allies who share hardships and hardships, but also a couple who are close to each other and have a lot of affection, and they are also a couple who accompany each other day and night and quarrel constantly.

They are former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Their marriage has also been hailed as one of the most incredible marriages in the United States of the 20th century.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

In 1998, when then US President Bill Clinton was mired in the "zip-lock door scandal" and was facing impeachment, Hillary, as the first lady, said with infinite grievances and sympathy for the people: "He just deceived me."

But it did not deceive the American people", allowing the American people to see a woman who showed generosity and tolerance and acceptance in the face of her husband's infidelity, and made Americans believe that their presidential husband and wife still have sincere love.

Under the domination of this thinking, Clinton finally retreated from this scandal, and Americans' sympathy and support for Hillary Clinton reached an unprecedented height.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Love at first sight with Clinton

Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, to a middle-class Chicago family, the son of a "die-hard conservative Republican" curtain merchant and a liberal housewife.

Nurtured by her father, who was keen on politics, Hillary had a soft spot for politics at a young age, and would not only force her friends to debate issues such as world peace.

At the age of 13, he called the mayor's office to protest his invention of the vote counting method "which led to Kennedy being elected president", and even joined a Republican volunteer organization that "exposed election fraud". It can be said that during her time in school, Hillary Clinton showed extraordinary political enthusiasm, which also sowed the seeds of her future political career.

Admission to Yale Law School was an important turning point in Hillary's life.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Here, she not only laid a solid intellectual foundation for her future political path, but more importantly, she found a lifelong partner with high political interests and lofty political ideals like herself, Clinton.

One day in the spring of 1971, Hillary was reading a book with a female classmate in the library of Yale Law School when she heard a young man behind her discussing how to grow the world's largest watermelon.

From classmates, Hillary learned that the young man's name was Clinton. Although the two did not speak that day, Clinton's long flowing blonde hair impressed Hillary.

Soon after, Hillary and Clinton met again in a "civil liberties" class. The old professor who taught that day asked the students to speak on a complicated legal case, and many students could not say why, only Clinton talked eloquently and expressed his views on the case.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

After listening to Clinton's speech, Hillary couldn't help but stand up and applaud, and her action also caused laughter from her classmates. Only then did Clinton notice the girl in a flannel dress.

After class, Clinton plucked up the courage to come to Clinton's seat, his eyes kept looking at Hillary, but he didn't know what topic to find to get close to Hillary.

Looking at Clinton's embarrassment, Hillary felt a little amused, and took the initiative to say to Clinton: "If you don't object, we can just leave it for now, but we must at least know each other's names." Clinton reacted and quickly explained, "When I see you, I have forgotten my name."

Clinton's humor won Hillary's favor, and the two became more and more speculative, and then began dating.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Almost "split" other men

One day soon after, the two met to see an exhibition of works by American abstract artist Marosco at the Yale Art Museum, but when they arrived at the pavilion, they found that the pavilion was about to leave work, and the gatekeeper was about to close the door.

Just as Hillary was disappointed, Clinton suddenly told Hillary that she had a way to get in. He told the gatekeeper that they were willing to help the gatekeeper clean up the garbage that was piling up in the yard by letting them in.

With a three-inch uncorrupted tongue, the two finally walked into the exhibition hall as they wished. This incident made Hillary feel that Clinton was a good solver and had a closer relationship for him.

In 1973, Clinton took the holidays to travel with Hillary to Europe, wanting to take Hillary to revisit the journey he had traveled when he received the Rhodes Scholarship.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

In London, together they visited Westminster Abbey, the Tate Gallery and the Houses of Parliament. At dusk that day, on the shores of the beautiful Lake Inadiel, Clinton formally proposed to Hillary, but Hillary did not immediately agree.

Clinton told her, "I'm not going to propose to you again, but if you want to marry me, you have to tell me."

Why didn't Hillary agree to Clinton's marriage proposal? According to a movie "Rodham" that describes Hillary's affair in her youth, Hillary was stepping on two boats at the time, and while dating Clinton, she was also eyeing a man named William Wilder, and even almost broke up with Clinton.

According to the Korean-American writer Kim Yong-il, the author of "Rodham", Hillary and Clinton's love road was not all smooth sailing, and the two have been separated and united in the two years of love, because Hillary has repeatedly "split legs" and has an ambiguous relationship with William Wilder.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Wilder had blonde hair, was handsome and tall, and even Hillary's friends thought Wilder was a better fit to be her husband than Clinton.

According to Kim Yong-il, once, after Hillary and Wilder drank a lot of alcohol together, she couldn't help but hug and kiss Wilder.

