
Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

author:Xinhua Network Sichuan Channel

Scotland's river crayfish flooding? But the only thing in my mind is all kinds of delicious crayfish, spicy crayfish, incantinent crayfish, garlic crayfish... Think about it, today I will teach everyone to make a variety of delicious ~ love to eat or do not love to eat, will do or will not do, all look over!

Spicy crayfish to prepare

Practice 1

Ingredients: 1 kg of crayfish, green onion, ginger, garlic, 3 sharp peppers, a few red peppers, beer, sugar, salt, oil

1: One pound of crayfish, wash the belly with a toothbrush and remove the intestinal line.

2: Finely chop the green onion, ginger and garlic, and chop the three sharp peppers.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

3, the oil is about two or two, this thing oil is fragrant. Heat the oil into the pan for eight minutes, put a few red peppers, sauté the aroma, put the crayfish and stir-fry, successively put the chopped green onion, ginger, minced garlic and minced pepper, and then stir-fry;

4, a cup of beer poured pot, there are two or two can be, cover the pot and simmer.

5: After 3 minutes, add sugar and salt, stir-fry and simmer for 3 minutes. From in-pot to out-of-pot, all time 12 minutes.

Practice 2

Ingredients: 1000 g of crayfish, 3-4 chives, 5 slices of ginger, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 10-20 chili peppers, 2 teaspoons of peppercorns, 2 slices of fragrant leaves, 1 star anise, 1 small piece of cinnamon (fingernail size), 2 teaspoons of watercress, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of cooking wine, 1 teaspoon of sugar

1: Wash the crayfish with a brush and remove the shrimp line

2, put oil in the pot, try to point as much as possible, after the oil is hot, pour the watercress into the stir-fry out of the red oil, put in ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, star anise cinnamon, etc., continue to stir-fry, stir-fry the aroma after pouring the shrimp, continue to fry, put a little salt in the process of frying, add cooking wine after frying, fry dry.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

3, super good after adding a little water, probably not over the bottom of the shrimp, add sugar soy sauce on high heat and cook into the taste

4: When the soup is almost dry, add 2 teaspoons of vinegar, chicken essence and green onion and you're done.

The delicious spicy crayfish you can eat at home at any time

1, buy crayfish to pick the color of the dark head, the important thing is that the tail is large, more meat.

2, not afraid of trouble can break the shrimp head off. Compare to the taste.

3, salt must be put less, watercress is originally more salty

Spicy crayfish to prepare

【Ingredients】Peel 300 grams of crayfish, green onion, 1/2 piece of ginger, 5-6 cloves of garlic, a large amount of dried chili peppers, and an appropriate amount of peppercorns.

【Seasoning】 Corn oil, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 2 tbsp steamed fish soy sauce, 1 tsp vinegar, 2 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp salt and sugar.

1, garlic, ginger cut into small pieces, green onion, dried pepper into sections;

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

2. Adjust the seasonings other than corn oil into a small bowl in turn to make a flavor juice;

3, put the oil into the pot, fry the pesto, ginger, garlic, dried pepper, peppercorns;

4: Stir-fry the shrimp for 1-2 minutes;

5, when it turns red, add the sauce and add a small amount of water;

6: Cover the pot and simmer for 6-8 minutes on medium heat, until the soup dries out.

Ingredients: 2 pounds of lobster

Accessories: 1 green onion 1 ginger 1 garlic 1 star anise 2 peppercorns 2 pieces of fragrant leaves 1 piece of cinnamon

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Seasoning: Pixian watercress two tablespoons two teaspoons of sugar one teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of five-spice powder

1, the lobster soaked in water, take the chopsticks in a circle and stir for a while, there will be a lot of dirty flocculent things. Then soak for a while and stir again. Change the water and stir again. This is especially suitable for lobsters, without having to pick them up one by one and brush them.

2, the lobster tail has three left, middle and right lobes, the middle one grows on the top of the flap, with the index finger and thumb pinch the root of the twist, pull out is the mud intestine.

