
Which is more nutritious, duck, goose or chicken? Who is not suitable for goose meat? After reading it, do you know that the injured person cannot eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? Which is more nutritious, goose, chicken or duck? Who can't eat goose meat?

author:Dr. Aihua talks

Introduction: Xiaolan usually loves to eat goose meat, and usually has to eat it once every three or five minutes. This time, shortly after she completed a small operation, she just wanted to eat some goose meat when she had an appetite, but she was severely rejected by her family, because they firmly believed that goose meat was a hair product and could not be eaten after the operation.

Xiaolan really did not believe such a statement, thinking that there was no scientific basis, after several attempts to persuade her family, Xiaolan also gave up, can only control her hunger for goose meat, while looking forward to the rapid recovery of the body.

Which is more nutritious, duck, goose or chicken? Who is not suitable for goose meat? After reading it, do you know that the injured person cannot eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? Which is more nutritious, goose, chicken or duck? Who can't eat goose meat?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > injured people can't eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? </h1>

Our parents and older people agree that foods like lamb, goose and seafood are hairy and should never be eaten by injured people. This statement has been passed down from generation to generation, as if it has become "science", and many people have subtly accepted this statement, and generally no one will question it.

However, I would like to tell you that there is no research data that can prove that the concept of "hair" is correct, there is no ancient and modern medical books that record the content related to hair, and there is no case that eating hair can affect wound recovery. When there is a physical injury, there are many factors that will affect the recovery of the wound, such as the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and their own physical condition, and people with poor physical fitness will not recover as quickly as others.

Which is more nutritious, duck, goose or chicken? Who is not suitable for goose meat? After reading it, do you know that the injured person cannot eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? Which is more nutritious, goose, chicken or duck? Who can't eat goose meat?

There is no evidence to prove that the wound is not good and eating hair, but the protein and vitamins contained in meat can promote the recovery of the body, the wound heals, the injured patient needs to supplement the protein during the recuperation period, and the doctor also recommends that the patient consume more protein to promote the recovery of the body. Take goose meat, for example, it is rich in protein, trace elements, and has a low fat content, which is very suitable for patients to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > goose, chicken and duck, which is more nutritious? </h1>

I believe that everyone has a long-standing question, who is more nutritious between chicken, duck and goose? There is no definitive answer to this question, as each has its own strengths. All three meats are rich in protein and are about the same. Chicken is relatively mild, has the effect of replenishing the essence and filling the pulp, nourishing and maintaining health, and people with symptoms of fatigue and thinness, lack of food, dizziness and palpitations are suitable for eating chicken.

Which is more nutritious, duck, goose or chicken? Who is not suitable for goose meat? After reading it, do you know that the injured person cannot eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? Which is more nutritious, goose, chicken or duck? Who can't eat goose meat?

Duck meat is relatively cold, and people with stomach pain, diarrhea, and dysmenorrhea are not suitable for eating duck meat. In addition, patients with uremia are best not to eat duck meat because it is rich in protein.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="10" >Who can't eat goose meat? </h1>

On weekdays, we can choose meat according to our needs and use the effects of the three meats mentioned above to condition our bodies. At the same time, it is also necessary to remember several people whose meat is not suitable.

Although meat is rich in nutrients, these people are best to eat less. Taking goose meat as an example, the first type of people are hypertension, hyperlipidemia patients, their blood is relatively thick, eating goose meat will promote blood pressure increase, usually eat goose meat to strictly control the amount. Then there are people with hot and humid and yang deficiency, and people with hot and humid constitutions themselves have yellow tongues and greasy tongues, which will be more serious after eating goose meat.

Which is more nutritious, duck, goose or chicken? Who is not suitable for goose meat? After reading it, do you know that the injured person cannot eat hair? Is goose meat really a hair product? Which is more nutritious, goose, chicken or duck? Who can't eat goose meat?

Conclusion: In ordinary life, we must choose meat that suits us and replenish the nutrients needed by the body. And about the "hair thing", this is nonsense, don't care, don't worry about this. Especially for patients and people who have just recovered their health, the body is in urgent need of nutrition and energy, and if you do not eat any meat, it will be harmful to the body and not beneficial. Everyone should look at things with a scientific eye, and do not "listen to the wind is rain."

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