At this time, Clinton happened to call Hillary, saying that it was Hillary in two days, and he wished Hillary a happy birthday in advance and played the saxophone song "Happy Birthday to You" for her. Hillary was greatly moved when she heard this, and finally decided not to be half-hearted and love Clinton alone.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Defend marriage

On October 11, 1975, Clinton and Hillary celebrated their wedding at 930 California Avenue. At the wedding, Hillary wore an old-fashioned Victorian-style long dress that looked elegant and beautiful.

Clinton was also handsome that day, and Hillary told her bridesmaids that the man in front of her was the love of her life.

Shortly after the marriage, Clinton began running for governor of Arkansas. In the process, Hillary Clinton did her best to present the image of a happy family in front of Arkansas voters.

Finally, under the "support" of Hillary, Clinton was successfully elected governor of Arkansas, completing a major breakthrough in his political career; Hillary Clinton was also named Best Woman and Best Mother in Arkansas, becoming a nationally known woman.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

After Clinton became governor, Hillary Clinton was not idle. In 1986, she was elected president of the National Defense of the United States for the Defense of the United States for the Rights of the Nation for Childhood, for her own book, Children's Rights: A Contemporary Perspective. Clinton also actively pursues women's liberation and regards it as her duty to defend women's rights.

She has said: "I have fought all my life for women to be able to make free choices in their personal and professional lives, and I have also fought for my own free choice, which has led her to be named one of the 100 most influential lawyers in the United States by the authoritative Journal of Contract Lawyers.

At the same time, she is also Clinton's political adviser and senior staff, and is good at using her unique analysis, planning, and super resilience to inspire Clinton's political creativity from governor to president.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

After Clinton was elected president, a sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky broke out in 1998. This scandal was overwhelmingly reported by major media, and Clinton became the second president in US history to be impeached.

After the "zipper door" incident, Hillary and Clinton's marriage encountered a serious crisis. But in front of outsiders, Hillary Clinton always stood by her husband's side.

In order to clear her husband's name, she told the national audience on the highest-rated TV talk show "60 Minutes" in the United States: "I trust my husband, and those gossip will not stop him." ”

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

When asked by the media why she chose to tolerate her husband and support him, Hillary said: "I understand the essence of my marriage, and I am a husband and wife, a partner, and a lifelong friend. Everyone knew we had challenges, but I never doubted that this marriage was worth my investment... I am glad that I was able to successfully defend my marriage. ”

During that time, Hillary Clinton always stressed that she was too busy with work and did not care enough about Clinton, which made Clinton make the wrong move. She believes that Clinton will correct her mistakes and will be a good husband and father in the future.

Hillary's performance moved many people, and finally the Senate finally rejected Clinton's impeachment, allowing Clinton to successfully survive the crisis.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Hillary's private life scandal

According to US media reports, Lewinsky is not the only woman Clinton has cheated on, in fact, there have been scandals between Clinton and many women, and the president is not loyal to his wife.

But no matter how Clinton was unfaithful to the marriage, Hillary Clinton always firmly maintained her husband's reputation and always stood by his side for the first time.

Americans also don't understand Clinton's approach. On the American social software "Quora", someone once asked: "What do you think of the love between Hillary and Clinton?" ”

The post sparked discussion among many netizens in the United States, and one high-praise response wrote: "We can't discuss something that doesn't exist." The implication is that there is no love between Hillary and Clinton.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

The reply received tens of thousands of likes because many Americans had heard about Clinton's private misconduct. In addition to her unclear relationship with William Wilder before marriage, she also reported that she had affairs with several men.

In 2012, an assistant to Hillary broke the news to the public: Hillary did not forgive her husband Clinton, and even chose to return a tooth for a tooth, her private life was very chaotic, and she maintained improper relationships with several men for a long time.

The assistant also said that since the Clinton scandal became a well-known event in the world, Hillary completely let herself go: cold war with Clinton, punished him for sleeping on the sofa, smashed Clinton's head with a thick book, and even spent a long time alone in the room with Vince Foster...

Vince Foster was Clinton's haircut, and after Clinton became president, he served as Clinton's assistant and legal adviser.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Clinton and Foster met in 1976, when they worked together at Ross Law Firm. The common profession and the same interests make the two become good friends who say nothing.

Hubbell, a friend of Hillary, once said: "I don't think anyone is closer to Hillary than he (Foster), but I don't think they have a sexual relationship, it's just two like-minded people, it's a friendship deeper than love." ”

But in the eyes of Nussbaum, another Clinton legal adviser, Clinton's relationship with Foster may not be so pure: "I was told that Hillary and Foster had an affair. He (Foster) loves Hillary, I hope they are lovers, I think they are a good fit, their respective partners and marriages are somewhat complicated. ”

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Puzzlingly, after it was rumored that he had an ambiguous relationship with Hillary, Vince Foster soon mysteriously committed suicide. It was discovered that two months before his suicide, White House photographers had taken such a photo: Clinton, Hillary and Foster, all with gloomy faces and their own thoughts.

