
#My family things #Like alum roots, colorful leaves, elegant plants, bright flowers, known as God's overturned palette. #5月财经新势力 #

author:Far Shadow 8723

#My family's things#

Like alum root, the leaves are colorful, the plants are elegant, the flowers are bright, and people call the color palette that God has overturned.

#5月财经新势力 #

#My family things #Like alum roots, colorful leaves, elegant plants, bright flowers, known as God's overturned palette. #5月财经新势力 #
#My family things #Like alum roots, colorful leaves, elegant plants, bright flowers, known as God's overturned palette. #5月财经新势力 #
#My family things #Like alum roots, colorful leaves, elegant plants, bright flowers, known as God's overturned palette. #5月财经新势力 #

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