
Shanghai Best Interview: A trusted supplier of elevator components

author:Shanxi Zhizheng Industrial Co., Ltd

General Manager of the | Xu Chaowen

Best is tian zong several years ago on the mouth of the "elevator button king", "more than two billion sales, no elevator panel is exactly the same, a few days of delivery, 200 million inventory, a month of inventory turnover days", listen to it, can not imagine. On December 23, 2020, our group of 11 people had the honor to see and believe in person.

"Focus on elevator components, do not grab business with customers", this principle makes Best's "customer-centric" implementation has a clear direction, so from the operation of the system to production and logistics, all of them are close to customer needs to pull and open. I'm very concerned about how such a highly discrete product meets the industry's requirements for rapid customization. The explanation of several sections of the Best team also shows the absolute and sustained growth ability of Best in this regard.

Internal concurrency processing: Inside Best, customer needs are the center, which is not just an idea in everyone's mind, but a visible existence in the physical state, that is, customer needs are placed in the center, and all other links are processed in parallel around the surrounding. There may be changes and adjustments, and there may be waste, but the most pioneering thing I recognize is the sentence "Grasping these wastes within the controllable range is the key point of Best's continuous improvement of competitiveness." Therefore, the operation of the entire system comes entirely from the customer's pull, tight and can not be relaxed, especially when there is a change, the upstream and downstream pull through becomes particularly important. For the middle role, we understand too much how many big problems and troubles, we do our own at the same time, will we manage upwards, how to pull customers into our links? For example, Best's order daily processing volume is 1500 copies, and there are many abnormalities, Best in the production plan processing time inward compression to the extreme, and then find wasted time from the client, more cattle is that they put the customer's order processing link also into the overall link of Best, when the upstream and downstream pull through at this point in time and then strive for a valuable advance amount, even a little. For example, let us incredible delivery rate and turnover rate, Best 1 million sluggish materials, after hearing more let me sluggish, how did this do?! Non-standard product standardization makes semi-finished products and finished products available, strategic stocking of raw materials, deviations in inventory planning are controllable, it sounds easy to do extremely difficult, this should also be the result of all links around the center of parallel, although I am very interested in specific practices, but it is also worth it This is definitely not a level problem of a single module, but the competition of the entire chain.

Best's IT manager also made a very wonderful presentation, which allowed me to see the depth of the information technology personnel's understanding of the industry and reflect the requirements of the industry in the enterprise business system architecture. For example, the analysis of the product makes the non-standard become the standard, and the rapid customization relies on the pull mechanism of the entire order to complete... In Best's business system architecture, it is clear that all professional responsibilities are performed in the system. Order processing as the first entrance, pulling every link of the follow-up, in product configuration, material flow, manufacturing execution to shipping logistics, so that everyone's work in the system to leave traces. You may ask, this is a sequential flow of information, where is the competition? Because the interview time is not short enough for us to see the whole picture, I am also a layman, but in the introduction of "concurrency", we can vaguely see the mechanism and method of this enterprise information technology. In the introduction of the IT manager, we can also see the team's persistent attitude to the problem, and only little by little can we open up the order review, realize product analysis, realize production automation, and manage information.

In the afternoon, Mr. Zhou Xiaodi generously shared the guarantee of the sustainable growth of the enterprise: the Best value evaluation system, long-termism and current practices impressed me very deeply in this paragraph. The goal is a very important starting point, the baseline of the goal brings a hierarchical standard, such as: "The baseline of customer satisfaction is not simply a customer complaint, but the setting of the entire chain, such as price, competition, supply chain, mining customer value, etc., through such a baseline to set a hierarchical standard: 1, customer complaints; 2, you are better than him; 3, tap customer value." "Use evaluation to find shortcomings and weaknesses, and use evaluation to bring about an improvement in the level of ability, rather than short-term performance." In such an evaluation system, managers use two kinds of thinking to allocate 20% and 80% of the work content and energy, take responsibility as the power, take the matter as the big thing, provide support for subordinates, fight side by side, and solve the problems and causes of single-level operation thoroughly, and everyone's common experience is the best relationship and culture.

This day's interview has gained a lot, seen the logic, methods and actions of thinking, and seen the gap between the possible and the impossible, so let's do it in a down-to-earth manner.

Shanghai Best Interview: A trusted supplier of elevator components

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