3, put oil in the pot, twice as much as stir-fry. Heat and add the dried crayfish. Stir-fry evenly.

4: Add all the ingredients and sauté until the crayfish turn red.

5. Put it out and set aside.

6: Add the remaining oil in the pot to pixian watercress and stir-fry over low heat until the watercress and oil are fused, add two teaspoons of sugar, one teaspoon of five-spice powder, and fry evenly.

7: Pour in the crayfish and stir-fry well.

11, mix with a bottle of beer or a bowl of rice wine, not enough water, do not drown the lobster, just flush as well. Add one teaspoon of salt.

12: Cook over high heat until the soup is halfway down. Turn off the heat, soak for a while, and the soup is slightly cooler and you can eat it.

To prepare braised crayfish

raw material:

1000 grams of crayfish, 4 chives, 2 slices of ginger, 6 cloves of garlic, 3 slices of fragrant leaves, 1 handful of peppercorns, dried chili peppers to taste.


2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp cooking wine, salt, sugar, chicken essence to taste.

Crayfish to the shell hard, dark red color, fierce as well, this season, to the mother as well, because of the yellow, when the autumn wind can choose the male, because the cream is very delicious.


1. Method of catching shrimp: use the thumb and index finger of the left hand to grasp the back of the crayfish;

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

2. Hold scissors in your right hand and cut off the shrimp and shrimp claws;

3. Place the crayfish under the running water and brush it with a small brush;

4, the tail of the crayfish is divided into three pieces, and the shrimp line can be removed by removing the middle piece of tail and twisting it with the trend;

5, use scissors to cut off the shell on both sides, remove the cheek;

6, below the eyes, use scissors to cut the head (do not cut more, cut more shrimp yellow will lose, can not cut less, cut less dirt is not easy to remove), remove the dirt inside;

7, the pot of hot oil, 60% hot, under the pepper, ginger slices, garlic cloves, dried pepper, fragrant leaves sautéed to produce aroma;

8、 Then pour in the crayfish and stir-fry;

9. Stir-fry cooking wine, soy sauce and sugar;

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

10: Add boiling water to two-thirds of the shrimp and add chives;

11: When the soup is halfway through, add a little salt and chicken essence to taste, and then cook slightly to start cooking.

Crab-flavored mushroom braised crayfish

Ingredients: 1 and a half pounds of crayfish, 1/2 small box of crab mushrooms, green onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, peppercorns, large ingredients, thirteen spices


1, crayfish minus claws, brush with a brush, cut off the gills, grab it with salt, rinse it with water and drain it

2、 Add oil to the wok, add shallots, ginger, garlic, star anise, peppercorns, and add lobster to stir-fry until the lobster turns red

3. Add soy sauce, rice wine and thirteen spices

4: Add boiling water over the shrimp and put in the mushrooms After boiling over high heat, add salt to low heat for about 25 minutes add less sugar

To dry sauté the crayfish

Taste: Medium spicy

Main process: frying

Time required: Half an hour

Production Difficulty: Normal

Kitchen utensils used: Wok

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Ingredients: appropriate amount of crayfish, appropriate amount of dried pepper, appropriate amount of peppercorns, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of five-spice powder, appropriate amount of cumin powder, appropriate amount of pepper powder, appropriate amount of coarse paprika, appropriate amount of garlic powder

Production steps

1. To make dried sautéed crayfish, you must choose a small, fat, thin shell female shrimp.

2. The selected crayfish must be soaked and changed repeatedly.

3. Cut off all the feet of the crayfish and brush them off with a toothbrush.

4. Draw the shrimp line from the tail.

5. Peel off the shell of the crayfish head and remove any debris.

6. Processed crayfish

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

7. Rinse the shelled shrimp and set aside.

8. Turn on a large oil pan, pour in the headless lobster, and turn it over from time to time.

9. Fry until 7 ripe to remove the oil.

10. Leave oil in a pan and sauté dried chili peppers, peppercorns, ginger, green onion, garlic and salt.

11. Add oil-controlled crayfish, sauté in cooking wine, sprinkle with five-spice powder, cumin powder, pepper, coarse paprika and garlic powder when the surface is crisp, mix a little sugar and chicken essence and sauté it slightly.

