
Why is camel milk better for supplementing protein?

author:Yang Jian, a camel milk manufacturer in Xinjiang

Camel milk is more suitable for protein supplementation and is the preferred choice for protein supplementation.

01. Camel milk belongs to animal protein.

In general, animal protein is more high-quality, in addition to meat, milk and dairy products are also the main source of animal protein, camel milk is rich in high-quality animal protein.

Why is camel milk better for supplementing protein?

02. Camel milk is rich in protein.

The protein content in camel milk is relatively high and contains a variety of types. Camel milk contains 18 different amino acids, as well as bioactive substances such as whey protein and immunoglobulin.

Why is camel milk better for supplementing protein?

03. The protein sensitization in camel milk is lower.

There is a group of people who drink milk and have diarrhea and abdominal pain because they are lactose intolerant, but this group of people can drink camel milk. Although camel milk contains a variety of proteins, it does not contain β-lactoglobulin, which is less allergenic.

Why is camel milk better for supplementing protein?

04. Camel milk is easier to absorb.

Many foods also contain relatively high protein, but after these proteins enter the stomach, they may not be absorbed and cannot achieve a nourishing effect. The protein in camel milk has a high digestion and absorption rate, will not be wasted, and can better meet the needs of the body.

Why is camel milk better for supplementing protein?

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