
The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

author:Calamus is mourned

Really poor to pretend to be an X bubble girl?

Due to the successive international student scandals that have been exposed, our three views are constantly refreshed.

Everyone began to think that the circle of international students was very chaotic,

Of course, the quality of each circle cannot be generalized, and the specific situation varies from person to person.

But it must be admitted that some international students are really chaotic, and the things my cousin is going to talk about today are related to international students.


The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived


Australian Chinese male students use girls as ATMs?

Old rule, let's first introduce the main characters:

Girl A, the whistleblower of this incident, is also a victim;

Boy J, a male Australian Chinese student, was the target of the revelation in this incident;

Girl Y, Girl A's friend.

The thing is like this, girl A and girl Y quarreled, and it was quite unpleasant.

But girl A still cares about the friend of girl Y, and does not want to lose this friend.

So girl A found boy J, hoping that he could say more good things about himself in front of girl Y.

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

April is the birthday of boy J, and he said to girl A,

If she can help him pay for the birthday box he opens, he will help ease her relationship with girl Y.

Girl A readily agreed when she heard it,

In addition to transferring the cost of opening a private room to boy J, he also gave an iPad as a birthday present.

On her birthday, girl A also went to the private room,

But boy J didn't let her into the box in the name of girl Y,

Girl Y said that she would be scared when she saw her, and Girl A could only stand outside all the time.

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived
The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

Later, boy J told girl A, and girl J agreed to add her with a trumpet first.

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

The two began to chat, but unexpectedly, at this time, boy J found girl A,

said that she is not very good at chatting, and said that he can teach her to chat with the girl Y,

If the chat is good, transfer money to him as tuition.

In this way, girl A successively transferred hundreds of knives to him as "tuition".


The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived


Girl A found that she had been deceived

At the end of April, boy J opened the box again and invited girl A to go.

Girl A had to go to work that day and didn't want to go, and Boy J kept stressing that she had to come.

Girl A thought that boy J invited her to play with her this time, so she took a leave of absence to go.

Outrageously, this time boy J asked her to stay outside and not go in for various reasons.

I didn't enter the box at all, let alone have any consumption such as drinking.

When the final payment was made, boy J asked girl A to pay for the box fee of more than 2,000 knives!

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

Girl A said that she didn't have that much money, and Boy J asked the checkout officer to press Girl A's passport!

Later, boy J did not have the consent of girl A.

Use Girl A's passport photo to borrow money from another friend of Girl A. present.

The friend saw that it was girl A and borrowed it, and the girl A behind could only repay the box money by herself.

Strangely, boy J has always told his female friend that he pays the box money in full every time,

In fact, he also asked the boys in the box to give him a money.

Later, girl Y herself added girl A back, and girl A found that she had been deceived.

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived
The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

The trumpet added before is the trumpet that boy J uses to impersonate girl Y,

Pretend to be girl Y chatting with girl A, fabricating lies to cheat money.

Girl A was deceived by boy J before and after more than 1w (excluding the cash withdrawn from him).

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived
The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

At present, girl A has chosen to call the police to deal with this matter,

Exposing this matter is also in the hope that everyone can have a long eye and not be deceived.


The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived


Don't trust others easily

I believe that everyone who reads the ins and outs hates iron as much as my cousin,

Girl A is so easy to trust others,

In this matter, as long as Girl A is a little cautious, it should be easy to see the flaws!

People say that eating a trench is long and wise, but for some people, this trench may crush people to death,

Therefore, I advise everyone to think twice about everything and not trust anyone easily.

The girl posted an article accusing Australian students of cheating money! Dog blood details flowed out, netizens: you deserve to be deceived

In this material world, we must base ourselves on objective facts,

Analyze calmly, always take the initiative into your own hands,

We can't hurt others, but we can't let others hurt casually.

I don't know what everyone thinks? Let's take a look at what netizens think!


It is normal to be used, it is normal to use others, see it clearly for yourself, and master the proportions yourself!!! Life is like that, it can't be avoided!!!


People have a thousand faces, and their hearts are changeable, and do not say everything they know, and do not believe everything they hear. In this cool society, you never know who is playing whom...

What to eat todaya:

God, this girl is too stupid, this can be deceived, I obeyed. She has no mouth, she will not go to communicate with good friends by herself, she has to go through others, then she is not deceived who is deceived?

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