
When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

author:Youth Ezhou
When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

Gold list title, toad palace folding laurels, physical and mental happiness, happy growth! This is the wish of students who are about to enter the examination room, and it is also the wish of thousands of parents!

With the 2023 college entrance examination imminent, the Department of Safeguarding Youth Rights and Interests of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has integrated the professional strength of "12355" and will focus on the "Easy Preparation for the Exam - 12355 Walk with You" activity from now until August to help students of Guangzhou University relieve psychological pressure and easily prepare for the examination room. This activity, focusing on 6 paths, sorting out 6 taboos, reminding 6 attentions, and blessing the battlefield "666" of Guangzhou University students in the college entrance examination!

Tuantuan 12355☆6 paths

Path 1: Psychological counseling

——During the event, the national 12355 network platform of "Qingtingyi Station" set up a column of [Stress Reduction in the College Entrance Examination" in the "Psychological Counseling - Online Consultation" section, welcoming candidates and psychological experts to "meet friends with text" and "key to key" to feel spiritual care.

——The national 12355 network platform of "Qingtingyi Station" has long provided "psychological counseling - appointment consultation" service, and welcomes candidates to have "face-to-face" in-depth communication with psychological experts in the online conference room when psychological fluctuations occur during the preparation period.

When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

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Enter the national 12355 network platform of "Qingtingyi Station"

(WeChat Mini Program)

——The 12355 Regional Center and some 12355 Youth Service Desks have opened the 12355 "High School Entrance Examination Stress Reduction" special line, welcoming the majority of candidates to spit out and get professional psychological help.

Beijing 010-12355-6 Hebei 0311-12355
Shanxi 0351-12355-8 Inner Mongolia 0471-12355-3
Liaoning 0411-12355-3 Jilin 0431-12355-1
Shanghai 021-12355-3 Jiangsu 025-12355
Zhejiang 0576-12355-3 Fujian 0591-12355-1
Jiangxi 0791-12355-0 Shandong 0531-12355-2-2
Henan 0371-12355-3 Hubei 027-12355-3
Guangdong 020-12355-0 Guangxi 0771-12355-3
Hainan 0898-12355-3 Yunnan 0871-12355-5
Shaanxi 029-12355-2 Gansu 0931-12355-1
Hunan 0731-12355-3

Part of the 12355 Youth Service Desk 12355 "College Entrance Examination Decompression" special line number

——The 12355 Youth Service Desks in various places actively organize psychological experts to carry out special lectures on "reducing stress in the middle and high school entrance examination" through online and offline methods to help students and parents prepare for the exam to debug their psychology and resolve anxiety.

-- Local Communist Youth League organizations with a good work foundation and the 12355 Youth Service Desk widely publicize the national 12355 network platform and the 12355 hotline through bus stops, large-screen displays, or pamphlets distributed near schools during the college entrance examination, so that the majority of candidates can know the channels for psychological help.

Path 2: Group activities

-- School Communist Youth League organizations shall, on the premise of ensuring safety, help candidates relax their mood and adjust their rhythm through group outings, film and television viewings, campus concerts, etc.

Path 3: Outdoor sports

——School Communist Youth League organizations should organize or mobilize outdoor physical exercises, sports meetings, etc., to help candidates improve their immunity and release emotional stress through exercise.

- The 12355 Youth Desk that is available can provide recreational and sports equipment for schools with limited resources.

Path 4: Atmosphere building

——The Communist Youth League of the school organized and coordinated the playback of relaxing and soothing music during recess to create a pleasant environment for candidates to study and prepare for the exam.

——The 12355 Youth Service Desk that meets the conditions can provide examination "supply kits" for schools with average conditions, such as school supplies, cultural and creative peripherals, etc.

Path 5: Exchange of experiences

——The Communist Youth League organization of the school invites seniors who have experienced the high school entrance examination to share their learning experience and examination experience to help candidates prepare for the exam.

Path 6: Vocal Tree Hole

——The national 12355 network platform of "Qingtingyi Station" provides "tree hole talk" service to support the majority of candidates to pour out their hearts, worries, pressures, and release emotions (can be anonymous).

——The Communist Youth League of the school has created an online or offline message platform to provide a space for candidates to express their emotions.