Practice of white-seared crayfish

It's the season to eat crayfish, the meat of the crayfish is tender and full, the boiled cooking method maintains the original taste of the crayfish, peels off the shell, extracts the mud sausage, and the snow white shrimp meat is dipped in a delicious sauce. Quite satisfied. Friends sent crayfish caught in the ditch of the farmhouse, full of a large basin, a dragon and a tiger with teeth and claws dancing, hehe, this also did not scare me, after a struggle, finally became a beautiful meal on the little girl's table.

Taste: Salty and fresh

Main process: boiling

Time required: twenty minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Kitchen utensils used: Boiling pot

Ingredients: 2,000 grams of crayfish, 1 ginger, green onion, 1 garlic clove, 2 spoons of salt, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of aged vinegar, 1 spoon of sugar, a little chicken essence, an appropriate amount of oil and spicy seeds, 200 grams of rice wine

1. Prepare the live crayfish

2. Wash one by one with a toothbrush

3. Slice the ginger and knot the green onion

4. Wash the crayfish and put them in a pot, add salt, rice wine, ginger slices and green onion knots

5. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cook completely over medium heat for about 18 minutes

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

6. Cut ginger, green onion and garlic cloves into finely chopped pieces, add soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, spicy oil and chicken essence to make a dipping sauce

7. Peel the shell, extract the mud intestines and dip them

Tips for white-blanched crayfish preparation

1. Crayfish must be alive, dead can not eat;

2. The environment in which crayfish live is generally relatively dirty, so it should be thoroughly washed;

3. My mud sausage is extracted when eating, so that the meat is more compact and chewy, you can also extract and then cook, but the meat is loose;

4. Crayfish should not be eaten with fruits containing tannic acid, such as grapes, pomegranates, persimmons, etc.

Steam the crayfish to be prepared

There is a saying in "China on the Tip of the Tongue", "Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the sea to eat the sea." We Wuhan people, growing up by the Yangtze River, naturally eat the most aquatic products. In Wuhan in the summer, the streets and alleys, all the small and large restaurants will launch a dish, crayfish. They are either stewed in oil or steamed, the oil stew is spicy, the taste is thick, and the steamed is fresh and sweet, and the shrimp meat tastes Q bomb and Q cool. I prefer the latter.

Main process: steaming

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Kitchen utensils used: steamer

Ingredients: 1000g of crayfish, 20g of shallots, 30g of ginger, 40g of garlic, 50g of light soy sauce, 50g of balsamic vinegar, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, 20g of sesame oil

1. Crayfish bought from the market, crayfish since more than ten years ago into the sight of Wuhan people, from the original price of a few yuan a pound soared to the current price of tens of yuan a pound, and the original is a random vegetable market to sell, now to the big market to buy.

2. The first step is to bathe the shrimp, I always use a toothbrush to brush it several times from beginning to end

3. The two pliers of the shrimp should also be brushed clean, and they will be eaten in one moment.

4. When brushing its pliers, I was thinking that the two pliers of the human parents are to protect themselves, but the tip of the human tongue is too strong, or to eat it.

5. Before brushing and steaming, there is another main step, which is to pluck the intestines of the shrimp. See the three tail fins of the shrimp tail?

6. Lift the fan in the middle and pull it outward with force, and the shrimp's intestines will be pulled out. There are two left and right tail wings left

7. Look, this is a plucked shrimp intestine, and there is a lot of dirt in it.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

8. Steam the treated shrimp in cold water

9. Then mix the dipping sauce, steamed dishes, the seasoning is very critical, both to maintain the light characteristics, but also to bring up the delicious taste. In the dipping sauce, the green onion, ginger and garlic can not be less, the spring onion ginger is minced, the garlic is pressed and minced, and put into a small bowl.

