
The remnants of the Three Kingdoms and two Jin Dynasties in Shaanxi Province

author:Qin Gong

More than 400 relics of the Three Kingdoms and two Jin Dynasties in Shaanxi have been found, far less than those of the Qin, Han, and Sui and Tang dynasties before and after them. The distribution of remains is also very uneven, with southern Shaanxi being the largest, accounting for about 48% of the total, and Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi accounting for 43% and 9% respectively. The main reason for this is the stagnation of productive forces and the sharp decline in population caused by the division and war in this period, which reflects the corresponding reduction in the number and scale of various remains of human activities. On the other hand, it may be related to the fact that the culture at that time was in the transitional stage between the Qin and Han dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties, there were relatively few typical sites and tombs officially excavated, and the connotation and sequence of archaeological culture were not completely clear and difficult to confirm.

  The remains of this period in Shaanxi mainly include city sites, temple ruins, tombs, grotto temples, statues, inscriptions and cultural relics excavation sites, and tombs and statues are the bulk. Compared with the previous generation, it is characterized by many ruins (such as city sites) that highlight military needs, reflect the cultural integration between various ethnic groups, and buddhist relics (temple ruins, statues, etc.) are more numerous.

  Nearly 20 city sites have been found, mainly concentrated in northern Shaanxi, and the more famous ones are the Ancient City of Dailai, Tongwancheng and Fenglin. Dailai Ancient City was built in former Qin, song, Jin, Western Xia used to use the military town, the city wall on all sides of the fortified gate, urn city, corner tower, horse noodles and horse road. The capital of Bactria was the largest city site in the province during this period. The east and west walls of Waiguocheng are 5 kilometers apart, the rammed walls are fine and hard, 2 to 10 meters high, and the width plus the horse surface is 30 meters, two of which are built into strange hollow storage buildings. There are architectural pedestals about 10 meters high in the city, and there are patterned square bricks and large tiles nearby, which may be the ruins of the palace of Bactria. The walls of the ancient city of Fenglin in Bactria are "as tight as stone, and when chiseled, they are fired", and "the horse face is extremely long and dense", which is as strong as the Tongwan City.

  There are also more temple ruins from this period. During the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Buddhist temple was widely cultivated in the former sites of Han Chang'an City and Qin Afang Palace, and over the years, stone Buddha statues and sutra blocks have been excavated many times in the temple site. In the 1980s, more than 10 statues of northern Wei, western Wei and northern Zhou were excavated in the two temple sites in Yaoxian and Luochuan.

  The tombs of the Three Kingdoms and two Jin Dynasties in Shaanxi are roughly divided into the following four periods:

  Three Kingdoms period: mainly Shu tombs, mainly distributed in the Hanzhong region. Among them, in addition to the famous tomb of Marquis Zhuge Wu and the tombs of Ma Chao and Zhang Ling, a number of brick chamber tombs and earth pit tombs have also been found. Among the 4 brick chamber tombs excavated at the Old Dao Temple in Mianxian County, there are two kinds of single chambers and front and rear chambers, the largest single chamber tomb chamber is more than 8 meters long; the relics produced are more important than green glazed pottery ponds, paddy fields, pond models and Shu coin transmission five baht. The single-room brick tomb of the Shu kingdom in Chenggu Baoshan unearthed more than 300 Shu coins "Dingping One Hundred". The Wei tombs of the Three Kingdoms are found sporadically only in the Guanzhong and Ankang regions, and like the Shu tombs, most of these tombs are the same as the tombs of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and are not easily distinguished.

  Western Jin Dynasty: Only a few are found in Guanzhong and southern Shaanxi. A sloped tomb of king Nanli of Chang'an, the second patio cave tomb, is the only Western Jin Dynasty tomb with a patio found so far. The 5 Western Jin Dynasty tombs excavated by King Tianwang of Baqiao in Xi'an are all slope tombs and cave tombs, which are divided into two types: single chamber and double chamber. One of the tombs is painted with a map of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, and the book has the words "Yuankang Four Years (294) Underground Beidou", which is rarely seen in tombs in the same period.

