
After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

author:39 HealthNet

Ms. Yang, 63, of Hangzhou, is a patient with coronary heart disease with a medical history of 5 to 6 years. For a long time, Ms. Yang controlled her condition by taking antihypertensive drugs and aspirin, and the effect was not bad. Later, she heard her friends say that Sanqi is a miracle drug, which is very good for cardiovascular disease and can prevent cerebral infarction, so she bought Sanqi powder and medicine to eat.

After eating for half a month, Ms. Yang felt no discomfort, and considered that "Western medicine has side effects", so she stopped antihypertensive drugs and aspirin, and only ate three or seven powders.

She was glad she had found a good way to do it, and she also publicized it with her friends and family.

However, the good times did not last long, one morning a year later, Ms. Yang suddenly felt a whirlwind, chest pain, nausea after getting up, and then fainted on the ground, and was diagnosed with cerebral infarction after being sent to the hospital, and died.

After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > one, three seven powders to treat cardiovascular disease? Not very reliable</h1>

Sanqi, also known as Tian Qiqi or Ginseng Sanqi, is mainly produced in Guangxi and Yunnan, and the role first recorded in ancient medical works is to stop bleeding, especially for traumatic bleeding. Later studies found that the internal administration of panax notoginseng can inhibit the aggregation of platelets, and also expand the coronary arteries and increase the physiological activity of blood flow in the coronary arteries.

However, physiological activity does not mean that it can be treated, and there is no reliable clinical study to verify the treatment of hypertension with panax notoginseng.

In addition, the role of a single dose of Panax notoginseng is limited, and it is unrealistic to control high blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease by taking only Panax notoginseng. Experts suggest that for patients with cardiovascular disease, if you really want to take Sanqi, you need to at least take it with other cardiovascular drugs to play a therapeutic effect, and a single use of Sanqi cannot control the condition, which will aggravate the situation.

After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

In addition, Chinese medicine pays great attention to the right medicine, and the drug choices of different patients are different. Blindly taking Panax notch is not necessarily suitable for all patients. Some patients' condition has progressed, this time to use blood pressure, lipids, inhibit platelet aggregation drugs as soon as possible to effectively control, only take sanchi, may lead to the disease out of control, just like Ms. Yang.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > two or three seven are not "perfect."</h1>

Sanchi is not a panacea, let alone a health care product, it is a traditional Chinese medicine, which also has toxic side effects.

Studies have found that panax notoginseng saponins may cause systemic symptoms such as rash, headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, and hematuria. In addition, if taken with midazolam, nifedipine, cyclosporine A and other drugs, it is easy to cause these drugs to accumulate in the body, causing poisoning.

After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

In taking, because of the blood-breaking effect of Panax notoginseng, patients cannot take it after surgery. Moreover, sanchi is easy to hurt the stomach, and patients with chronic stomach diseases cannot take it for a long time. In addition, people with spleen and stomach deficiency, pregnant women, menstruating women, people with allergies to Sanqi, and people with colds and fevers can also not take Sanchi.

In the process of medication, panax not suitable for consumption with fava beans, fish and other foods.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier</h1>

The 2019 "China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report" shows that the number of cardiovascular disease cases in China continues to rise, and it is expected to reach 330 million people, of which hypertension is 245 million, lower limb arterial disease is 45.3 million, stroke is 13 million, coronary heart disease is 11 million, heart failure is 8.9 million, and the overall incidence is not optimistic.

In daily life, prevention should be strengthened, and doing a good job of lifestyle management is more effective than blindly using folk remedies.

1. Quit smoking

Statistics show that the smoking rate of residents over the age of 15 in China is 26.6%, and if it is not controlled, the number of deaths due to tobacco will reach 3 million by 2050. Widespread and effective smoking cessation measures can reduce the prevalence and mortality of cardiovascular disease.

After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

2. Reasonable meals

High salt intake is an important cause of cardiovascular disease, and the daily use of salt in Chinese households has reached 10.5 grams, which accounts for 17.3% of the relevant attribution of cardiovascular disease deaths. In addition to the high salt content, low fruit intake, low intake of aquatic products, low intake of nuts, low intake of whole grains, low intake of vegetables, this series of unreasonable dietary structures, have pushed up the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

The fundamental of a reasonable diet is that the intake of various nutrients should be balanced and reasonable.

3. Exercise appropriately

The average total activity of adults in China continues to decrease, and inactivity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease. In 2013, the medical expenditure of Chinese residents due to insufficient activity reached 4.86 billion US dollars, and for every 4 MET·h/day increase in physical activity, the risk of cardiovascular disease death was reduced by 12.0%. Therefore, moving is the best way to reduce risk! It is recommended to exercise at least 3 days a week for a total time of at least 150 minutes.

After drinking 1 year of 37 powder, the 63-year-old aunt died of a sudden cerebral infarction! Debunking rumors: Eat three seven powder to be cautious one, three seven powder to treat cardiovascular diseases? Not very reliable two, three seven is not "perfect" third, authoritative release: how to do, cardiovascular healthier

4. Control weight

In 2014, the overall examination rate of overweight and obesity among students aged 7-18 in China was 19.4%. In 2012, the overweight rate among adults over 18 years old was 30.1 percent and the obesity rate was 11.9 percent. In 2017, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease due to high body mass index was 590,000, and 13.5% of patients died because of excessive body mass index. Therefore, in life, early weight control is crucial for health.

On the whole, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to start from many aspects such as diet and exercise, and establish a good living habit, which is the basis and guarantee of good health.

#Breeze Plan ##39健康超能团 #


China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2019 released. Chinese Journal of Circulation, September 13, 2020

[2] Cardiovascular diseases should be used with caution. Shanghai Pharmaceutical News, August 25, 2018

[3] I always feel that antihypertensive drugs have side effects, can I drink antihypertensive tea?.Medical Community, 2019.5.3

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