
Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

author:Nangong Qin

Among the successive leaders at the "national" level, if you want to count who has the shortest lifespan, Huang Ju should be among them. After working and living in Shanghai for 40 years, he went to serve as vice premier of the State Council, and in 69 years, Huang Ju fluttered and feathered Dengxian, leaving us with beautiful legends about Shanghai's take-off.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > when Zhishui Jiangnan was young</h1>

Huang Ju's hometown, Lane 399, Dongmen Street, Jiashan County, Zhejiang, still retains the ancient architectural style of Jiangnan Water Town, and after the death of his parents, the old house is now inhabited by his cousin Huang Deming.

Huang Ju's father, Huang Fengchi, was a rare high school student at the time, graduated from a famous middle school in Jiaxing and worked as an accountant in a workshop.

Her mother, Kim Ching-mo, was a housewife. Huang Ju was born in Shanghai in 1938, and before the age of 18, Huang Ju had been living and studying in her hometown, and successively entered Zhejiang Jiashan No. 1 Middle School and Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School.

When the elders in the family recall Huang Ju, they will all mention in unison that he is talented and diligent. In childhood, other children came home from school and ran out and spread joy everywhere, but Huang Ju was different, he liked to study quietly at home.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

According to the memories of Huang Ju's cousin Huang Deming and his cousin Zhou Zhongxian, Huang Ju was eloquent and loved to speak, and many people could not talk about him.

Huang Ju's elementary school classmate Fan Cunxiao vaguely remembers that Huang Ju's father was very strict with his learning requirements, and when Huang Ju was a child, his father asked him to speak in Mandarin, and his later speech ability should be inseparable from his father's supervision and intentional cultivation.

When he was a student, Huang Ju not only studied hard, but also liked to sing, this hobby has been accompanied by life, after work, what collective singing activities he always has to show his singing voice, so he is called "amateur singer".

In 1956, the 18-year-old Huang Ju was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University with excellent results, majoring in electrical engineering, and after graduating from school, Huang Ju was assigned to work in Shanghai Wood-based Panel Machine Factory, staying in Shanghai for 40 years. Although Shanghai is not far from Jiashan, Huang Ju rarely returns home after work.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Huang Ju's cousin said he hadn't seen Huang Ju for more than 20 years. Huang Ju's father, Huang Fengchi, was buried in the cemetery of Jiashan in 1986, and Fan Xiaocun remembers that Huang Ju returned to Jiashan to sweep the tomb, often rushing to the cemetery early in the morning, and returning to Shanghai immediately after the tomb sweep, in order not to let the local government know that he returned to Jiashan.

After working in the wood-based panel machine factory for 4 years, he entered the Shanghai Zhonghua Metallurgical Factory to work, during which he worked hard and studied hard, and successfully developed China's first thyristor electric furnace automatic power distribution device, which greatly reduced the labor intensity and improved the quality of molten steel.

In the special era, "there is no end to the eggs under the nest", Huang Ju was also impacted, but this did not shake his firm belief in the party and socialism, he always stuck to his post, adhered to principles, and continued to dedicate his strength to the construction of the motherland.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Until the 1980s, Huang Ju had been working in the enterprise, and his bold reforms mobilized the enthusiasm of the workers in the enterprise, making the appearance of many enterprise units in Shanghai a new look.

In the early 1980s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up blew all over the land of Shenzhou, and China began to focus on economic construction, and talents like Huang Ju, who understood both technology and management, were favored by the organization.

In 1983, at the age of 45, Huang Ju became a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Industrial Work Party Committee until 2002, when he was transferred from the local government and officially elected to the Standing Committee of the 16th Politburo of the Central Committee.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > land leases, new opportunities in Shanghai</h1>

In 1994, Huang Ju became the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee. Although since modern times, with its unique location advantages, Shanghai and "modern" are almost equivalent concepts, but Shanghai at that time was a "hot potato" for Huang Ju.