10. Add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, pepper, MSG and a little sesame oil to the bowl. Some people will find it very strange, why not put salt, because the steamed dish is characterized by freshness, soy sauce and vinegar, there is a little salty taste, and then add salt, the taste is heavy, will take away the umami. (Friends who like to eat spicy can also add a small amount of chili oil and pepper oil)

11. Turn off the heat five minutes after the steamer has air in the small hole and the shrimp are steamed. (After steaming for a long time, the texture of the shrimp meat is not tender.) )

12. Break open the shrimp head, you will see the shrimp yellow and shrimp meat, you can eat it with dipping sauce.

Tips for steaming crayfish preparation

1. The intestines of the shrimp tail must be pulled, otherwise the dirt will be eaten into the stomach, and the intestines are actually very good to pull.

2. The seasoning of the dipping sauce is very critical, do not mix too salty.

3. Shrimp do not steam for a long time, steamed for a long time the meat is very old, affecting the taste.

To prepare the braised crayfish in oil

Crayfish, about 15 cm in total length, is delicious. As an ingredient, it is often found in food stalls or specialty restaurants.

Taste: Slightly spicy

Main process: stewing

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Ingredients: 1000g of crayfish, salt, peppercorns, oil, soy sauce, cooking wine, balsamic vinegar, sugar, ginger slices, dried red pepper, star anise, shallots

1. Wash the crayfish in the intestines and set aside

2. Prepare ginger garlic shallots and spicy shrimp paste

3. Heat the pan in cold oil and sauté ginger, shallots and garlic until fragrant

4. Then pour the hot sauce and pepper into the pot and simmer until the aroma of red oil and peppers is out

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

5. Pour the shrimp into the pan

6. Stir-fry until the shrimp are all wrapped in the seasoning

7. Sauté until the shrimp changes color and then add pepper monosodium glutamate sugar liquor to taste

8. Season and continue to stir-fry until the shrimp are fully red

9. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water for simmering

10. Drizzle the vinegar into the pot when the juice is quickly collected

Suck the crayfish to the practice

From June to August of each year, it is the most crayfish shape"; plumpness"; This is also the best time for people to catch and enjoy it. Crayfish are a crustacean that lives in freshwater like a lobster, scientifically known as protocellfish, also known as red crawfish or freshwater crayfish. Crayfish have a high protein content, accounting for about 16%-20% of the total, the fat content is less than 0~2%, and the content of trace elements such as zinc, iodine and selenium in shrimp meat is higher than that of other foods. However, there is a very important nutrient of crayfish that many people may ignore, that is, astaxanthin, which mainly exists in the shrimp head of the shrimp yellow and the red substance on the shrimp shell, most of the cooking methods may be lost, because astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant, so it is easy to be oxidized. In addition, crayfish can also be medicated, which can dissolve phlegm and cough, and promote the healing of wound muscles after surgery.

Main process: burning

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Kitchen utensils used: Wok Pan Pan Non-stick pan

Ingredients: 670g of crayfish, 2 dried chili peppers, 3 slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, a little chives, 1.5g of chicken essence, 3g of salt, 2g of sugar, 10g of cooking wine, 1.5g of thirteen spices

1. Prepare the dried chili peppers, thirteen spices, cut the green onion, sliced ginger, garlic. (If you like to eat spicy, you can put more peppers)

2. After buying the crayfish back, do not rush to eat, put it in the basin, add a little salt, and then put in flat water and soak for half a day. The crayfish crawl in the basin, the dirt in the abdomen, basically most of the soaking, and due to the action of light salt water, the crayfish also spit out foreign bodies in the body.

