
Nadeau: Trying to convince you of me is like believing Zweig's spell

author:China Youth Network
Nadeau: Trying to convince you of me is like believing Zweig's spell
Nadeau: Trying to convince you of me is like believing Zweig's spell

That's a lot

When I finished the "stereotype" of suspense novels, the next thing I wanted to try was how to overturn the "stereotype" and achieve better results.


One night, nado was writing a novel in the house, and his father suddenly pushed the door in, holding a book in his hand, "I saw something that is very suitable for you to use as a novel material." That book was Zweig's autobiography, The World of Yesterday. After finishing the things at hand, he began to read the relevant content pointed out to him by his father, and after reading it was early in the morning, he was alone in the house, and he suddenly felt creepy.

As a suspense novelist, Nado never lacks thrillers in novels, although sometimes he is inevitably involved in the drama, and always knows that everything is created by himself. But what Zweig called the "death" actually happened. In order to write the novel, Nadotto's friend in Germany inquired about the date and cause of death of the 3 people mentioned in Zweig's autobiography – Zweig did not deceive people. After that, Nado completed the novels "Secret Experiment: A Hundred Years of Script Spell" and "Secret Experiment : Oracle Bone Fragment".

Wrote suspense novels for more than a decade, and that much continues. Writing has become a part of his life, and outside of writing, he has a hobby like many writers - playing cards. The protagonist of many of his novels is named "Nado", and the plot of the novel is true and false, he said: "I want to convince the reader that this may be true." ”

China Youth Daily: Many of the stories you have created, such as the "Na Duo Ling Strange Handbook" series, the two "Secret Experiments" series published this time, will graft reality and virtuality into a graft, why?

That's more: When a story is a bit "levitating" and a little "brain-opening", in a few ways, I want the reader to believe that my story is true.

China Youth Daily: What are the sources of "reality" in the novel?

That's more: When you brush your phone, you will pay more attention to the news, and if you think that a news has the possibility of deduction, you will collect it; "The Curse of a Hundred Years of Script" is derived from Zweig's autobiography "Yesterday's World"; sometimes seeing some cases can also be used as the seed of the novel.

China Youth Daily: "That much" is your pen name and the protagonist of many novels, why is it handled this way?

Nadeau: Also to give the reader a sense of authenticity, to tell stories in the first person, to pretend that these are all "me" – the author himself has experienced. Readers do ask me how much of your novel is true, and in that sense I feel that my purpose has been achieved. In "One Hundred Years of Script Spells", "Nado" is a flash of insignificant person, it is a little fun, for fun, want to say hello to my old readers, everyone will smile.

China Youth Daily: Will writers who write suspense novels have moments to frighten themselves?

Nado: Basically, no, I rarely deliberately scare people in fiction. I just give the reader a strong sense of picture, as to whether to scare people depends on the reader's own imagination.

China Youth Daily: Will you plan the whole story at the beginning of the writing?

Nado: The crime novels I've written in recent years, like "A Tale of Murder in Nineteen Years" and "The Knight's Sacrifice," have to be thought through very clearly before I start writing. Because this kind of novel has high requirements for logic, only by sorting it out in advance can it lay out the story.

China Youth Daily: Many novelists will experience life in order to make the story more realistic, as a suspense novelist, do you need to experience life?

Nadeau: Not all novelists have to experience life, and many successful novelists don't write about their lives. I think what matters is how the writer understands the real world and real life and presents it in the novel. Some things must be actually done to understand, but some things can be understood in other ways, such as interviews, such as observations and deductions of life, such as reading.

When I wrote "One Hundred Years of Script Spells", I read all aspects of Zweig's books and materials, and when I wrote "Oracle Bone Fragment", I also read a lot of material about Oracle. A lot of material for preparatory reading may not be used when writing, but it can help me build a world that I can trust first, which makes me not feel "virtual" when writing. If the writer himself is "virtual", how can the things written be trusted by the reader?

China Youth Daily: After writing suspense novels for so many years, is there any new direction for exploring this category?

Nado: When conceiving "A Hundred Years of Screenplay Spell", I wanted to try a kind of "intellectual suspense", combining Freud's psychoanalysis, Dalí's surrealist painting school, Zweig's novel, etc. as the background, so that a suspense novel combined with historical, artistic, literary and other elements.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network: Suspense novels have been readers for decades, suspense dramas are also the most recent hit genre, why have people always been enthusiastic about suspense?

Nado: In my understanding, storytelling novels with suspense as the core can be classified as suspense novels, so like tomb robbery novels and speculative novels, they all belong to this category. Suspense is a magic weapon that can attract most people.

But writing suspense novels is a great test for writers, because it is always easy to write an appetizing beginning, but to tell this story, not only can there be a logical solution, but more importantly, the climax of this story must not be at the beginning. So when your beginning is very attractive, you have to face how to put the real climax of the story and then press the beginning through, otherwise, it will give people the feeling of being a tiger. This is the real challenge for suspense novelists.

China Youth Daily: Some people think that genre novels such as suspense novels are "not elegant", what do you think about this?

Nadeau: Of course, suspense fiction is not serious literature, it is a genre literature, and its standards are very different from serious literature. Suspense novels are centered on stories, and the way stories are told is different from serious literature. It pays more attention to how to grasp the reader at a critical moment and grasp the reader's psychology, and has a sense of rhythm. For example, it's like a Hollywood movie that requires the screenwriter to have a climax in the first few minutes, in effect, in order to grab the audience. Serious literary and artistic films, by contrast, would not have such demands.

But after doing these "stereotypes", the next thing I want to try is how to overturn the "stereotypes", and after overturning them, they can achieve better results. For example, the most important suspense of crime fiction is who is the murderer, and I have an irrational practice in The Knight's Sacrifice by telling the reader who the murderer is at the beginning. Losing this suspense will require me to do more to engage readers in other areas.

China Youth Daily: In what state do you usually write?

That's more: Monday to Friday, get up at 10 o'clock in the morning, write for three or four hours in the afternoon, more regular. In fact, as long as I don't have a mobile phone, I can write. The biggest influence on my writing is the mobile phone, which can fragment all time. Writing is very self-controlled for me, it cannot be done in fragmented time, and I have to go this way alone. But if there is a mobile phone next to me, as soon as I feel difficult, I can't help but stop and look at WeChat to brush Weibo, this kind of fork for a few minutes, or even only a few seconds, will also make the previous writing state pause.

So when I write, I usually put my phone in a place where I can't get it, or put it at home and go out to the café to write.

China Youth Daily: Do you have a favorite writer?

That's more: Different stages are different. When I was a child, I liked Jin Yong, Gu Long, and Ni Kuang, and read a bunch of their popular novels, which determined that my later creative direction was genre novels; when my creative direction changed from supernatural to realistic, Dan Brown and other European and American contemporary suspense writers had a great influence on me, and I liked fast-paced novels at that time, "A Hundred Years of Script Spells" and "Oracle Bone Fragments" were of this genre; in recent years, influenced by Japanese novels, such as Keigo Higashino, began to like to tell stories slowly.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiaobin Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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