
Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

author:Small orchids raise flowers and plants


Soon to enter March, many flowers are in the season that can be sown, as a small editor engaged in garden work, today I will continue to introduce you to the home breeding method of garden flowers. Today's protagonist is zinnia, also known as zinnia, is a more commonly used flower plant in our garden landscaping, it is an annual erect herb, the height can exceed 1 meter, the flowers bloom in summer and autumn every year, up to 4 months, bright and rich flowers.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

Growth habits:

Zinnias like a warm and sunny growing environment, but they are afraid of particularly high hot weather and cold tolerance, but they are very drought-tolerant, and the most suitable temperature for its growth is about 15-28 degrees. Like to grow in fertile and loose soil, in the northern region of the mainland to grow better, a wide variety, our family potted plant maintenance Xiaobian recommends planting varieties with relatively short plant types, more branches after flowering is better ornamental.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

The most common propagation method of zinnias is sowing seeds, and the sowing time is generally in spring and autumn, spring sowing is acceptable throughout the season, and autumn sowing is recommended from late summer to early to mid-autumn. The following small series will introduce the sowing method of zinnia in detail:

1. Planting method

【Soil treatment】

In fact, like the general suitable for large-scale planting of flowers in the garden are not very strict soil requirements, the general soil can be planted, but if you want zinnia to grow more rapidly, robust, bloom more, you need fertile and loose soil is better, but also to ensure that the drainage performance is relatively high. It is recommended to use a mixture of saprophyll soil, garden soil and perlite, the ratio is generally 3:2:1, or a mixture of saprophyll soil, peat soil and river sand, the ratio is the same as above. After the soil is configured, you must first fry to kill the insect eggs and weed seeds in the soil, of course, if there are no frying conditions, you can also mix some insecticides when mixing the soil, and then use fungicides when sowing seeds later.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

【Seed treatment】

In addition to the soil needs to be sterilized and insecticidal, seeds must also be disinfected, and the fungicides we commonly use to disinfect are potassium permanganate, carbendazim and so on, with multiples of about 500-800 times. First select the plump flower seeds and then soak them in the fungicide, the time is preferably about 20-30 kinds, and then take out the natural drying, and the soaked fungicide solution is reserved for watering the soil after sowing.

【Sowing method】

After treating the seeds and soil according to the above method, the flower friends can start sowing the seeds. Sowing can be done in a seedling tray or directly in a large pot and then transplanted later.

Sowing with a seedling tray recommends using a seedling tray with larger holes, filling the tray with a mixed substrate of 2:1 peat and perlite. Then after watering the substrate with a fungicide solution, put the seeds in the cave tray, one by one, and then cover with a layer of vermiculite, use a watering can to spray the vermiculite and then cover the lid and place it in a cool and ventilated place to wait for germination, during which to ensure that the dish is not dry.

If you use a large pot to broadcast live, you can first lay small pebbles on the bottom of the pot to make a drainage layer, and then fill it with the treated soil substrate. The height is about 8 full, after a few shocks and compactness, you can sow the flower seeds 3-4 cm apart in the pot, and sprinkle a layer of fine soil on the surface, the thickness should not exceed 1 cm. The last step is to evenly moisten the soil substrate in the pot with a fine-hole shower, cover it with plastic wrap or put on a plastic bag to germinate. As long as the temperature is around 20 degrees, it can germinate in about 10 days and remove the lamination.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

【Transplanting pots】

After the zinnias are sown, depending on the variety, the fastest flowering takes 1 and a half months, and the slow one takes 2 and a half months. After germination, you can gradually increase the light, at the beginning the seedlings are still small to avoid direct strong light, you can see the scattered light, and keep the soil slightly moist, and wait until the seedlings grow to about 5 cm can be transplanted.

If the seedling tray is sown, it can be changed to a pot of about 10-12 cm, and the potting soil can be in accordance with the configuration introduced earlier, after filling the soil, dig a hole in the middle, and dig out the seedlings in the seedling tray together with the soil and plant them in the pot. Then pour with rooting water, slow the seedlings in a well-ventilated place for a few days before seeing the light to cure.

