
Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

author:Hangzhou Net
Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

After the launch of the report, Orange Persimmon Interactive received a total of 149 comments. On the official WeChat of The City Express, as of 14:42, a total of 88,000 readers were read.

Regarding this incident, today, I came to the Wansongling Tunnel again.

In the morning, I walked in from the entrance of Hangzhou Cancer Hospital with a camera on my back and happened to meet an auxiliary police officer who was on duty. We chatted a bit.

I asked him if he could take pictures inside the tunnel, and the auxiliary police said that the tunnel could not stay, just like the high-speed and fast lanes, the tunnel was for pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles, and motor vehicles to pass through.

He saw the camera on his back and took care of me, not to stop in the tunnel to take pictures.

The central control room of the Wansongling Tunnel of Hangzhou Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd. is located on the edge of the Wansongling Tunnel. This morning, many media also went to the interview.

Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

The big screen shows that the Wansongling Tunnel has been safely open to traffic for 5957 days. Central control administrator Pan Huiqin said:

From the management side, it is not allowed to stay in the tunnel to take pictures.

In recent times, there have been many people who have gone to the Wansongling Tunnel to punch in. There are four or five groups of people during the day, and there will be more people at night.

In terms of shooting time, people shoot shorter during the day and longer time at night.

The most dangerous thing she had ever seen was that there were two people on the sidewalk. The man runs in front and the woman chases in the back. Photographers are chasing pictures in non-motorized vehicles. When she saw it, she stopped their behavior. She told them that this was too dangerous, her life was not guaranteed, and that the tunnel manager was also responsible for what had happened.

Pan Huiqin said that during the day, tunnel managers would dissuade them from going down to the tunnel. In the evening, it will be dissuaded by radio. If the other person doesn't listen, keep playing the radio.

At about 8 o'clock last night, she found that someone inside the tunnel had taken pictures and dissuaded them through the radio.

Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

Filmed inside the tunnel, Pan Huiqin believes that there are dangers in these aspects:

There are curves in the tunnel, which is the place with the largest number of people punching in and taking pictures, and it is also the place where traffic accidents occur in the tunnel.

Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

At the mouth of the tunnel, the light will change. The driver's eyes can not adapt immediately, at this time if you cross the road, it will be easy to cause accidents.

Exhaust gas pollution. When the carbon monoxide concentration of the tunnel reaches a certain value, the wind machine in the tunnel is automatically turned on. Compared with other tunnels, the Wansongling Tunnel is relatively high, and the number of fans opened only two or three times a day. Although this indicates that the ventilation in the tunnel is better, the exhaust gas concentration is still higher than outdoors, and it will still cause images to the body for a long time in the tunnel.

As for why many people like to take pictures in the Wansongling Tunnel, Pan Huiqin said that after a long period of observation, she learned that it was because many people liked the lights inside the tunnel. In addition, the tunnel maintenance work is relatively good, the wall panel is cleaned once a week, the guardrail is also wiped once a day, it is very clean, and the photos taken are more beautiful.

Yesterday, there were many orange friends and fans of the official WeChat of the City Express, in the "Zhou Wansongling Tunnel, day and night, many people came to take wedding photos and photos... Some people even walked on the highway, too dangerous! "The next comment, we see, orange friends and fans, what to say:

@2761: Although the Wansongling Tunnel is dusky, quiet, and has a Wong Kar-wai-style shooting mood, is safety important or shooting important? Life is important or "emotions" are important, don't follow the trend of "Hanger's wind"!

@4329: The tunnel is so dangerous, how can a place with insufficient light be suitable for taking pictures? Are modern people so desperate in order to make the film look good? Watching someone take a good look at other aops, immediately go to the trend to punch the clock, personally feel that it is not necessary, after all, safety is the most important.

@ Jiangnan's little follower: A few months ago, I saw the first note on the Little Red Book, and I knew that this place would become the next Internet celebrity, and sure enough. Today's young people can't understand it, the space is blocked and the air is poor, there are still dangerous hidden dangers, and the films are the same, there is no feature, is it worth it?

@ Tang Tuan: A moment into the tunnel, a moment down the Qiantang River, in order to take pictures is really too desperate

@蘢荇天下: Inhaling exhaust, can you discharge a smile?! Also drunk

@ Love for life: Extremely irresponsible to yourself and others! It is hoped that relevant departments should pay attention to it!!!

@ Bugs: For the sake of eyeballs, for the sake of Internet celebrities, earn traffic, disregard safety to take pictures, harm others and harm themselves! Ridiculous, ignorant!

@Dawn VitaDolce: You can continue without a life, but don't hurt the driver!


There is also a photo studio, which also launched an exterior photo of the Wansongling Tunnel.

@ Qian Hong: On the weekend, I went to the studio to prepare for the wedding dress on location, and I saw that there was a Wansongling Tunnel, and I resolutely refused.

@Su Xiaoduo commented on the official WeChat of The City Express: Finally reported this, and the photo has lasted for almost 2 months. Before, every night I wanted to go through the tunnel to run by the West Lake, and I had to stop all the way, all the people taking pictures... I don't understand, the air is so bad, I'm wearing a mask and trying to run fast, they're still in it for so long...

In contact with "Su Xiaoduo", her family lives in Yanguan Lane, and in March and April this year, she will run by the West Lake almost every night. She said she saw many people taking pictures every time. Because it is running, it is necessary to pass on the pedestrian passage, coupled with the worry about the poor air in the tunnel, I want to pass quickly, but on the originally not wide pedestrian passage, there are many people taking pictures, and I have encountered boxes, clothes, photographic shelves, etc. piled on the pedestrian passage, and I can't pass.

Of course, there are also orange friends who think, "The photo is itself a sidewalk, if you don't go to the car lane, do you personally think it's okay?" ”

Then let's hear what the driver has to say.

@Aen sapphire stud earrings commented on the official WeChat of the City Express: Here is the tunnel, what park can be free to stay and take art photos. I also wanted to complain to the relevant departments yesterday, taking art photos in the tunnel, which seriously affects the safety of passing vehicles, diverts attention, and is very easy to cause traffic accidents.

I contacted "Aen Sapphire Stud Earrings" and he said that these days, because there are customers living in West Lake, he needs to pass through the Wansongling Tunnel every day to pick up customers. So almost every day he would see people taking pictures inside the tunnel.

"They take pictures in the tunnel, even if they are standing on the sidewalk, as a driver, it is impossible not to pay attention, sometimes there will be people posing, the driver's attention is easily attracted." It's not that I want to see it, it's the human instinct to see what's going on. Just last night, when I crossed the tunnel, I was distracted because I didn't notice that the car in front of me braked, and I slammed on the brakes and almost had an accident. ”

He also said that he had also encountered flashers, and had seen people who turned over the guardrail to meet on the opposite side... That's why Aen Sapphire Stud Earrings wanted to complain. He wanted to use Orange Persimmon Interactive and City Express to draw attention to it.

Wansongling Tunnel into an Internet celebrity punch point Is this really suitable for taking pictures?

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