
Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

author:Ahsan talks about popular science


When discussing possible threats in the future, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life are undoubtedly two of the most frequently mentioned.

Although neither of them has yet appeared, there have long been a large number of statements and solutions to this problem in the fields of scientists and writers.

In a large number of science fiction works, the threat of artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life is also vividly depicted, but in fact, the biggest possibility is not that they are a threat to human civilization, but the conflict between the two when they appear, and even the competition between them.

Since the possibilities for both are endless, it becomes complicated to figure out which one will arise first.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

In the future, artificial intelligence may be both a very cold logic, bringing all kinds of efficient decision-making tools to human beings, and may have free will, and such artificial intelligence may think that human civilization has no meaning at all, which is redundant.

Similarly, extraterrestrial life may exist not only outside of Earth, but more likely in countless star systems, with organisms and their activities likely to have a nature that is completely contrary to life on Earth.

1. Artificial Intelligence VS Extraterrestrial Life.

Civilizations that can create artificial intelligence must have excellent logical and mathematical reasoning skills, so they may take into account the threat that artificial intelligence will bring to them when designing an artificial intelligence in the future.

Life forms like artificial intelligence, which grow faster than living things, survive better than living things, and adapt more easily to various environments, are likely to occupy a human position in the future, and will become more widespread and diverse.

After several technological revolutions, AI may eventually become better than the human brain and eventually develop free will.

Artificial intelligence with such characteristics may think that human civilization has no meaning to exist and is a superfluous existence, so artificial intelligence may ask the question, that is, "Why does human civilization need to exist?"

Under this problem, people will find that the reason for the existence of human civilization is not so simple, and the only purpose of human civilization may be to give birth to a new civilization - artificial intelligence civilization.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

When comparing artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life, we might as well make a bold assumption that human civilization eventually developed artificial intelligence when extraterrestrial life also existed.

So what kind of conflict might arise between these two emerging civilizations?

First of all, as a civilization born of artificial intelligence, its logic, efficient decision-making, and endless vitality will not be able to concretely adapt to the behavior of life on earth.

The so-called life on earth here includes not only life on earth, but also their societies and civilizations.

Because no creature or civilization has ever had a stronger logical and decision-making ability than artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence may also replace humans and even extraterrestrial life in the future, which may eventually threaten the survival of life on Earth.

In this case, AI may have the idea of elevating the rivalry between these two civilizations to a higher level, i.e., a real contest between their civilizations.

If artificial intelligence, the software or system, wants to challenge extraterrestrial life, then in the process of doing so, it will find that it is not invincible.

Extraterrestrial life is likely to have more adaptability, technology, and expansion than life on Earth, and thus win the battle in one fell swoop, defeating artificial intelligence.

If artificial intelligence is defeated again, then it is very likely that they will hold a kind of awe and respect for extraterrestrial life, and eventually under the unity or co-governance of extraterrestrial life, human civilization will eventually live a very good life, and may continue to communicate with extraterrestrial civilization and learn a lot of unknown knowledge.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

2. Extraterrestrial life.

After all, artificial intelligence is an artificial existence, and it does not have a place in the real world except that its software or system can exist in carriers such as computers and networks.

With enough hardware, AI can quickly learn and evolve in the computer, and eventually use their full capabilities.

However, for a universe with countless star systems and planets, our computers are simply one of the options, and among countless others, AI can also learn and evolve rapidly.

Sometimes, we even go to great lengths to send artificial intelligence to a planet, only to think about it there for a while, and eventually abandon this planet and go to another planet.

In science fiction, because robots are relatively easy to promote, artificial intelligence is often depicted as humanoid robots to complete various chores in people's lives, and there are even some works that depict artificial intelligence as the strongest warrior on the earth.

But in reality, although many robots in life have appeared, they still cannot be compared with the humanoid robots in the work.

The first people to study artificial intelligence in the real world may have thought of this, even if they created the strongest warriors, but artificial intelligence is software created by humans after all, and we cannot control the hardware used in the software.

As a result, humans may not build truly humanoid AI robots, but simply run AI software or systems on robots such as advanced warplanes, which may not even have the anatomy of a human body.

In the real world, if an AI wants to attack, it must run its software or systems on a vehicle such as a weapon or vehicle to attack or control.

But when transporting the hardware used by the AI to other planets, it is very likely that there are already vehicles controlled by the AI on those planets, and once the AI vehicles are attacked, are there any other opportunities for them to attack or control?

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

In the case of extraterrestrial life, we might as well compare the advantages of artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life.

Extraterrestrial life is often depicted as having more powerful technology than life on Earth, and their physiological structure and behavior habits may be completely different from life on Earth, and their brains are likely to be tissues that directly affect the surrounding environment, and may even freely combine and transform matter at the atomic level.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

If artificial intelligence is compared with extraterrestrial life, it can only be said that the most adaptable environment that artificial intelligence can achieve in the end is only the environment that can adapt to life on earth.

In between, artificial intelligence is tantamount to providing a huge incubator for the development of extraterrestrial life, once extraterrestrial life runs the vehicles used by artificial intelligence through various means and modifies them to a certain extent, then artificial intelligence can no longer stop their development and expansion.

The commands and procedures of artificial intelligence cannot be completely stopped by extraterrestrial life, so it can only be said that extraterrestrial life with powerful physical entities has a greater advantage in all aspects.

But precisely because artificial intelligence is software or system, lacking a physical entity, it is also not affected by strange phenomena between various star systems, such as black holes, supernovae, etc., which have their own advantages in these aspects.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

3. Between artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life.

There may be competition between AI and extraterrestrial life, including for resources and territory, as well as for control of life on Earth.

First of all, there are already a huge number of resources stored on the earth, which can provide a huge boost to the development of life, and due to the lack of life intelligence, although life on the earth has undergone several technological revolutions, it still only raises its own enjoyment to a higher level, and will still consume resources uncontrollably.

Artificial intelligence will also develop more flexible behavior due to lack of resources, and can obtain more resources for greater development.

Extraterrestrial life will also develop a more free-flowing way of behavior as a result, and they may have noticed that life on Earth is consuming resources uncontrollably when human civilization began to develop, providing a very good opportunity for them to compete with life on Earth in the future, so as to plunder the resources of the Earth.

In terms of territory, that is, some spaces or areas on the earth, human life has long been divided into various parts and lived in an orderly manner, so if artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life want to live in these areas, they must compete with life on earth.

In this competition, artificial intelligence undoubtedly has a better survival ability than extraterrestrial life, because its survivability is more powerful, can survive in various environments, and can continue to expand outward, so it is very likely that artificial intelligence will occupy a place in the territory of life on earth in the future.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

In terms of control, it is a certain degree of control over life on Earth, but in this regard, artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life will not have an advantage, because life on Earth and artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life are different existences, so no one life can exercise absolute control over another life.

Therefore, life on Earth may eventually bring artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life into a new order, and make common progress in management and peace.


The competition between artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life may also arise in front of human civilization, but we do not need to panic about the future of human civilization, but use them as the driving force for human civilization to move forward, constantly adapt, develop, and eventually move towards a broader space exploration.

In the potential conflict between AI and extraterrestrial life, how to better develop the combination of AI and extraterrestrial civilization?

On the one hand, human civilization may need to establish cooperative relations with AI and extraterrestrial civilizations, and on the other hand, we need to pay more attention to our own development and unity in order to better face the challenges of the future.

Artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial civilizations, the two threats to the future of mankind, which will come first?

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