
Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

author:Commentator of the flower grower

Text/Sister Xiong

How will the conflict in Sudan be resolved? African experts are telling the truth: we are more open to Chinese mediation than the West.

According to the Observer Network, on May 7, Saudi Arabia's Arab News newspaper published an article saying that many African politicians believe that China is better suited than the West to mediate the conflict in Sudan, and African countries have little confidence in the West and are more inclined to accept Chinese mediation.

Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

(The conflict in Sudan continues)

The reasons given in the article are as follows:

  • The West has always abused sanctions and tends to use sanctions to promote a ceasefire between the two sides in Sudan's civil strife, but China will not do this;
  • China has a very important influence on Sudan, since the end of the 50s of the last century, the two countries have had economic relations, and today, China is Sudan's largest trading partner, with a lot of investment in Sudan's dams, agriculture, mining and other industries, and the Sudanese people also know that China brings them jobs and income;
  • More recently, China has brokered reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and between Syria and the Arab world, giving African countries confidence in China as a peace broker.
Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

(China facilitated Shai's handshake)

In fact, it is not surprising that the Saudi media have made such a statement, because the two sides of the conflict in Sudan are currently engaged in dialogue in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry also issued a statement saying that the two sides showed respect and constructive attitude during the dialogue, committed to protecting the safety of civilians, and agreed to provide security guarantees for the restoration of basic social services and humanitarian relief.

It can be seen that the two sides of the conflict in Sudan have shown a certain willingness to ceasefire, which is why the Saudi media called on China to intervene in mediation.

Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

(Sudanese soldier)

Interestingly, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has previously expressed its call for a ceasefire and strengthening dialogue between the two sides as soon as possible, but has not clearly expressed its intention to intervene in mediation; But U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on April 25 that he was forming a commission with partners that would lead the two sides to negotiate to advance a permanent ceasefire in Sudan. Obviously, the United States has long been impatient to intervene in the situation in Sudan.

Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

(Blinken Infographic)

But why do the Sudanese parties and Africa not trust the United States? In fact, the reason is very simple, most people think that the United States may be behind this sudden conflict.

Many American experts have analyzed that after the United States withdrew its troops from Afghanistan, its influence in the Middle East and North Africa region is declining rapidly, coupled with China's successful mediation of the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which makes the United States more urgent to regain its hegemony in the region, and even does not rule out creating conflicts in Africa to make up for the loss of interests.

And because the United States has many military bases near Sudan, this also makes Sudan a good "grabber".

Don't want the United States, want China! To resolve the conflict in Sudan, African experts said: I want China to mediate

(Americans in the Middle East)

Previously, the United States had strongly intervened in the situation in Sudan, allowing the two parties to reach a temporary ceasefire agreement, and some experts analyzed that this is the United States using proxies to incite conflicts, and use mediation as an excuse to show that it has the ability and reason to control the situation in Sudan, thereby intervening in regional affairs.

And the United States also has such a record - it was under the intervention of the United States that Sudan was divided into two and became South Sudan and North Sudan. At the same time, when the United States called for peace talks between the two sides of the conflict, it also made it clear that it "supports the return of the civilian government to power." Many African politicians also suspect that once the United States intervenes in the situation in Sudan again, Sudan may be completely disintegrated, which will obviously make it more difficult for Sudan to usher in peace, and it will undoubtedly make the already turbulent situation in Africa worse.

This is why Africa is strongly opposed to US involvement in Sudan.

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