For direct planting in large pots, the prepared small pots are also filled with soil and then dug pits, the difference is that the relatively thin seedlings in the large pots are dug out together with the soil and planted into new pots. Then, the same is poured with rooting water, and the seedlings enter the normal maintenance link after slowing down.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

2. Daily maintenance

In fact, the flower planting methods for seed sowing are similar, and basically all others can be operated smoothly. The most important thing is the daily maintenance after sowing. If the daily maintenance is not careful, the successful planting of seedlings will still die. The following is an introduction to the conservation method:

【Light, temperature】

Zinnias like sufficient light environment, but do not like the summer high temperature period of too strong direct light, daily maintenance is best to ensure its daily light conditions of about 10-12 hours, if the sunshine conditions can not be reached, the plant is easy to grow, resulting in thin branches can not flower. Therefore, it is best to keep it in a place with the best light conditions at home. However, it is best not to exceed 12 hours of light, too long light time will delay the flowering period, and florists who want to enjoy the flowers early will have to wait for nearly 1 month.

To grow well and ensure that the maintenance temperature is appropriate, its favorite temperature range is about 15-28 degrees, and it can withstand temperatures up to 30 degrees in summer, and shade is required for higher temperatures. Summer is also the time when it grows most vigorously, so potted maintenance It must pay attention to frequent ventilation and cooling, because it will gradually wither and die soon after autumn seeding, so there is no need to explain the winter maintenance temperature, after all, it is an annual flower.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

【Watering, fertilizer】

Zinnia is drought-tolerant, and there are everywhere on the side of the road in northern Anhui, and there is no one to manage to water or something, just rely on heaven to raise, and the flowers are just as splendid. Therefore, our family is more worry-free in watering when feeding, as long as the soil in the pot is still wet, there is no need to water, and the soil will not die if there is some moisture in the soil. Each watering time is when the soil is almost dry. The pot can be soaked and watered, and the surface of the potting soil is moist, and then the bottom of the pot is drained and then placed on a tray for maintenance. Except for rainy weather that requires shelter and postponement of watering time, watering at other times is good when it is dry or wet.

If you apply fertilizer, you can add some slow-release fertilizer to the bottom of the pot when transplanting the pot, because the pot is relatively small, so you don't need to add too much. Water and fertilizer can be replenished about 1 week after changing pots to live, at this time zinnia is in the plant growth period, fertilizer should be based on high nitrogen, it is best to use rotten cake fertilizer water, diluted to about 1000 times. Use once every 15 days until the bud gestation period stops.

Then once the buds appear, they can be changed to potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to spray and irrigate the roots, the concentration dilution ratio is the same, the frequency is almost once every 10 days, and you can stop fertilizing after seeing the color of the buds. After a round of flower residues, prune off the residual flowers and continue to spray 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, and can bloom one after another. After the flowering period is all over, apply a three-element balanced compound fertilizer, about 2 grams, to restore the plant to strength and breed seeds.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

【Hearttopping, pests and diseases】

Potted zinnias use dwarf plant types, there will be more branches, and the flowering will naturally be more. Florists combine pickings during maintenance to make zinnias bloom full of pots. After transplanting, it can be picked, and the most common method is to pinch off the top 2 cm to promote the growth of more side branches in the axillary buds. When the newly germinated side branches have grown to almost 6 cm, you can pick the heart again, and follow this method 3 times to achieve the effect of blooming and bursting pots.

In terms of diseases, it is mainly caused by not paying attention to maintenance details such as environmental ventilation and rain protection. Everyone must develop the habit of protection over treatment, like Xiaobian, daily pots are placed at a distance, and try to put flowers of the same variety in one place for maintenance; Pay attention to keep the environment ventilated and smooth, shade in summer, and put the pot on the flower stand with a height greater than 20 cm from the ground to maintain; If it rains, remove the tray and cover it on consecutive rainy days, which basically reduces the chance of many pests and diseases. Finally, spray fungicides such as manganese zinc and chlorothalonil every 10-15 days for prevention. The flowers of the editor's family have always been raised like this, and basically they have never been sick.

Zinnia, more beautiful than sunflowers, carefree maintenance, the more pruned the flowers, the more easily fill the pot

Summary: Zinnia is a very well-bred and varied, brightly colored flower, which is widely used in northern gardens. As long as you pay attention to maintaining a warm and well-lit environment, do not accumulate water, prune frequently, and combine appropriate fertilization with proper fertilization, you can continue to bloom.

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