
Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

1905 Movie Network Special Article Since "Nezha: The Devil Child Descends", the rise of national comics has officially been announced. Classical mythology, folklore, the four masterpieces... The theme of national comics is constantly innovating, and always takes the promotion of traditional culture as the ultimate goal. A series of domestic animations with different characteristics converge into a big river, flowing with the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.

On July 8, "Chang'an 30,000 Li" was released. As the first part of the new culture, "Chang'an 30,000 Li" carries out the literati story of the Tang Dynasty under the historical context. History, poetry, and verve together constitute Chang'an, which is 30,000 li long, and every step has new gains.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

In this way, 10,000 li, 10,000 li, let Xiaobian take everyone on this trip to the end of Sheng Tang's "10,000 li home"!

Chang'an 10,000 Li: History

Sheng Tang Reappearance · Suitable for all ages

● Historical facts

"Chang'an 30,000 Li" chooses a historical theme with almost zero threshold, and both men, women and children will feel familiar in the process of watching the movie. The movie involves well-known historical facts such as the Anshi Rebellion, the Battle of Tubo, and Yang Yiyi, as long as you mobilize the knowledge of middle school, you can easily open the door to "Chang'an 30,000 Li".

In the Anshi Rebellion, poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Gao Shi, and Wang Changling have had shocking life encounters, and the film also revolves around specific people and tells big history with small cuts.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

● Cities

True to its name, "Chang'an 30,000 Li" depicts Chang'an in a huge space. Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, was the largest city in the world at the time, gathering residents from all over the world. Chang'an was the dream city of literati, and when Li Bai was summoned to the court to make Hanlin offerings, his popularity rose in Chang'an, and he met He Zhizhang, who appreciated him, an old-timer who was more than forty years older than Li Bai.

Meng Haoran went to Chang'an to take the imperial examination at the age of 40, and when he participated in the joint poetry meeting in the Secretariat Province, he won the championship with the phrase "light clouds and light river han, loose raindrops and sycamores", and became famous in Chang'an...

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

Chang'an and Yangzhou were the most prosperous and prosperous cities in the world at that time. The movie's depiction of these cities' economic prosperity, cultural contention, and beautiful scenery instantly dragged the audience into the Tang Dynasty. Because of this, when we see the historical nodes of the Anshi Rebellion and the Tang Dynasty's transformation from prosperity to decline, we will lament and regret even more.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

Chang'an 20,000 Li: Poems

See Heaven and Earth · See all beings · See yourself

● Poetry

The opening of the film sets the tone: "In my Tang Dynasty, everyone from kings to peddlers and pawns could write poetry." "Tang poetry is not only the flow of national essence, but also helps us see heaven and earth and all living beings. Li Bai and Du Fu are the two peaks of Tang poetry with very different styles.

● See heaven and earth

Li Bai's poem "Seeing the Heaven and the Earth", which often focuses on the vast universe, human spirit and high fighting spirit, is deeply loved by young people.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

The film uses surreal techniques to express the artistic conception of "Will Enter the Wine". The "Chang'an 30,000 Li" project lasted three years, of which the production of the "Will Enter Wine" clip took two years. Li Taibai, Cen Fuzi, and Dan Qiusheng, these names living in legends and poems, rode the crane clouds together, saw the grand scenery of Chang'an, and shared full of pride.

● See all beings

Du Fu's poem "Seeing All Living Beings" cares about society, especially those little-known people. "New An Official", "Stone Trench Official", "Tongguan Official", "Newlyweded Farewell", "Homeless Farewell", "Farewell to the Elderly"... Du Fu used three officials and three farewells to tell the bitter tears of too many toiling people.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

Although many people may prefer Li Bai's ethereal dashing and Li Shangyin's lingering compassion when they are young, after people pass middle age, Du Fu's earnest words can resonate with us more.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

"Chang'an 30,000 Li" gives us the opportunity to understand Tang poetry with a new eye, and we continue to "see heaven and earth", "see all living beings" from the poem, and finally "see ourselves".

Chang'an 30,000 Li: God

See Heaven and Earth · See all beings · See yourself

● Shen Yun

The reason why the Great Tang is full of anger in Changhong lies in the word "Shen Yun".

Every poet uses his works, experiences and personality charm to provide us with spiritual sustenance.

● Li Du

Confucian culture emphasizes the golden mean, but Li Bai lived his life as "bohemian and freedom-loving" and lived his true self in social discipline.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

And Du Fu is the ultimate of "Confucianism", even if he is difficult and difficult, he has already "been cold as iron for many years, and the petite is lying down and cracking." The bedside room leaks nothing, and the rain feet are not broken", he still has a cold soldier in his heart, such an ambition to worry about the country and the people is also a profound example for modern people.

● Authentic

The portrayal of poets in "Chang'an 30,000 Li" tends to be secular and real, this is a person who has really existed in history, and their characters should not be based on stereotypes, but should use poetry as a ruler and historical facts as a reference.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

The pot-bellied Li Bai has a three-dimensional and full character, Geng Zhi and rigid Gao Shi has also been dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses and is happy to take revenge, and the Zen-filled Wang Wei also likes to make friends with booze talents. Only a true personality can convey the charm of one thousandth of the Great Tang.

Interpretation of "Chang'an 30,000 Li": A "Journey Home" About the Great Tang

"Chang'an 30,000 Li", what comes out is a strong feeling of home and country. Each poet has a different personality and a bad fate, but behind it are all deep responsibilities for his family and the world, and Li Min's life. The friendship between these talents has also become more brilliant because of poetry, and it has become more passionate than Jin Jian because of the turmoil of the times.

History, poetry and verve contain each audience's own philosophy of life. Behind the lofty spiritual outlook of the literati is the support of strong national strength. A thousand years later, it coincided with another prosperous era.

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