  Sixteen Kingdoms Period: Preliminary judgments include the Yongyuan Tomb (Baishui), the tomb of Former Qin Liu Yao (Bin County), the tomb of Dou Tao (Fufeng), the tomb of Yao Cangyuan of Later Qin, the tomb of Yao Xingyi (Gaoling) of Gaozu, the tomb of Helian Bobo of Great Xia (Yanchuan), etc., and very few tombs have been officially excavated.

  Southern and Northern Dynasties period: more discoveries and excavations. According to the region, it can be divided into two categories: Northern Dynasty tombs (including some Northern Wei tombs in the Sixteen Kingdoms period) and Southern Dynasty tombs.

  Northern Dynasty tombs: mainly distributed in central and eastern Guanzhong, and only sporadic discoveries in southern Shaanxi and northern Shaanxi. On a larger scale, there are the Northern Wei Hongnong Yang Family Cemetery (Huayin), the Western Wei Wen Emperor Yong Mausoleum (Fuping), the Northern Zhou Wen Emperor Cheng Mausoleum (Fuping) and the Wu Emperor Xiaoling (Xianyang). The excavated double-chamber brick tomb of The Western Wei Dynasty in The Cui Jiaying of Hanzhong has unearthed more than 70 pottery figurines with various ethnic images, which is more important. More than 20 Northern Dynasty tombs excavated in Xianyang and Chang'an are divided into three categories: vertical pit tombs, slope tombs and brick chamber tombs. Some of the cave tombs have patios or are painted with frescoes, and one of the cavernous earthen walls with patio tombs is carved with houses and four-A-style pavilion models, which are only seen in Northern Dynasty tombs. The burial items of this batch of tombs are most characterized by the ox cart and the travel ceremonial figurines around the ox cart, and it is also one of the broken evidence of the tomb at that time. A number of epitaphs of Yuwen Jian, Tuoba Hu, Wei Gou and others have also been unearthed in the two cemeteries, providing a credible basis for the staging of tombs in the Northern Shaanxi Dynasty. The Northern Zhou Xiaoling Tomb excavated in 1994 is shaped as a five-courtyard single-chamber earthen cave tomb on a sloped tomb, which is basically the same as the Sui and Tang tombs of the same kind. The tomb was destroyed by theft. Precious cultural relics such as imperial tombs, bronze mirrors, copper belts, pottery figurines, and jade bi are still unearthed, which are important objects for the study of the history of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

  Southern Dynasty Tombs: A total of more than 140 sites have been found, accounting for more than one-third of the total remains of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in the province, and the vast majority of them are concentrated in the Ankang area, which is basically under the jurisdiction of the Southern Dynasty and relatively stable in Guanzhong. These tombs are mainly small and medium-sized single-chamber brick tombs, the large surface of the tomb bricks is generally molded with treasure flowers, and the sides are decorated with diamonds, leaf veins, honeysuckle, water waves or human patterns; some tomb bricks have the chronology of the Song, Qi, Liang and other dynasties. Brick inscriptions such as "Big Bull", "Middle Axe" and "Sharp Axe" were also found on some bricks. Typical burial items include celadon pots, pan four-series pots, bowls, clay pots and various types of figurines. A brick tomb with an ear chamber in Ankang Changling unearthed 65 pieces of dance figurines, and the characters were divided into drumming, blowing, singing, dancing, etc., with vivid and vivid images and high value.

  The grotto temples, cliff statues and statues that were created in the Southern and Northern Dynasties are also an important part of the remains of this period. At this time, the grotto temples were mainly distributed in Yijun, Ansai, Huangling, Ganquan and other places in northern Shaanxi, and the statues were mainly concentrated in the Weibei area of Guanzhong centered on Yao County. The inscriptions and cliffs of the Three Kingdoms and the Two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties have also increased significantly compared with the Qin and Han dynasties, and the famous Cao Wei "Li BaotongGe Dao Inscription" of the Hanzhong Stone Gate, the Northern Wei "Shimen Ming" Moya, as well as the Cao Wei "Three-Body Stone Classic" remnant stone in Guanzhong, the Former Qin "Guangwu General Great-Grandson Monument", the "Deng Taiwei Ancestral Monument", and the Northern Wei "Huifu Temple Stele" are all treasures of calligraphy art in this period.

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