
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and

author:User Changhe 9169

With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten professions that will gradually disappear:

1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and the application of automotive artificial intelligence technology, driverless technology will be gradually promoted, and cars will no longer need special drivers.

2. Farmers. With the development of modern agriculture and the increase of land circulation, rural land will gradually be concentrated in the hands of some large farming households, and the peasants in the original sense will no longer exist, and the large farmers will be called farmers, and other farmers, some of whom will go to the city to work and become industrial workers, and the other part will become shareholders or farm workers by investing in the land.

3. Postman. With the development of communication technology, people have become very convenient to communicate between different places, making a phone call or clockwork message, or even direct video chat, no longer need to exchange letters, therefore, the traditional sense of the postman has disappeared, replaced by the courier, but with the development of logistics sorting and distribution technology, couriers will also withdraw from the historical stage, replaced by community-based logistics distribution engineers.

4. Barber. With the development of science and technology and people's pursuit of personalized needs, people will customize a corresponding hairstyle for themselves with relevant software according to their preferences, and then use a hairstyle to sort out the hood, wear it on the head, including washing, trimming, styling, dyeing and other functions, can be solved with one click, no longer need to go to the barbershop to take care of it.

5. Chef. With the improvement of production intensification, all kinds of food and dishes that people need in the future will achieve factory production and industrial distribution, and people can order delicious dishes of major cuisines while sitting at home, and no longer need to go to restaurants to find special chefs to cook.

6. Film projectionist. With the upgrading of electronic products and the improvement of family housing conditions, people no longer need to go to the cinema to watch movies, and they can enjoy the same viewing effect in the cinema through projection, sound and 3D viewing equipment in their own homes. Even if there is a cinema, it is only a small private club theater.

7. Bathhouse. With the improvement of people's living standards and the increase of hygiene awareness, many people mixed bathing bathhouses will gradually withdraw from the historical stage, every household has new energy bathing equipment, not to mention hotels and inns, no one goes to the bathhouse to soak and rub their backs, and the relevant practitioners can only change careers.

8. Confinement sister-in-law. With the improvement of medical and health conditions and the decline of the birth rate, the conditions for female birth will be greatly improved, the country's attention and care for mothers and newborns will be further increased, and relevant welfare and incentive policies will be introduced, and medical staff will care for the baby until the full moon before being discharged, so confinement sisters-in-law will have no place to play.

9. Letter clerk. With the application and popularization of electronic payment systems, as well as the promotion of automated ticketing systems, the work of conductors will become dispensable. In the past, there would be a conductor on the bus and shuttle, but now this job has almost been replaced by automatic ticket vending machines, and after the popularization of ETC in recent years, even toll collectors on the highway have lost their jobs. Ordinary employees at bank windows have also lost their original "value", people do not need to go to the bank to transfer money and withdraw money, and business can be completed on mobile phones or ATMs.

10. Foreign language translation. With the improvement of people's education level and the application of intelligent translation software, professional translators will gradually lose their original scarcity. In the past, learning foreign languages as a translator seemed to be a very popular profession, but with the emergence of intelligent translation equipment and programs, the job of professional translation has also lost its original "irreplaceable" value, and it is only a matter of time before unemployment is lost.

Do you agree with the above? What other professions do you think are about to disappear? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate. (Image source network, if invaded and deleted)

With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and
With the advancement of science and technology and the development of society, ten occupations that will gradually disappear: 1. Car driver. With the development of global satellite positioning and navigation technology, as well as the improvement of road facilities and

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