
Wu Shu: Absolute sincerity defends China

author:Bright Net

【Genealogy of Heroes and Martyrs for National Rejuvenation】

Nanjing, 12 Jun (Xinhua) -- In Dawu Village, Xin'an Town, Guannan County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, there are three main houses and two side houses, and only one photograph of Wu Shu, a martyr who died on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, is the former residence of Wu Shu. Immediately next to the former residence, on the third floor of the original site of Wushu Primary School and the current office of the village department of Dawu Village, there is a Wushu Memorial Hall, which preserves the items used by Wu Shu during his lifetime and the books introducing Wu Shu's life and deeds.

Wu Shu: Absolute sincerity defends China

Wu Shu is like Xinhua News Agency

Wu Shu was born in 1916 to a peasant family in Guanyun County (now Guannan County). In 1930, Wu Shu was admitted to the normal class of the provincial Lianyungang Fisheries School, and after graduation, he served as the principal of the primary school.

In February 1939, Wu Shu joined the Communist Party of China. In April 1939, the anti-Japanese forces around Dongguanshu (i.e., Donghai, Guanyun, and Shuyang) were reorganized into the Third Regiment of the Longhainanjin Guerrilla Detachment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army, with Wu Shu as an instructor of the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment. In July 1939, after the leader of the Third Regiment, Tang Shuhong, was murdered by the Kuomintang reactionaries, the Three Regiments were forced to evacuate Dongguanshu, and Wu Shu led his troops to march west with the regiment.

After the withdrawal of the three regiments, the counter-revolutionary arrogance of the Kuomintang diehards and reactionary landlords was extremely arrogant, and most of dongguanshu was shrouded in white terror. On the way west, the higher-level party organization sent Wu Shu back to Guanyun to lead the struggle against the enemy. After returning to Guanyun, in the face of white terror and chaos, Wu Shu firmly carried out the party's instructions and actively carried out work, and later served as the secretary of the Guanyun County Party Committee. In January 1940, Wu Shu used various relationships to unite all strata of society and established an anti-Japanese brotherhood of more than 30 people.

In August 1940, the main force of the Eighth Route Army advanced into the Huaihai area. Wu Shu seized this opportunity and led the local anti-Japanese armed forces to form a coastal brigade, and Wu Shu served as the political commissar of the brigade. In April 1945, Wu Shu was transferred to the political commissar of the Second Regiment of the Independent Brigade of the Newly formed Third Division of the New Fourth Army. In the winter of the same year, Wu Shu moved to the northeast and began a combat career in the northeast.

In 1947, Wu Shu served as the director of the political department of the 117th Division, and after the Pingjin Campaign, he led his troops to the south, from Hebei to Hubei, from Hunan to Guangxi, achieving countless battle victories and ushering in the liberation of New China.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in 1950, Wu Shu's unit rushed to the front line of battle. He led his troops to the first, second, and third campaigns, destroying a large number of enemies. In February 1951, the fourth campaign began, and Wu Shu's unit was tasked with cutting off the enemy's escape route behind enemy lines. On the night of February 10, 1951, the troops were blockaded by the enemy air, and the enemy planes frantically dropped bombs. Wu Shu was unfortunately injured, and finally due to his injuries, the rescue was ineffective, and he sacrificed his life at the age of 35.

Nowadays, in Dawu Village, whenever the Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan Festival and other festivals, local villagers will carry out commemorative activities to commemorate Wushu. "Comrade Wu Shu's unswerving revolutionary conviction, his work style of caring for the masses, his revolutionary spirit of exemplary implementation of the party's instructions and selfless work, and his lofty virtue of having the courage to dedicate himself to the Chinese revolution and the world revolution will always remain in our hearts and inspire us to advance." Wu Shigang, director of the village committee of Dawu Village, said.

Guangming Daily ( 2019-06-13 04 edition)

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