
High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

Recently, a group of coolly dressed and bold "men" have come out of the circle!

The scene of this group of big men wearing split skirts shooting arrows really refreshes people's impression of the style of dressing of the ancients.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

Zhu Xiaofeng丨 Text

The ancients more than 1,000 years ago were so "extravagant", do you dare to believe it?

These murals from the tomb of Zhang Shiben and Zhang Kuangzheng in the Liao Dynasty let people know more about the clothing of ancient people, and at the same time, let people intuitively feel the freedom of ancient uncles to dress.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

In fact, the ancient people's dressing style is not as conservative as we think, and sometimes it is even more open than modern people, especially in the hot summer, they also have their own "summer relief" outfit.

Follow the River David to see it!


How bold were the ancients dressed?

If it comes to the bold style of dressing of the ancients, it is estimated that many people immediately remembered the Tang Dynasty.

The blouse of women's clothing is changed from wide sleeves to narrow sleeves, and the chest and neck are mostly exposed. Women's various gauze clothes are endless, and there are many kinds of beautiful headdresses.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

The Tang Dynasty period was a peak period of Chinese costume aesthetics. At that time, the society was tolerant and open, and in the pictures and murals of ladies of the Tang Dynasty, women with light clothes and graceful postures could be seen everywhere.

They often wear light clothing, without a sense of complexity and heaviness, and their necks, chest or arms are often exposed, which looks very cool.

In the materials of clothing, the ancients were also full of wisdom.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

The woman on the left of "Heting Baby Play" wears a gauze robe

As the starting point of the Silk Road, Chinese silk amazed the world, and people at that time also loved light and silky silk. The clothes woven from silk are thin and light, and they are worn as if they were nothing, which has become a must-have for many princes and nobles in summer.

In addition to silk, the ancients also loved gauze that was "light and thin as empty and moving like emptiness".

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

In ancient times, yarn was the thinnest and thintest silk fabric. Sima Xiangru, a talented son of the Han Dynasty, once wrote in "Zi Qifu": "Zheng Nu Manji was stunned by Ah Qi, smuggled by miscellaneous luo, and weeping mist." "It means that the beauty from Zhengdi is beautiful and fashionable, with flowing white clothes, mixed and matched exquisite qiluo, and covered with light and soft luo clothes." "Fog", that is, to describe the rosy worn by beautiful women is light like smoke, looming, seemingly nothing.

The production of yarn requires extremely high skills, just like the early Western Han dynasty weaving and embroidered robe plain gauze robe unearthed in Mawangdui, its weight is less than 50 grams, and the size after folding is only equivalent to a matchbox, which is the earliest, thinnest and lightest physical clothing seen so far.


Slip skirt / open pants?

Light gauze Roman is not only graceful, but also cool. Therefore, in ancient times, transparent gauze was not only a favorite of women, but also popular with men.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

The famous Northern Qi painting "Northern Qi School Book Map" vividly shows a group of bearded gentlemen wearing see-through shirts and slip dresses, sitting around the table in the hot summer, proofreading books together, and sweating for the royal book industry.

The slip dress with tulle, this picture is so beautiful!

Seeing this, maybe you will also think: "The ancients really dare to wear it!" "Next, let's talk about a powerful little knowledge point, the open crotch pants of the ancients.

In fact, there is no word for "pants" in ancient Chinese, but there is a character for "hakama". According to the explanation of "Say Wen Xie Zi": "Hakama, shin clothes also." ”

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

The so-called "shin clothing" is actually a kind of open pants, which are only responsible for wrapping the thighs, similar to the current leggings, which are more cool and breezy, and convenient for men and women wearing skirts to go to the toilet.

Open pants are mainly for "convenience" and are more convenient, but they are easy to walk away. Therefore, people add a layer of cloth for shielding the outside, called clothing, which not only achieves the purpose of cooling, but also maintains etiquette.

High-fork skirts, open pants? The ancients were too free to dress this way!

So you know now, why the ancients were not afraid of numb legs and "sat on their knees" for thousands of years, because then they would not go away~

Raise your knowledge properly! You see that the ancients paid great attention to the ideas of "unity of heaven and man" and "conform to nature", and they would change into different clothes according to different seasons to achieve their "freedom of dressing".

Executive Producer | Xu Na Kong Kangkang Editor-in-Chief and Editor | Wang Yitong

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