
Mark Zuckerberg responded to Elon Musk saying he was "ready to have a cage fight with Zuckerberg": "Send me the location." Musk said: "Las Vegas octagon," and "I."

author:Beacon spread the military situation

Mark Zuckerberg responded to Elon Musk saying he was "ready to have a cage fight with Zuckerberg": "Send me the location."

Musk said: "Las Vegas octagon," and "I have a great move that I call 'walrus,'" lying on your opponent and doing nothing. ”

It's all hype. Make hot spots without hot spots.

Mark Zuckerberg responded to Elon Musk saying he was "ready to have a cage fight with Zuckerberg": "Send me the location." Musk said: "Las Vegas octagon," and "I."
Mark Zuckerberg responded to Elon Musk saying he was "ready to have a cage fight with Zuckerberg": "Send me the location." Musk said: "Las Vegas octagon," and "I."
Mark Zuckerberg responded to Elon Musk saying he was "ready to have a cage fight with Zuckerberg": "Send me the location." Musk said: "Las Vegas octagon," and "I."

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