
Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

author:Playful little wood

Modern people think of supplements, generally think of calcium supplementation, in the supermarket, milk labeled with calcium supplement function is often more popular, the elderly is a bottle of calcium tablets, eat every day, and even some people think that calcium tablets should be eaten by the whole people, saying that eating calcium tablets is beneficial and harmless, calcium tablets can be said to be equivalent to daily health care supplements in the concept of contemporary people.

Is calcium tablets really a good thing that is beneficial and harmless as mentioned above? I think not!

Next, let's take a look at Ni Haixia's explanation of calcium tablets, and you will understand why you say this after reading it!

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

Ni Haixia believes that calcium tablets are an IQ tax!

Western medicine factory is very interesting, they will first implant a concept for everyone that everyone needs to supplement calcium, and then they launched their calcium tablets, saying that eating calcium tablets can supplement calcium! It confuses the concept of calcium with calcium tablets, making everyone mistakenly think that eating calcium tablets is supplementing calcium!

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

That's not the case!

We all need calcium, but we don't need calcium tablets, calcium and calcium tablets are two different things! Calcium is not equal to calcium tablets!

Don't think that it is convenient to eat calcium tablets, it is good to eat more calcium tablets if calcium is not enough, but after eating for a long time, the bones are still rotten, and it is still useless! On the contrary, it is easy to get kidney stones!

Now all the research has come out, calcium tablets, do not help the bones, minimal! There is also no evidence that it helps bones!

But many of our folk people take fish bones and pork bones to boil soup to drink, these soups have natural calcium in them, which is the real way to supplement calcium for the body, not calcium tablets!

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

Ni Haixia also mentioned that kidney stones, especially pay attention to the problem of drinking water, and do not eat calcium tablets!

The calcium tablets of Western Medicine Factory are extracted from calcium elements and made into calcium tablets for everyone to eat. In fact, this calcium tablet will not supplement calcium after eating, but will accumulate in the kidney, causing kidney stones.

At the same time, calcium tablets will also beat out the calcium in your bones, saying that this kind of research has long come out in Australia, and Australian studies say that eating calcium will only make bones worse!

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

[Source: Xinhuanet]

London, September 15, 2006 (Xinhuanet) -- British media reported on the 15th that Australian researchers said that they found that calcium supplements did not have long-term bone strengthening effects by evaluating a number of studies on osteoporosis.

Citing a paper published on the website of the British Medical Journal weekly, researchers evaluated 19 studies on osteoporosis that included nearly 2,900 healthy children between the ages of 3 and 18.

The paper was written by Tanya Wenzinberg et al. of the Menzies Institute in Tasmania, Australia.

In the study they evaluated, the researchers gave children calcium supplements for at least 3 months and then followed their bone status for at least 6 months. The results showed that the bone density of the upper limbs was about 1.7% higher in children who took calcium supplementation than those who did not.

Although bone density in the upper extremities increased, the rest of the children's body, particularly the pelvis and vertebrae below the waist, did not increase significantly and these bones were prone to fractures as they entered old age.

The article said: "Whether in early childhood or old age, increased bone density in the upper extremities does not reduce the risk of fractures. ”

Experts recommend that people use dietary therapy and other methods to increase bone density, such as increasing vitamin D by more sun, eating more fish, or eating more fruits and vegetables.

After entering the old age, people's bone density will gradually decrease, especially women, after menopause, osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases. Many people take calcium supplements to strengthen their bones.

Then the pharmaceutical company tried to control this speech, but it could not be controlled later, because it was a country, and the pharmacy could control the mouths of our little people, but the country's mouth pharmaceutical factories could not control it!

People who eat calcium tablets are stupid people!

Why do calcium tablets not supplement calcium?

Ni Haixia believes that Western medicine drugs are all artificially extracted pure nutrients, once a thing is pure nutrition, it is difficult to be absorbed.

Like when we eat oranges, when we eat it, we don't just drink the juice of the orange, but eat it together with the pulp and other things, so that the food is easy to be absorbed and utilized by the human body!

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

At the same time, coarse orange fiber will also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that nutrients can be better absorbed into the body!

When we look at nature, there is no pure nutritious thing, pure nutritious things are all made by us, this kind of thing cannot be eaten!


In Ni Haixia's view, calcium tablets are not good for the human body, but may be harmful, in his concept, calcium tablets can not be eaten!

But if Western doctors do not eat calcium tablets, they do not have any good ways to supplement calcium, so Western medicine still calls on everyone to eat more calcium tablets.

Ni Haixia: Only fools will eat calcium tablets!

Is eating calcium tablets good or bad?

This is estimated to depend on what everyone thinks, for those who firmly believe that calcium tablets are useful, they may be more at ease after eating, and may be able to achieve good results.

For those who think that eating calcium tablets is useless, it is better to drink a bowl of bone broth to be effective, not eating calcium tablets is naturally very good.

So what exactly is the answer to this question?

I believe

Time will tell!

Let's wait and see!