At the end of the 20th century, under the leadership of Comrade Xiaoping, the party's work center shifted from the countryside to the city, and began to enter the right track with economic construction as the center. The city is an important part of reform and opening up, and Shanghai is the leader in the city, but at this time, there is an embarrassing situation in which the GDP growth rate falls below the national average level.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

In 1994, Deng Xiaoping also went to Shanghai to investigate and meet with Huang Ju, and he conveyed his anxiety to Huang Ju: "This is the last opportunity in Shanghai. "However, problems such as backward infrastructure, unreasonable industrial layout, and shortage of funds are several mountains in front of Huang Ju's eyes."

Inspired by the general policy of reform and opening up, Guangdong, Fujian and other coastal provinces took advantage of their respective location advantages to attract Hong Kong and Macao capital, and quickly exerted their efforts.

Anhui and Jiangsu, near Shanghai, have emerged in agricultural development, and the enthusiasm of farmers seems to be "activated", which has also injected vitality into the development of the city.

Shanghai, on the other hand, has unique geographical advantages, other aspects of the capital without funds, to the industry without industry, has obviously not been able to catch up with the pace of development of neighboring provinces.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

After some research and investigation, Huang Ju believes that the top priority is to inject funds into Shanghai, and he then forward-looking proposed the method of "land lease" to solve the problem of funds.

What is "land lease"? In huang ju's words: "Using people's money to demolish shantytowns to build new buildings, new buildings bring commerce and prosperity, and can also effectively improve the living conditions of citizens." ”

Since there are no successful cases, the public is quite critical of this. After all, the demolition of shantytowns will involve the housing problems that the Chinese people are most concerned about, and the people's doubts are also forgivable. So Huang Ju made a detailed explanation of this through a televised speech, which calmed the pressure of public opinion.

The transformation of the old city in Luwan District is a typical representative of "land lease approval". At that time, the cadres in the district were worried, and the population density of this urban area was quite high, with a population of 380,000 people living on less than 8 square kilometers of land, and 330,000 square meters of dangerous shacks and simple houses.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

At that time, the Asian financial crisis swept in, and the cost of renovating the old city was already very high, what if the land could not be sold after the house was demolished? Huang Ju was very firm and encouraged cadres to "boldly try and break new roads."

After several twists and turns, the Luwan District Government introduced the Hong Kong China Overseas Development Co., Ltd., and finally china Overseas Development Co., Ltd. invested 23 million US dollars to transfer the land, when the first piece of rough land lease land was handed over to the developer's hands, the average household received about 60,000 yuan compensation, the total amount of compensation was about 80 million yuan, and the relocation and resettlement of residents was efficiently completed in more than half a year.

This is the first practice of using foreign capital to transform old areas after the reform and opening up, which proves that "land lease approval" is feasible and large-scale transformation of old areas has become a reality.

Since then, the artificial lake has been dug in Luwan District, greening has been built, and the old houses have been protectively transformed, and the current Taiping Lake and Xintiandi were born at this time, and Luwan District is also known as the "first piece of the sea". Under the demonstration of Luwan District, all districts in Shanghai have also fully launched "land lease approval".

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

According to the data, in the two years of 1992 and 1993, Shanghai approved a total of 459 leases of land, demolished the area of old houses more than 1.85 million square meters, of which dangerous houses and shantytowns accounted for 46.2%, and most of the land plots of rent, relocation and construction work were completed in the same year, which is enough to prove the rapid progress of the transformation of the old area.

Through the approval of land leases, Shanghai has achieved a virtuous circle of "raising land with land", and the income from land assets will eventually benefit every Shanghainese.

In the view of scholars who study urban development, the "land lease" method has attracted many foreign enterprises to invest in Shanghai, and export and financial business have also emerged, which is crucial for the development of Shanghai as a city, which means that Shanghai will once again be brought back to the track of the world.