3. Squeeze the back of the live lobster so that you can't hold your hand.

4. Pull the tail armor in the middle of its tail with your hand, pull it up, and pull out the black intestine. (It's more reassuring to eat after removing it, and the lobster will never jump around again.) )

5. Take scissors and cut off the shell of the cheeks on both sides, and then cut the whiskers obliquely.

6. Be careful not to cut the shrimp yellow wrapped in the innermost film.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

7. Cut off the lobster's small paws and whiskers on its belly.

8. After all the packing, the lobster will basically not jump up, use the old toothbrush to rinse up and down, left and right. (Be careful not to flush out the shrimp yellow!) Then drain to go)

9. Pour oil into a pan and sauté ginger, garlic and dried chili.

10. Stir-fry the crayfish.

11. Stir-fry until slightly discolored.

12. Pour boiling water into the lobster.

13. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, sugar, cooking wine, chicken essence, cover the pot and simmer for about 8 minutes.

14. When the soup is almost dry, add a little thirteen spices, sprinkle with green onion and stir-fry well.

15. After the shrimp is boiled, the lobster tastes even more delicious, and when you eat it, you can take off the head.

Secret preparation of crayfish

Ingredients: 3 kg of fresh crayfish, 1 green onion, 1 head of garlic, 3 green peppers, large pieces of ginger, 1 tsp of cumin, 3 star anise, 1 tbsp of peppercorns, 6 dried chili peppers (increase or decrease according to personal taste), 2 tbsp of golden hook bean paste, 1 small bowl of flower carving wine, 3 tsp of salt, 3 tbsp of sugar, a little dark soy sauce

1: Wash the fresh crayfish, drain and set aside

2: Cut the green onion into small pieces, pat the garlic cloves into small pieces, cut the ginger into large pieces, pat the pieces, cut the green pepper into small pieces, and set aside

3, hot pot, put in the pot than usual stir-fry more than twice the bottom oil, 7 minutes hot, put in peppercorns, star anise, cumin, dried pepper, stir-fry the aroma, and then put in the onion ginger garlic, green pepper, golden hook bean paste, stir-fry the aroma, put in the crayfish, pour in the flower carving wine, cover the lid, about 1 minute, put in salt, sugar, soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, the crayfish completely discolored

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?


1, said is the secret system, of course, there is a secret weapon, that is, large grains of cumin, in the slow frying of peppercorns and other time together put in, the taste will be more beautiful.

2, crayfish just put into the pot will move, drizzle with carved wine immediately cover the lid, so as not to accidentally burn.

3, crayfish do not cook for too long, so as not to harden the meat, affecting the taste.

4, dried pepper can be made with bell pepper, the taste will be better.

5, if there is no golden hook watercress sauce, you can use de Xin zhai sweet noodle sauce instead, or the taste of soybean sauce is also good.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

1. Wash the crayfish and brush them one by one with a brush. In particular, the abdomen should be brushed several times, so that it is clean and reassuring to eat.

2. Prepare the seasonings, heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the crayfish until the shrimp body tightens and changes color.

3. Add shallots, ginger, garlic, large ingredients, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, peppercorns, fennel and stir-fry to make the aroma; Add white wine and stir-fry until fragrant; Continue stir-frying after adding rock sugar; Add old drawers; In addition to raw soy sauce; Add a beer to the pour.

4. Simmer on high heat for 20 minutes, add salt to taste and reduce heat.

5. Take another small pot and add sesame oil to the minced garlic and fry the incense, add cumin powder, then add pepper powder, all ingredients stir-fry over low heat to bring out the aroma.

6. The crayfish is cooked, pour the fried pepper oil on the crayfish, sprinkle some coriander on top and serve.

Thirteen spiced crayfish preparation

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Ingredients: 3 pounds of crayfish, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of brown sugar, appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, appropriate amount of vinegar, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of green onion, and appropriate amount of Wang Shouyi thirteen spices

1. Cut off the lobster's feet and whiskers, brush the lobster's abdomen carefully with a toothbrush, and rinse off in clean water.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

2. Put oil in the pan, heat for seven minutes and add ginger to fry until fragrant.

3. Add the washed lobster and simmer until the lobster is slightly red. Drizzle the cooking wine and continue to stir-fry for a while.

