
Guizhou Alcohol Zhu Wei: The acquisition of Qingjiu Group has not been settled


In response to Guizhou Alcohol's proposed acquisition of Qingjiu Group, on September 27, Zhu Wei, chairman of Guizhou Alcohol and Zhijiang Liquor, disclosed the protest letter sent by Qingjiu Group to qingjiu group and apologized to Qingjiu group.

According to the protest letter of Qingjiu Group, in the process of Guizhou Alcohol's acquisition of Luzhou Linlang Liquor Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Linlang Liquor), through today's headline self-media account, comments containing pictures of Qingjiu Group's office building, enterprise magazine, Dongzang Old Wine, etc. were repeatedly published, misleading industry public opinion and causing a greater social impact on our production and operation. We lodge our grave protest against this.

In August this year, Zhu Wei announced that the company will open the "merger and acquisition model" in the second half of the year, which has triggered heated discussions in the circle.

In September, Guizhou Alcohol joined hands with Lin Lang Liquor, but there was speculation that Guizhou Fang or the next city would continue to buy green wine.

Dramatically, while apologizing to Qingjiu, Zhu Wei also publicly announced that he would put no less than 500 million yuan in advertisements every year in the next two years for the national revival of famous wine brands such as Guizhou Alcohol, Zhijiang and Qingjiu.

Therefore, some netizens speculated that Guizhou alcohol and green wine have long reached a tacit understanding, "Zhu Dong has long negotiated with green wine, and now it is the stage of bundled marketing, and the heat can be officially announced." ”

Blue Whale financial reporter contacted Zhu Wei to ask whether the acquisition of green wine was settled, and he said no. The reporter asked again whether there was any intention to acquire or in the negotiation, Zhu Wei did not give a direct reply.

This article originated from Blue Whale Finance

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