
Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

author:Jiangxi Ji'an Wang Fuxing

Some people, when she's around you, you don't know how to cherish. When you know how to cherish, you find that she will never come back. There are some things that you don't know how to cherish when you have it. When you lose it, you find that it is too late to regret it.

Wenfang Village belongs to Fujita Town, Yongfeng County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and is a large village inhabited by the Yang family of Hongnong. The Wenfang Yang Ancestral Hall was built in the 1930s and completed in the early 1940s. The Yang Ancestral Hall had just been built, and before it could be renovated, it undertook the Jiangxi Provincial Rural Normal School.

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

Jiangxi Provincial Nanchang Rural Normal School was founded in 1928 and is now merged into Yuzhang Normal College. When the Japanese invaded Nanchang, a large number of institutions in Jiangxi Province moved to Ji'an. The Yang family of Wenfang understood the great righteousness and gave the newly built ancestral hall to the Nanchang Township Teacher to run the school. When Yuzhang Normal College was revising the history of the school, it also sent people to the Yang Ancestral Hall in Wenfang to find roots.

At the beginning of this year, I went to the Yang Ancestral Hall in Wenfang to collect wind. Listening to the Yang villagers in Wenfang, they planned to demolish the Yang Ancestral Hall and rebuild a great ancestral hall on the original site. I think that the Yang Ancestral Hall in Wenfang has the historical background of hosting the provincial Nanchang Township Division, has a certain cultural relics value, and should be repaired in accordance with the principle of repairing the old as the old.

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

I persuaded the Yang villagers in Wenfang not to move, and I also asked several literary friends of the Ouyang Xiu Literary Society in Yongfeng County to go together to persuade the Yang villagers of Wenfang not to demolish the Yang Ancestral Hall. Anyway, we tried our best to persuade them, and as for whether the Yang villagers listened or not, I didn't know. I plan to go to Wenfang Village another day when I have time to see if the Yang Ancestral Hall is still there.

Tiershan Village belongs to Shima Town, Yongfeng County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and is a large village inhabited by the Guo family. In 2018, the historic Guo Ancestral Hall of The Layer Mountain was rated as a famous ancient ancestral hall by jiangxi provincial local history. I went to the Guo Ancestral Hall in Tiersan to collect wind, and the villagers of Tiersan said that they were going to replace the old tiles with glazed tiles.

I said, "People spend high prices everywhere to buy old tiles left over from demolition houses, just to reflect the value of cultural relics." But you have done the opposite, wanting to exchange glazed tiles for old tiles. Who came up with this idea of exchanging Qin bricks and Han tiles for reinforced concrete? ”

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

The talents who exchange Qin bricks and Han tiles for reinforced concrete also exist in our village. Wang Moubucai, a native of Xiaoling Village, Fujita Town, Yongfeng County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province. Xiaoling Village is a large village where the Wang clan of Taiyuan is concentrated, and there is a long-established Wang Clan Ancestral Hall in the village. There are only two ancient ancestral halls in Yongfeng County that have been rated as famous ancient ancestral halls by Jiangxi Provincial Local History, one is the aforementioned Layer Mountain Guo Ancestral Hall, and the other is the Xiaoling Wang Ancestral Hall.

A few years ago, the Wang clan raised more than 1.7 million yuan to prepare for the renovation of the Wang Ancestral Hall. A talent proposed to demolish the ancient ancestral hall and rebuild a new ancestral hall on the original site. There is an elder in the Wang family who was the principal of the middle school, and he understood the value of cultural relics and rejected the proposal to demolish the ancient and build a new one. In accordance with the principle of "repairing the old as old", the Wang clan repaired the ancient ancestral hall.

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

I read the Jiangxi Provincial Chronicle and knew that there is a historic Diaofeng Temple in Tier mountain village. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang once visited Diaofeng Temple and wrote "Records of Diaofeng Temple". The villagers of Layer Mountain carved Wen Tianxiang's article into an inscription of "Records of Diaofeng Temple" and erected it at the entrance of Diaofeng Temple.

I went to Tiersan Village and found Diaofeng Temple. After hundreds of years of ups and downs, the temple has been damaged several times and rebuilt several times, and has now been renamed Shifeng Ancient Temple. The Shifeng Ancient Temple I saw was a modern reconstruction, and this was expected.

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

I found Uncle Guo, who was guarding the Diaofeng Temple, who was more than 70 years old and knew that he was a respected elder. I asked Uncle Guo: "Jiangxi Provincial Local Chronicle records that Diaofeng Temple has an inscription written by Wen Tianxiang, can I read Wen Tianxiang's article?" ”

Uncle Guo said, "I saw that inscription when I was a child, and it was erected at the entrance of the temple. When the village was building a road, the villagers did not understand the value of cultural relics and smashed the inscription to fill the road. The inscription is under the cement road and must not be found. ”

Jiangxi side events: Farmers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and actually smashed the inscription written by Wen Tianxiang to fill in the road

In the past, peasants had little access to education, and did not read much, if not illiterate. The villagers do not understand the value of cultural relics, and always think that the new ancestral hall is magnificent and more magnificent than the dilapidated ancient ancestral hall. Villagers do not understand the value of cultural relics and always think that the dilapidated inscriptions are useless. As a result, it is not uncommon to demolish ancient ancestral halls to build new ancestral halls and smash ancient inscriptions to fill in the road.

When it comes to losing these monuments, some people know how to cherish them, but they find that it is too late to regret it. Only by waiting for the post-80s to become family elders can we change this situation. The key question is, when the post-80s generation becomes the elder of the family, how many monuments left by the ancestors can be left?

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