Among them, there is no lack of foresight of Huang Ju, who has created an opportunity for Shanghai to break through its own development bottleneck, and this success can only be imitated, not surpassed.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > state-owned assets reform, Shanghai leads the new fashion</h1>

In the 1990s, state-owned enterprises were in trouble, and there were corresponding changes in management. A common operation across the country is to upgrade one of the financial bureaus to the state-owned assets management bureau, and Shanghai is no exception.

However, after implementation, Shanghai found it difficult to effectively manage state-owned assets due to the restrictions on the level and authority of the State-owned Assets Management Bureau.

During the planned economy period, Shanghai can be called a model implementation area of China's planned economy, but the changes in the general environment have forced Huang Ju's team to reposition the importance of state-owned assets to Shanghai and explore a new path for state-owned assets reform. In the face of difficulties, Huang Ju has repeatedly stressed the importance of reform and stability, reform is a strategy, and stability is a tactic.

In 1993, Shanghai abolished the State-owned Assets Management Bureau that had just been established the year before, and established the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office, after which all the state-owned assets in Shanghai were owned by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which was specifically managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and the director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was served by the municipal party secretary or the mayor and other major leaders.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

In 1995, the reform of state-owned assets once again created a new situation, state-owned assets management towards marketization, at this time Shanghai set up more than 50 municipal state-owned assets management companies, basically formed the SASAC authorized to operate and manage state-owned assets model, municipal state-owned assets management companies and then specific management of secondary enterprises.

In the process of exploring this management model, Huang Ju contributed many suggestions and requirements. The "Shanghai experience" seems to have "opened up the second pulse of ren and governor" for state-owned assets management departments across the country, and after careful consideration, the central government finally decided to learn from Shanghai's experience and launch a new model of state-owned assets management.

In the 1990s, Shanghai, which had a record-winning performance, gradually returned to China's "C position", and shanghai, which made rapid progress and broke records again and again, was the Shanghai of Huang Ju's reign.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

In 2002, Huang Ju left Shanghai, where she had worked for 40 years, to beijing to perform her duties, and was elected vice premier of the State Council the following year. Rather than saying that Shanghai's rapid development at the turn of the century brought Huang Ju enough rich political capital, it is better to say that Shanghai's economic take-off has fully proved Huang Ju's talent.

When analyzing Huang Ju's success, the outside world mainly focuses on two points, one is that Huang Ju has been working in Shanghai enterprises for a long time, not only has enough understanding of Shanghai, but is also familiar with the management of state-owned assets; the other is the support of the central government, Deng Xiaoping, as the chief designer of reform and opening up, has always attached great importance to Shanghai, and every time he visits Shanghai, he likes to use simple words to stimulate the ideas of Shanghai municipal officials, of course, he also gave Huang Ju a lot of authority.

As for the achievements made in Shanghai, Huang Ju has a different understanding.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Huang Ju's subordinates recalled that for some time, party and government delegations at different levels came to Shanghai one after another to investigate and study, and the central media also published many articles introducing Shanghai's experience and practices, and some Shanghai cadres began to flutter.

However, Huang Ju solemnly reminded everyone at the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and shanghai today is inseparable from the correct leadership of the central authorities, the vigorous support of sister provinces and cities, and the hard work of the Shanghai people.

We must be humble and cautious, do more and say less, and only do not say. In his work, Huang Ju dares to break stereotypes and open his mind, and in life, he is humble and low-key, strict with himself.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > baby-faced "road mayor" and "environmental secretary"</h1>

Huang Ju was born with a baby face, looking much younger than his actual age, and his round face, which always smiled, revealed the affinity of officials. In 1985, Huang Ju was then the executive vice mayor of Shanghai.

At that time, another deputy mayor in charge of finance and trade work received a call from Huang Ju, and Huang Ju's call was mainly to ask what could be done to solve the problem of tight supply of toilet paper on the market during that time, which made Huang Ju's colleagues scratch their heads.

