
The best pharmacy is the kitchen, and the best doctor is yourself

author:Yi's mother Xiao Lingling

1. Soaking your feet every day like a tonic, walking to prevent cancer is a good remedy

◎ Soak feet: As the saying goes, people's old feet first decay, wood dead roots first exhausted, health first to nourish feet, every night before going to bed to develop the habit of soaking feet, it is recommended to soak feet at about 9 pm, the water temperature is 45 degrees is appropriate, should not be over hot water to not pass the naked feet, soak for 20-30 minutes is appropriate!

Warm reminder: people with high blood pressure, excessive weakness, skin diseases, wounds and other people should soak their feet with caution. Although soaking your feet is healthy, not everyone is suitable for soaking your feet!

◎ Walking: modern people are stressed, the pace of life is too fast, most of them are subways, by car, few people will walk travel, more time to exercise, for middle-aged and elderly people every day appropriate exercise is very necessary, even if walking for 30 minutes, or jogging for half an hour, there are great benefits to health!

The best pharmacy is the kitchen, and the best doctor is yourself

2. Go to bed early and get up early is the most beautiful, and warm water wins the ginseng soup in the morning.

◎ People to a certain age, you must quit the habit of staying up late, otherwise the body is destined to plummet, sleep is not only a matter of time, not that I slept enough for 8 or 9 hours today, the body is healthy, sleep is a time period problem, 9 pm to 3 am for the day and winter, the winter lord avoids, Yang Qi to enter the hibernation period, is the gold does not change the sleep time, so it is best to fall asleep at about 9 o'clock, get up around 5-6 o'clock in the morning, often say "to go to bed early and get up early", "good sleep is the first big supplement".

◎Get up early and drink warm water, cleanse the intestines, promote gastrointestinal contraction function, help better digestion and absorption of nutrients in food, promote body metabolism, strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis function, reduce the probability of constipation, increase blood volume, dilute blood and promote blood circulation.

Drinking warm water on an empty stomach in the morning has many benefits for the human body, so you can get up every morning and insist on drinking warm water.

The best pharmacy is the kitchen, and the best doctor is yourself

Smile with a longevity treasure, concentrate on the fetus and replenish the heart and lungs.

◎ The Internet said, people who love to laugh will not be too bad luck, in fact, the health of people who love to laugh will not be too bad Oh, many long-lived old people are mostly happy people, laughing, optimistic and open-minded people have a low risk of infection and inflammation, longer life, the human body has an immune cell called T cells, also known as happy cells, when people laugh can stimulate the production and division of T cells, thereby enhancing the body's own immunity!

◎Fetal breath: Chinese medicine says that medicine supplement is not as good as food supplement, food supplement is not as good as qi supplement, qi supplement is not as good as divine supplement, fetal breath is the highest state of qi supplement and divine supplement, so concentrate and calm Qi and always be healthy!

Often rub the belly to nourish the stomach, often turn the eyes to protect the eyes.

◎ Often rubbing the belly: The abdomen is where the five internal organs live, the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach, large intestine, small intestine and other digestive system organs are distributed here, and there are also any pulses, belt pulses, rush pulses, etc. around the navel, so kneading the abdomen has a good health care effect.

◎ Turning the eyes often: when the eyes are turning, you can achieve self-active massage, so that the blood in the eyes is smooth, improve neuronutrition, relieve eye fatigue, and usually do eye exercises!

The best pharmacy is the kitchen, and the best doctor is yourself

Do not be idle to protect the liver, and bask in the sun to help supplement calcium.

◎ Do not be angry: anger hurts the liver "ten thousand diseases come up", Chinese medicine talks about "liver main sentiment", liver abnormalities will affect people's emotions; Conversely, the good or bad mood will also affect the liver. So, maintaining a good mood is a good way to nourish your liver.

◎ More sun: Proper sun exposure can promote calcium absorption, especially the elderly and children, often hear doctors say "eat calcium tablets at the same time, but also properly bask in the sun"

The best pharmacy is the kitchen, and the diet is the most nourishing.

The simplest pharmacy is itself, often used to exercise well.