
Key technology of artificial seedling breeding of thorn ginseng

author:Farming is a little clear

1. Harvesting and storage of pro-ginseng

Around the summer solstice, the ginseng is basically mature, this is the best time for the ginseng to harvest, should choose the individual larger, harmless, full of gonadal ginseng. Care should be taken to avoid interference squeezing and prevent high temperatures when transporting, and can choose to transport in the morning or evening. After the relatives are transported back, they should be artificially stored, and the water temperature of the storage should not be too high, generally mastered at 16 ° C ~ 18 ° C. The cultivation density of the pro-ginseng should not exceed 30 heads/square meter. Daily feeding of sage algae detritus or artificial compound feed at 4% of the body weight of the pro-ginseng. The time of storage is about 1 week, and if the gonads are well-developed and mature, they can be discharged in large quantities that night.

2. Spawning and fertilization

At present, the artificial induction method of ginseng generally adopts the yin dry heating stimulation method and the yin dry water stimulation method, and whether the method of inducing spawning can take effect depends on whether the development of the gonads is mature. According to the natural spawning habits of ginseng, egg laying should be selected at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and it is found that the pro-ginseng activities are frequent, and move up along the pool wall, and soon the male will be discharged, at this time, the duty personnel should immediately fish it out and put it into another pool, and soon the female will also be discharged. After the discharge of the ginseng is over, the ginseng is fished out, and the eggs are washed repeatedly at this time until the pool water becomes clear.

Key technology of artificial seedling breeding of thorn ginseng

3. Larval cultivation

Selection is carried out when the embryo develops into a small-eared larvae. With NX79 nylon wire mesh tow or siphon selection, the density of the breeding pool was controlled at about 0.5 /ml. The palatable bait for the larvae of Ginseng is salt algae, algae, forked whip golden algae, etc., in addition, some substitute baits, such as sagebug grinding liquid, and the use of golden yellow algae and diatom mixture feeding effect is better. Feeding should adhere to the principle of less casting and frequent feeding, and should not be fed too much at one time, otherwise the larvae of ginseng are prone to indigestion. The feeding amount of monocytoal algae is 10,000 cells /ml for small ear larvae, 15,000 cells/ml for middle ear larvae, and 20,000 cells/ml for large ear larvae, such as insufficient single-cell algae, which can be fed with some substitute bait, such as sage algae grinding liquid, which is fed 10ppm to 20ppm (fresh weight) per day, kelp grass fermentation liquid is fed 10ppm to 14ppm per day, and the daily feeding amount of edible raw clarification solution is 6ppm to 8ppm (dry weight). In production, it is necessary to adjust the fullness of the stomach of the larvae by microscopic examination, and there is generally 1/2 bait in the stomach area.

During the cultivation of planktonic larvae, ginseng generally does not pour the pool, because each inverted pool will damage the larvae, mainly relying on water change to improve water quality, changing water twice a day, each time changing water 1/3 to 1/2. In order to distribute the larvae evenly, turn the pool water up and down with the water turning plate once every 1 hour. The cultivation water temperature of planktonic larvae is 20 °C ~ 25 °C, generally every 3 days to 4 days with a siphon to clear the bottom once, to be thoroughly clean, the bottom of the pool bait, protozoa, larval excrement, etc. to be removed, the removed dirt should be poured into the vat. Floating larvae should be moved into the pool to continue culture.

4. Collection and cultivation of juvenile ginseng

When 20% to 30% of the larvae develop into bottle-shaped larvae, a juvenile ginseng collector can be stocked. Collectors typically use corrugated plate frames or plastic baskets. Before the attachment base is released, it should be soaked with 0.5‰ sodium hydroxide for 1 to 2 days, and then washed off the drug with water, washed and put into the bait pond to inoculate the benthic diatoms. The amount of bottom selenium diatom attachment directly affects the amount of seedlings attached, because the feeding power of juvenile ginseng is weak during this period, and if there is not enough bait on the attachment base, the metamorphosis rate and survival rate of juvenile ginseng will be greatly reduced. After 10 to 20 days of cultivation, a layer of benthic diatoms is attached to the attachment base, which can be put into use at this time, and the stocking density is 80 pieces / square meter ~ 100 pieces / square meter, at a 60 ° angle or 45 ° angle obliquely placed, in order to accept the bait when feeding.

