
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision

author:Shaanxi Procuratorate

In recent years, the Hanzhong Municipal People's Procuratorate has adhered to the work concept of "law enforcement for the people", continuously increased the intensity of handling cases such as labor remuneration, maintenance, childcare, alimony, and damage compensation for vulnerable groups such as migrant workers, women and children, and the disabled, carried out public hearings on cases as a normal work, adhered to the principle of "being able to be open and open" and "being able to hear and hear as much as possible", continuously meeting the people's new requirements and expectations for judicial openness, and effectively enhancing the transparency and credibility of civil supervision work. At the beginning of the new year, the court organized a public hearing on a case of disability caused by responsibility for motor vehicle traffic accidents, invited people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, people's supervisors, and expert consultants to attend the meeting, and invited the community workers of the parties concerned to observe the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Wang Heng, deputy procurator general of the Hanzhong Municipal People's Procuratorate.

Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision

Deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, people's supervisors, and expert consultants

Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision
Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision


At the hearing, people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, people's supervisors, and expert consultants, after fully understanding the facts of the case and listening to the opinions of the parties on both sides, made comments and judgments on the legitimacy and legality of the handling of the case, as well as the reasonableness of the parties' demands. Through public hearings in cases, procuratorial organs have consciously accepted supervision by the masses of the people and promoted justice through openness, and have achieved relatively good results. On the one hand, strengthen publicity on the rule of law in conjunction with case handling, and persist in interpreting the law and reasoning throughout the entire process of handling cases. On the other hand, we should humbly listen to the opinions of deputies, promote the resolution of contradictions, and improve the quality and efficiency of case handling. At the same time, it will deeply publicize the legal supervision function of procuratorial organs to the society, win the understanding and support of the people, and enhance judicial credibility.

Focus on people's livelihood and actively accept social supervision

Deputy Procurator General Wang Heng pointed out that civil procuratorial work will actively practice the "Fengqiao experience", take multiple measures to resolve contradictions at the same time, actively help the parties to solve practical difficulties, strive to achieve the conclusion of the case, and contribute procuratorial strength to maintaining social stability.

Source: Hanzhong Municipal People's Procuratorate

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