
Love Best uses Sian Chay to transmit positive energy to warm the campus

author:Market Weekly
Love Best uses Sian Chay to transmit positive energy to warm the campus

Su Shaanxi cooperated into the campus and donated funds to warm people's hearts. On November 2, 2021, Sushan cooperated with the "Donation and Funding of Education In New China" love donation activity was held in Xinchi Town Middle School, and the caring enterprise Zhenjiang Best New Materials Co., Ltd. extended a warm hand and fulfilled its social responsibility, donating 50,000 yuan to improve the living conditions of students. Yang Liang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Heyang County Committee and deputy governor of the county government, Qiao Xiaoguang and Zhao Han, deputy directors of the County Development and Reform Bureau, Li Hong, deputy director of the County Education Bureau, Wang Chenguang, deputy mayor of Xinchi Town Government, and more than 300 teachers and students attended the donation ceremony.

At the donation ceremony, Yang Liang, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and deputy county governor, made a speech, saying: "Politics is higher than Boli, and Daomo is higher than fraternity." "Best New Materials Co., Ltd. has an education, loves students, and uses sian chaeonics, selfless dedication, and sincere help, which not only deepens the friendship between the people of Zhenjiang and Heyang, but also accelerates the pace of cooperation between Suzhou and Shaanxi, and highlights the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation."

Li Hong, deputy director of the county education bureau, presided over the donation ceremony and put forward requirements, hoping that the students would keep in mind "patriotism as the root, unity as the foundation, study as the importance, and service to the country as the key", always have a grateful heart, often think about the responsibilities of the students, and aspire to become talents and serve the motherland.

The principal of the school, Dang Debao, expressed his heartfelt thanks to Zhenjiang Best New Materials Co., Ltd. for donating materials and gave back the pennant. Encourage teachers and students to know how to be grateful and pass on this love.

At the donation ceremony, the students performed a wonderful program to express their feelings of gratitude, gratitude, and gratitude. At the same time, in the form of handmade gifts, we send them deep thanks and blessings.

The donation ceremony was short-lived, but the impact was profound. Zhenjiang Best's righteous deeds fully embody the love of loving enterprises for Heyang education, which will surely inspire all students to take action, learn to be grateful, pass on positive energy, give back to the society with excellent results, and also stimulate the enthusiasm of Heyang educators to actively devote themselves to work and run a satisfactory education for the people. (Education Bureau Yang Li)

(Source: Heyang County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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