Parents ☆ 6 taboos

Taboo 1: Excessively amplifying the importance of the exam

——Don't say things like "If you can't get the exam, don't study", "If you can't get into a good school, what can you do in the future?" "Such words!


Life is not only one opportunity, life is not only one exam, studies are already very heavy, pressure is already great, do not "help" children to increase the fear of the unknown and the future!

Taboo 2: Treating behaviors other than learning as unprofessional

- Don't say things like "Your most important task now is to study, don't think about everything else", "When are you still playing, the exam is about to be taken"!


Language should speak art! More positive guidance on what children should do, less negative denial of what children should not do! A different expression may achieve better results. What's more, one by one, the way to win, the bowstring of preparation should not and should not always be tightened!

Taboo 3: Moral kidnapping

- Don't say things like, "It's not easy for you to study at home, do you think the money is blown by the wind?" "Are you worthy of the training of your parents and teachers?" "Such words!


Do not explain! This is a childhood nightmare! Stimulate children's learning initiative and autonomy, teenagers in the rainy season are not suitable and should not bear such pressure! I don't deserve such a kidnapping!

Taboo 4: Blindly accusing denial and destroying self-confidence

- Don't say things like, "How did you go backwards the more you learned?" "Look at other people's children, look at you"!


Chicken baby book, someone else's child! No two leaves in the world are the same, and everyone has their own wonderfulness and merits. Verbal violence should not be called to cultivate the ability to resist pressure, and the best way to encourage and motivate is the best remedy!

Taboo 5: Caring too much about everything

——Don't suddenly burst into hot sun-like enthusiasm because of the summer entrance examination of the high school entrance examination, and care too much about everything about your children in every detail, in all directions, and without dead ends!


Be careful and backfire. Usually do not care, at this time "dedication", sensitive children may not feel care, but may think that they are instrumental, good in the test, bad in the test and what, I am afraid that what really arouses is the child's rebellious psychology.

Taboo 6: Fierce "chicken soup" for the soul

——Don't see some "famous sayings" and "inspirational stories", just bring them to the child.


Although chicken soup is nutritious, it will be greasy if you drink too much. Drinking this bowl of chicken soup, maybe because I listened to it too much, I didn't feel it, maybe because of the artistry of the story, I couldn't reach it, which led to great pressure, maybe the rebellious free soul wanted to go in reverse!

Decompression ☆ 6 items of attention

Note 1: Allocate learning energy and activity energy reasonably

——Grasp the time and intensity of the stress reduction activities of the college entrance examination to ensure that the candidates' learning and preparation progress are not affected.


The key word for reducing stress in the high school entrance examination is still "high school entrance examination"!

Note 2: Pay attention to moderate relaxation and excessive relaxation

- Moderately controllable stress helps candidates maintain optimal mental state and study efficiency. Stress reduction activities should aim to help test takers find a balance of stress, rather than making them completely unstressed.


Like a spring, a little pressure is power, too much pressure is not elastic.

Note 3: Focus on balancing universal actions and key policies

-- When carrying out stress reduction activities, it is necessary not only to ensure wide coverage of work, but also to focus on helping and caring for students from disadvantaged families, children of migrant workers and other groups.


The most beautiful scenery in the world is always love.

Note 4: Combine objective and subjective methods

——While optimizing the learning environment and atmosphere, we also pay attention to the use of psychological and sociological knowledge, and subjectively influence to help candidates prepare for the exam with a positive attitude.


Both internal and external repair, cure the symptoms and cure the root!

Note 5: Be flexible with online and offline activities

——According to the actual situation, except for psychological counseling stress reduction activities, it is recommended to focus offline and supplement online.


Key-to-key is not a substitute for face-to-face.

Note 6: Don't wishful thinking and need the best of both worlds

- Provide stress relief for what the child likes and needs. Don't turn "what I want to eat" into "I know what you want to eat"!


Sweet zongzi, salty zongzi, what you like is good zongzi.

When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

The group wishes all the friends who are about to participate in the college entrance examination a brilliant future, and can expect to show their talents in the future, and the title of the gold list!

When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"


When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"
When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

Source: Rights and Interests Department of the Central Committee of the Youth League

Respect the originality, if there is any infringement, please contact us

Submission email: [email protected]

When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

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When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

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When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"

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When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"
When the 2023 college entrance examination decompression is underway, Tuan Tuan help (wish) you "666"