The density of juvenile ginseng collection should not be too large, and it is generally 0.5 heads/cm to 1.0 heads/cm according to the conditions of each nursery pond. The juvenile ginseng, which is 2 mm long, takes the benthic diatom on the attached base as the main bait, and can also feed some single cell algae, and gradually increase the light intensity, so that the benthic diatoms on the attached base can reproduce. With the growth of juvenile ginseng, it is necessary to replenish the new benthic diatom and sage algae grinding liquid in time, when the juvenile ginseng body is more than 2mm long, it can be completely fed with the sage algae grinding liquid as bait, feeding 4 times a day, each time 20ppm ~ 30ppm.

Nursery ginseng cultivation using flowing water method to improve water quality, generally 4 times a day to 6 times, each time for 1 hour, the amount of water per day for the cultivation of water body 2 to 3 times, and when the water temperature is higher to increase the amount of water flow, at this time to pay attention to stabilize the dissolved oxygen content in the pool, when less than 3.6ppm when naïve, ginseng will appear sick, when less than 1.0ppm when the juvenile attend a large number of deaths. Due to the long feeding time, in the later stage of seedling breeding, we should pay attention to the bottom of the cultivation pond and the inverted pond of the juvenile ginseng, and screen the juvenile ginseng according to the situation, and stage out of the pond in order to facilitate the rapid growth of the individual small juvenile ginseng.

5. Disease prevention and control

Common diseases are copepod injuries and ulcer diseases. In addition to the copepods can compete with the juvenile ginseng for bait and living space, the flea can also use the developed mouthparts to tear and prey on the juvenile ginseng, if its large number of reproduction will make the amount of juvenile parameters sharply reduced. Ulcer disease is mainly caused by bacterial infection caused by injuries to juveniles.

Diseases should be mainly prevented, the attachment base should be strictly disinfected before use, and the water quality should always be maintained during the cultivation period, and the copepods should be killed in time, and the specific method is to apply 1ppm to 2ppm crystal enemy insects, and then change the water in large quantities after 3 hours to 5 hours. In the cultivation pond, the application of oxytetracycline 2ppm to 3ppm every 3 days to 5 days can effectively prevent the spread of bacteria and reduce the occurrence of ulcer disease.

Monocytozoa feeding harpon larvae technique

1. Bait quality

High-quality algae has the advantage of fast growth and quantity, in line with the standards of live, new, tender and pure, contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients, can promote the rapid development, metamorphosis and growth of larvae, and there are few algae liquid corruption, precipitation, wall phenomenon and the emergence of bacterial membranes, toxic substances, and predators. By using suitable culture conditions and culture methods, selecting the culture temperature, salinity, light, culture solution, and harvest period, you can obtain sufficient high-quality algae liquid for production.

2. The type of bait

The monocellular algae bait of the larvae of Ginseng ginseng includes salt algae, Zhanjiang fork whip golden algae, Mou's horned algae, triangular brown finger algae, small crescent diamond algae, etc., and mixed feeding with two or three kinds of bait can make them nutritionally complementary and meet the nutritional needs of the larvae. After years of experiments, benthic diatoms can significantly improve the attachment rate, metamorphosis and survival rate of juvenile ginseng larvae, and are suitable as bait for early juvenile ginseng.

3. Feeding the larvae

The amount of bait is suitable for half of the food in the stomach of the larvae of ginseng, and too much will lead to rotten stomach and deterioration of water quality. When the small ear larvae, middle ear larvae, and large ear larvae are mixed to feed two or three monocytic algae, the daily feeding amount is 10,000 to 20,000 cells/ml, 25,000 to 30,000 cells/ml, and 40,000 to 50,000 cells/ml, and 40,000 to 50,000 cells/ml, respectively. When the length of the juvenile ginseng is less than 2 mm, it is best to take the benthic diatom attached to the plate as the main bait, if the individual feeding method is adopted, 3 to 4 times a day, repeatedly filtered with a 200 mesh sieve silk, remove the large algae body, aging algae, and the daily feeding amount is 3 to 5 × 10-5 g / ml.

4. Eliminate predators

For polluted predators, the appropriate filter media can be selected according to the characteristics of the predator and removed by filtration method. If it is difficult to remove, a certain concentration of pollution-free fishing drugs should be used to kill them. When removing large predators (such as rotifers, etc.), the primary filtration uses mesh 120 mesh sieve silk to remove adults, and the secondary filtration uses mesh 260 mesh sieve silk to remove eggs and larvae. Benthic diatoms are mostly used 3 to 5 × 10-6 g/ml pollution-free fishing drugs to kill protozoa and then feed.

For more breeding technology and entrepreneurship guidelines, please refer to the of the mobile version of the breeding point, or pay attention to the WeChat public account: yangzhiuu; service account (mall): yangzhimall, WeChat private number: yzydtcom.

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