
Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

author:Zhang Jianjun 176101937
Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Chairman Mao attached great importance to studying the peasant uprising led by Li Zicheng, and he once earnestly taught the whole party: We will not be Li Zicheng!

Why did Li Zicheng fail? Look at the interpretation of the literary master Yao Xueyu in Huanghuang's huge work "Li Zicheng".

"Li Zicheng" has a total of five volumes of more than three million words, for many people, the most familiar may be the first three volumes, the last two volumes due to the sudden rise of the "imperial novel", the theme of peasant uprising was marginalized, so that the fourth and fifth volumes of "Li Zicheng" are rarely asked.

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Although many people have not completed the reading of "Li Zicheng", this does not prevent them from attacking Yao Xueyan and his works in groups, which is related to the reversal, restoration, and resurgence of the cultural world, and is also inseparable from the "villain" quality of some people.

The largest part of the controversy over Li Zicheng stems from the second volume of the novel, which won the "First Mao Dun Literature Award" and the "Collection of Seventy Literary Works in New China in the 70 Years". The main content of the volume is that Li Zicheng persevered after the great defeat of The Great Defeat in Tongguan Nanyuan, exerted great efforts to govern, raised the banner of righteousness again at Shangluo Mountain, and finally broke Luoyang and killed the Fu King, pushing the peasant war at the end of the Ming Dynasty to a climax. It was the vigorous praise of the peasant uprising that attracted siege and insults from unscrupulous and ignorant elements. They said that Yao Xueyu was a "royal literati", "Li Zicheng" was "literature under orders", "the old eighth team became the Eighth Route Army", "Lady Gao was too tall", and "the old gods and immortals were too god". In short, from the theme of the work to the shaping of the characters, "Li Zicheng" is useless.

Here, in addition to the problems of ideological understanding and personal qualities, we cannot help but ask: Li Zicheng wrote five volumes, have you read them? What's the blind spray?

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Li Zicheng led a peasant uprising for more than ten years, numbering up to a million, and finally overthrew the Ming Dynasty, which was not inferior to Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang, and he was worthy of being a hero and a good man. The second volume of the novel summarizes and refines Li Zicheng's heroic qualities, which is completely in line with historical facts and the laws of literary creation.

But the whole "Li Zicheng" is a big tragedy after all, Yao Lao did not avoid historical facts, he wanted to write about the failure of heroes and the heroes of failure. From the third volume onwards, the tragic atmosphere of the novel has become more and more intense, such as the siege of Kaifeng, hundreds of thousands of people are in deep trouble, Hui Mei was forced to marry Yuan Shizhong, and finally killed her husband and then committed suicide, but in the magnificent tide of uprising, there are hidden tragedies one after another, and Yao Lao's superb literary works make the majority of readers unbearable to read.

The most valuable thing is that in the fourth and fifth volumes, Yao Lao, with the height of Knowledge and artistic skill of Xingyue, profoundly summarized and artistically reproduced Li Zicheng's failure.

First, compared with liu bang and Zhu Yuanzhang, who were successful, Li Zicheng faced a more serious war situation, and he not only wanted to destroy the remnants of the Ming Dynasty, but also faced the Manchu Qing Dynasty that suddenly emerged. In this regard, Li Zicheng did not have any psychological preparation, and it was beyond his ability. Although the Battle of Shanhaiguan was lost, his main force still existed, why did he lose in the pursuit of the Qing soldiers? It was that Li Zicheng and his army were only accustomed to domestic class wars, unable to adapt to the national wars that fell from the sky, and he could force Chongzhen to hang himself, but he collapsed under the blows of the Qing army.

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Second, there is the problem of corruption in Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin, and the peasant army after the victory. It should be said that Li Zicheng's corruption is not the corruption of one person or several people, but the corruption of a class. Li Zicheng liked to be emperor, so why didn't his minister of culture and military affairs dream of climbing the dragon and attaching himself to the phoenix, and sealing his wife and shadow? Why don't the big and small generals of the Great Shun Army want to reward their merits and deeds after they have been completed, and enjoy the glory and luxury for a long time? Therefore, once Beijing was captured, the DaShun army fell from top to bottom into the rich countryside of sound and color dogs and horses, and they forgot about the Manchu Qing outside Guanwai. It is good to say that a person is corrupt, and a class is corrupt and will die. This is Chairman Mao's recitation of "we will not be Li Zicheng."

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Third, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, there was another person who could not be bypassed, that is, Wu Sangui. Why did Wu Sangui descend to Qing? Some people say that it is "a red face when the crown is angry". Is Wu Sangui a love species? Don't forget, except for Chen Yuanyuan, Wu Sangui's parents and relatives are in the hands of Li Zicheng, but he just surrendered and became a traitor. But Li Zicheng was not very clever in dealing with the issue of Wu Sangui, after occupying Beijing, his enemies had already shifted from the Ming army to the Qing army, and it was not to suppress Wu Sangui but to care, even if he was allowed to remain neutral, once he defeated the Qing army, Wu Sangui was lonely and difficult to sound, and was he still afraid that he would not come to surrender? Here there is the question of how to deal with the relationship between the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction. In this regard, let us revisit the teachings of the great men: Who is our enemy? Who are our friends? This question is the first question of the revolution. The reason why the Chinese revolution has achieved very little in the past is that it is impossible to unite real friends to attack real enemies.

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

Third, Li Zicheng's failure brings us back to the old proposition that "those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world." The brutality and inhumanity of the Ming Dynasty made Li Zicheng rise up, and he complied with the people's will. But after he overthrew Daming, instead of letting the people live and work in peace and contentment, he indulged in sex with the soldiers and soldiers in the Forbidden City, disturbing the people, and once the Qing army attacked, the people's country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, but instead he thought of Daming, this country hated the family and the family, and the culprit was Li Zicheng and his peasant army, what a profound lesson.

Yao Xueyan's long historical novel "Li Zicheng", don't spray blindly after reading it!

In short, Mr. Yao Xueyu shows the reader the heroic end of Li Zicheng with his rafters. Are the ignorant and reactionaries good enough to read the whole book and then spray it?

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