Huang Ju learned that the use of paper towels was tense due to the shortage of raw materials, and the supply and marketing department would solve the raw material problem as soon as possible before putting her mind at ease.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Another time, Huang Ju learned from his family that many elderly people need to queue up in grain and oil stores to buy food, and he immediately thought that price reform may bring many difficulties to the lives of widows and widows, and randomly asked the relevant departments to study and propose convenient subsidies in a timely manner.

According to the memories of the former staff around Huang Ju, on a rainy day, Huang Ju was ready to go out, and the guards did not arrive on time.

Huang Ju inquired about the reason, and learned that the guards were late because of the leaking water in the house at home, huang Ju immediately called the relevant departments and asked them to urgently investigate the situation in the city and help the people in need to solve the problem of water ingress into the house.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Every day "two points and one line", Huang Ju has been like a day for decades, like a perpetual motion machine, the shaft has rotated tirelessly, and whenever someone advises him to rest, he will always humbly say that he is a stupid bird to fly first.

Huang Ju has left a strong mark in the history of Shanghai's municipal transportation construction. At that time, there was a saying that due to poor traffic, in the morning and evening rush hours in Shanghai, about 11 pairs of shoes per square meter on the bus would be squeezed out.

The main problem with this dilemma is that the old "four lanes" can no longer meet the demand, but the "six lanes" scheme being studied requires more than 20,000 households to relocate. Huang Ju was quite dissatisfied with this and demanded that the road planning should be reasonable and the amount of relocation should be reduced as much as possible.

In desperation, the working group had to investigate repeatedly and hold one symposium after another. In the end, as Huang Ju wished, not only was the amount of movement reduced, but the elevated and above-ground roads were widened. Therefore, the citizens of Shanghai gave Huang Ju the title of "Mayor of the Road".

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

Pudong Airport

In addition, during the construction of Pudong Airport, the new airport that Hong Kong has just put into operation has a system chaos, and Huang Ju is worried about pudong airport taking a detour, requiring the relevant responsible persons to go to Hong Kong for field research, collect first-hand information, and fully grasp the situation.

Huang Ju's rigorous and meticulous work style not only made the construction of Pudong Airport avoid detours, but also achieved one-time success in the trial operation of general aviation.

Huang Ju is also an "environmental secretary", who not only attaches importance to the natural environment, but also attaches importance to the soft cultural environment.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

After the rapid development of Shanghai's urban construction in the 1990s, reinforced concrete covered the green space lake, Huang Ju stressed that Shanghai must have green space construction after inspecting the green space construction of other cities, under his advocacy, the city's large public green space began to appear, and also became the "green lung" of the city.

Now tourists must "open" to Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai Grand Theatre and other landmark buildings also embody Huang Ju's painstaking efforts.

He attached great importance to the construction of cultural facilities and the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses. Huang Ju once humorously described what is a good public opinion orientation, if the crowd follows the red flag, it is called majestic, if the red flag is held high but only a single shadow, it is called tragic, rather than tragic. In other words, everything is based on the support of the masses of the people.

From the ordinary technicians of the factory to the leaders of the political side, Huang Ju spent 40 spring and autumn seasons in Shanghai, walking through the streets and alleys of Shencheng.

Huang Ju, former secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, official to the level of zhengguo, died of illness at the age of 69 from Babaoshan and was buried in Shanghai Zhishui Jiangnan when he was young to approve land leases, Shanghai's new opportunities for state-owned assets reform, Shanghai's leading new fashion baby-faced "mayor of the road" and "environmental secretary"

In late 2005, Huang Ju, then vice premier of the State Council, made a special trip back to Shanghai to attend the opening ceremony of Yangshan Port, which may be the last time he witnessed the changes in Shanghai.

Shortly after returning to Beijing, Huang Ju was suddenly hospitalized, and in the more than a year of fighting the disease, he seemed to have already put life and death aside, still concerned about the unfinished work. On June 2, 2007, Comrade Huang Ju passed away due to ineffective medical treatment. In 2015, following Comrade Huang Ju's last wishes, his soul returned to his hometown and was buried in Fushou Garden.

Text/Nangong Qin

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