4. Add salt, brown sugar, soy sauce (a little less), vinegar and continue stir-frying.

5. Add a little water and cook for a while.

6. Cook until the crayfish is crimson, sprinkle with thirteen spices, stir-fry well, add green onion and out of the pan!

Garlic crayfish to prepare

Ingredients: 1500 g lobster, 50 g garlic, 10 g ginger, 10 g green onion.

Seasoning: 1 teaspoon (5ml) vinegar, 2 teaspoons cooking wine (10ml), 2 teaspoons sugar (10g), 2 tablespoons salt (30g).

1. Soak the lobster in water for 3 hours and let it spit out impurities;

2. Brush the lobsters one by one with a brush;

3, if there is a leak in the net how to catch it;

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

4, with the hand to grasp the back of the lobster, so that it opens its teeth and claws, it is useless;

5、 Put oil in the pot, pour in the green onion, ginger and minced garlic (10g);

6, pour in the crayfish, quickly cover the cover, otherwise it will run out;

7: Add cooking wine, vinegar, sugar and salt in turn and cook for a while. Sprinkle with minced garlic before cooking to add flavor.

The editor has something to say

1, crayfish to eat live.

2, after the shrimp is cooked, it must be alive before the bending dies.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

3: Add a little garlic to taste and remove the fish.

4, you can also heat the oil, turn off the heat, pour in the minced garlic, and then drizzle on the lobster will be more fragrant.

5, when eating, you can eat vinegar, but also very delicious.

6, because lobster does not absorb much salt, so in the process of making salt should be increased.

7, I have a green skin in this shrimp, there are also red skin, green skin is more delicious. Meaty.

Beer crayfish to prepare

Taste: Spicy

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?

Ingredient list: 2 kg of crayfish, 1 bottle of beer

1. Place the bought live crayfish in a bucket and spit sand in a small amount of cooking oil for 1-2 hours. Boiling hot water (at low temperatures, crayfish poured in and soaked for a while will faint) is easier to deal with. Cut off the crayfish's whiskers to the eye part and pull out the middle tail (which will bring out the intestines)

2. Stir-fry in hot pan with cold oil and ginger, shallots and garlic

3. Add beer (2 pounds 1 bottle is about the same). Add chili leaves with star anise, etc

4. Cook until soup is harvested, sauté the chili oil and pour over the prepared crayfish and sprinkle with green onions.

Scottish river crayfish flooded with crayfish how do you make?


Most of the heavy metals are concentrated in the gills and internal organs of the shrimp, the muscle content is very low, and the crayfish contain a large number of bacteria and parasites, which are basically in the head. So when eating must remove the head and shrimp line, it two gills in the dirty things to be removed, because the gill hair adsorbed a lot of bacteria, it is best to cut off the gills, shrimp shell is best brushed with a brush, cleaning crayfish to be careful, serious, cooking time should be enough, can not be less than 20 minutes, crayfish protein content is high, and protein rot will bring great damage to human health, it is recommended that after the crayfish is done, it must be eaten at once.

Eat crayfish also do not overdose, because the intake of too much protein is also easy to cause indigestion, look at the crayfish is clear water is muddy water, look at the back, red and bright clean, and then open to see its abdomen fluff and claws on the hair, here if it is white and tidy, basically clean water quality raised. After all, crayfish eat humus carcasses, bacteria and toxins will only accumulate in the body more and more, so try to buy lobsters that have just grown up, old lobsters or red black or red with iron blue, green lobsters are red and colorful, there is a natural and healthy luster. Just touch its shell with your hand, the iron is hard and hard is old, and the elastic like a fingernail is the one that has just grown up to change the shell. Shrimp are rich in protein and nutrients such as calcium. If they are eaten with fruits containing tannic acid, such as grapes, pomegranates, hawthorns, persimmons, etc., it will not only reduce the nutritional value of protein, but also combine tannic acid and calcium ions to form insoluble conjugates to stimulate the stomach and intestines, causing human discomfort, vomiting, dizziness, nausea and abdominal pain and diarrhea

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