
Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!

author:Seed Gang

Alfalfa is a legume plant with strong adaptability, fast growth rate and high yield, and is an excellent feed for raising livestock. Summer is the peak season for alfalfa growth, but there are some issues to be aware of to ensure healthy growth and production benefits. This article will discuss whether alfalfa can be sown in summer from the aspects of planting conditions, pest control and nutritional value, and make suggestions for its production.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


1. Planting conditions:

Alfalfa is highly adaptable, but sowing in summer requires certain planting conditions. First of all, temperature is an important factor affecting the growth of alfalfa, and the suitable temperature is 15°C-25°C. In hot weather in summer, the temperature can be reduced by choosing a shady area, watering in time, etc. Secondly, water is also one of the key factors affecting alfalfa growth. In the summer rainy season, natural precipitation can be fully utilized, but artificial watering is required in arid areas to ensure water supply. Finally, the choice of soil also has a great influence on the growth of alfalfa. Alfalfa is not very demanding on the soil, but grows best in fertile, well-drained soil.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


2. Pest control:

During the growth of alfalfa, the invasion of pests and diseases is inevitable. In summer high temperature and humidity, the incidence of pests and diseases is higher. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the control of pests and diseases during the growth of alfalfa. First of all, the selection of varieties with strong disease resistance can effectively reduce the incidence of pests and diseases. Secondly, strengthen field management and timely removal of diseased plants, dead leaves and weeds to reduce the spread of pests and diseases. Finally, when using chemical control, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of low-toxicity and efficient pesticides, and carry out control on sunny days to reduce the damage to alfalfa.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


3. Nutritional value:

Alfalfa is a premium feed rich in nutrients such as protein, minerals, and vitamins. Among them, the protein content is high, and the crude protein content is more than 19%, which is an ideal feed for raising livestock. In addition, alfalfa is also rich in minerals and vitamins, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B, etc. These nutrients play an important role in the healthy growth of animals.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


However, there are some issues to be aware of when using alfalfa as feed. First, over-reliance on a single feed can lead to malnutrition in animals, so other feeds need to be properly combined for more comprehensive nutrition. Secondly, factors such as age, sex and breed of animals need to be considered when feeding, because animals of different ages, genders and breeds have different nutrient requirements. Finally, in order to ensure the palatability of the feed (for the animals to love), the alfalfa can be properly processed, such as cutting, drying, etc.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


In conclusion, alfalfa is a high-quality feed with strong adaptability, fast growth and high yield. In the environment of high temperature and high humidity in summer, as long as attention is paid to the problems of planting conditions, pest control and nutritional value, planting can be carried out smoothly and good economic benefits can be achieved.

Alfalfa seeds:

Alfalfa seeds, perennial high protein, easy to digest, high quality all-season forage, hardy, high yield, drought resistance, salinity resistance ¥16 Buy

4. Management and harvesting:

Daily management after planting mainly includes the following aspects: keeping the soil moist; Provide plenty of sunlight; timely weeding; Regular fertilization, etc. On the basis of these daily management, it is also very important to harvest the alfalfa at the right time. Harvesting too early can affect yield and grass quality; Harvesting too late can reduce palatability and nutritional value. Therefore, the time of harvesting needs to be determined according to the actual situation. It is generally recommended to harvest when alfalfa grows more than 30 cm, when the grass quality is at its best. After harvesting, it can be dried, cut, etc. for easy preservation and feeding.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!


In short, alfalfa is a very important forage crop, with strong adaptability, fast growth rate and high yield. When planting in a high temperature and high humidity environment in summer, it is necessary to pay attention to the problems of planting conditions, pest control and nutritional value. At the same time, strengthening daily management and timely harvesting is also one of the key factors to ensure alfalfa yield and quality.

Can you grow alfalfa in summer? How to manage and harvest? These points must be noted!

Alfalfa seeds

In summary, the cultivation method and nutritional value of alfalfa. If you want to know more about alfalfa cultivation, you can pay attention to Seed Gang, we bring you professional and rigorous forage planting solutions! If you have any questions, leave a comment here! Seed Gang, help you choose better seeds!

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