
A glass of lemonade a day relaxes beauty and anti-aging

author:China Economic Net

Source: China Economic Network

A glass of lemonade a day to help you beautify your face and fight aging. Lemons are rich in bioclin C, which can make our skin whiter. Drinking lemonade can not only supplement vitamin C, but also beauty and skin care, enhance human immunity, and play an effective role in sterilization and anti-inflammatory. The benefits of lemonade are many, and the following is with the Life Channel of China Economic Network to understand.

A glass of lemonade a day relaxes beauty and anti-aging

Lowers cholesterol

Lemons are rich in citric acid, vitamin C and polyphenols. Polyphenols fight fatigue and lower lipids in the blood. When you regularly eat high-fat foods, high fat will form in the blood, and drinking warm lemonade is an easy way to lower cholesterol naturally.

Slows down the aging process

Drinking lemonade can slow down the aging process of the body. There is a polyphenol component in lemons, which is found in lemon juice and lemon peel, which can prolong lifespan.

Improves intestinal flora

Lemonade changes the intestinal environment and allows beneficial intestinal bacteria to multiply in large quantities. Drinking warm lemonade aids digestion and improves overall gut health. A healthy gut means you'll have less bloating and gas. When the digestive tract is working properly, it feels more energetic.

Helps muscle health and reduces inflammation

Drinking lemonade can slow down the decline of muscle tissue and help improve exercise. If you have been accustomed to adding lemon juice to your diet, you can also reduce inflammation in the body.

Reduces the chance of developing kidney stones

Staying hydrated is very important for preventing kidney stones, and if you already have kidney stones, it helps the body to clear them from the kidneys. Drinking citrus juices like lemons can stop the formation of kidney stones. Drinking lemonade every day can increase the amount of citric acid in the urine, which reduces the formation of kidney stones.

Helps prevent colds and promote recovery

When you have a cold, drinking warm lemonade can boost your body's immune system, so you'll feel better faster. Warm lemonade also dilutes the mucus in the nasal cavity to relieve nasal congestion. Vitamin C in lemonade can shorten the time of cold and relieve cold symptoms.

Relieves stress

Lemonade has a soothing citrus aroma that soothes the body and mind. Smelling citrus fruits relieves stress and makes attention more focused.

Relieves constipation

Acids in lemonade can stimulate the digestive system. Adding warm lemonade to your daily diet can give your intestines extra irritation and help relieve common digestive problems such as constipation. Lemons also contain fiber in the form of pectin, which also helps regulate the digestive system.

Keeps it hydrated

Drinking warm lemonade every day to keep your body well hydrated helps flush out toxins from the body and is good for heart and brain health. Staying hydrated is also good for muscle tissue and skin health.

Helps control weight

Drinking lemonade every day can boost metabolism, and a good metabolism can help lose excess weight.

Improves skin

Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges are rich in vitamin C and are a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants promote healthy skin and reduce wrinkles. Vitamin C promotes collagen formation and keeps skin soft and supple. Vitamin C also fights free radicals that are harmful to the body.

Should lemonade be drunk cold or hot?

In fact, whether it is hot lemonade or cold lemonade is good for the body. After comparison, the taste of hot lemonade is also more intense than that of cold lemonade. It works better if you heat lemonade while fighting respiratory infections.

So, how much is the temperature of hot lemonade appropriate? The Life Channel of China Economic Network found that the optimal temperature for brewing lemonade is about 60 degrees Celsius.

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