Clinton was rumored to have an affair with Hillary, and the White House photographer took a photo: the three looked gloomy

Legal Counsel Clinton: I was told that Hillary and Clinton had a personal affair

After Foster's suicide, Clinton became the biggest "murder suspect" for a time. In the end, it was the famous Chinese detective Li Changyu who came out to prove that Foster died of suicide and proved Clinton's innocence. However, for Li Changyu's conclusion, there are still many people who do not believe it, but there is no evidence.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Race for president

In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, former First Lady Hillary Clinton ran for the presidency as a Democratic presidential candidate, and Clinton helped Clinton raise money, constantly appeared on television to support her campaign, and developed campaign strategies for her.

When asked by the media whether Clinton was playing a positive role in her campaign, Hillary replied, "Clinton gives me guidance and advice every day [on campaign issues], and I'm very happy to have his support."

In an interview with the media, Hillary also rarely said about her love life with Clinton. She said that despite the crisis in her marriage, it was "worthwhile" to choose to marry Clinton now.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Unfortunately, in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Hillary Clinton lost to Obama and missed the president. In 2016, Hillary Clinton once again attacked the presidency, but unfortunately lost to Trump.

A well-known American analyst pointed out that one potential reason why Hillary Clinton lost the presidential race twice was to help her husband Clinton escape punishment when he cheated on him.

For Hillary, who has always made it her mission to eliminate gender discrimination and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, this is undoubtedly a departure from her own political norms, and the people's expectations of her have been reduced.

As for Hillary's election as president, some people used Hillary's private life to say that Hillary maintained improper relations with a number of men, but this claim lacked strong evidence and was not enough to influence Hillary's campaign.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

Although Hillary did not become the first female US president, after Obama was successfully elected, she became Secretary of State, becoming the third female Secretary of State in US history, and she is also a very successful female politician.

Although there was an "email gate" incident during her tenure, Hillary Clinton was lucky to retreat.

According to some US media, the reason why Hillary was not found guilty was due to the lover Foster, who committed suicide with a bomb, and Hillary, who destroyed the documents of Whitewater, has never been found guilty, all thanks to Foster, who committed suicide by drinking a bomb, and Nussbaum, who destroyed the documents of Whitewater.

And in the scandal about Hillary's private life, this Nussbaum was also one of the men who had an affair with Hillary.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic


Today, Hillary Clinton is a 75-year-old lady who has gradually distanced herself from politics. Although he has lived a retirement life, he is occasionally invited to attend major international events or express his views on international hot events.

In 2022, after Finnish female Prime Minister Sanna Marin fell into the vortex of public opinion for "hot dancing videos" and "indecent photos of official residences", Hillary Clinton immediately exposed a nightclub photo of herself on Twitter to support the Finnish female prime minister.

Clinton quoted a catchphrase on Twitter, calling Marin to let her "keep dancing" and attaching a photo of herself dancing in a nightclub not long ago. Marin quickly replied: "Thank you, Hillary Clinton. ”

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

For Hillary's support, some Finnish netizens ridiculed on the Internet that the reason why Hillary would support Marin was because the two were female politicians with many gossip boyfriends, and this kind of solidarity was a "stinky likeness".

In the face of the ridicule of Finnish netizens, Hillary, who has always been high-profile, remained silent in a rare way. Turning around and heading to the United Arab Emirates, he attended the Forbes award ceremony and presented the award to the first lady of Ukraine, Orina.

At the award ceremony, 75-year-old Hillary presented the first lady of Ukraine with an award for Women's Day, and called the Ukrainian first lady Orina the first lady in the war, saying that since the war between Russia and Ukraine, Olina has shown great "bravery".

It can be seen from the report that Hillary wore a black suit with a young yellow shirt underneath it, and her mental state looked very good, not at all like a 75-year-old man.

In 2012, Hillary's aides broke the news that in retaliation for Clinton, Hillary's private life was equally chaotic

After returning to the United States from the United Arab Emirates, Hillary Clinton participated in a television talk show in the United States. Speaking on the show about former President Trump's second indictment, Clinton appeared happy, saying that Trump had entered "dangerous territory": "I think the best response for the public is to see how it [Trump's case] plays out and see what happens, right?" ”


Jing Chu Net: "Clinton and Hillary Hillary's love photo exposed, almost dug by a beautiful man"

Xinhuanet: "Clinton and Hillary: An Incredible Marriage"

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