
"You must sleep with me so I can help you get rid of the devil!" In Africa in 2020, a dirty man took off his woman's clothes and put his hands on his hands while using a threatening tone

author:Chronicle of Qingmo

"You must sleep with me so I can help you get rid of the devil!" In Africa in 2020, a dirty man said in a threatening tone while stripping off his woman's clothes and putting his hands on his hands. Although the woman is reluctant, she has to obey, just because her husband has just died, how terrible is the bad habit in Africa?

In most African countries, such as Kenya, there is an ancient and ugly custom. If a wife dies her husband or a girl dies her father, local villagers call in a "cleaner" to force a widow or girl to sleep with a man, a practice known as "sexual cleansing."

Going back to its roots, the bad habit of sexual cleanliness is actually more like a belief. In these African countries, widows and young girls who have lost their fathers have unclean bodies, and they are also entangled and tortured by the souls of the deceased. Only by sleeping with other men can the evil in their bodies be removed, otherwise they will not be able to attend the funeral or remarry.

And the beginning is actually the story of a sexually cleansed woman, Mbeve. Mbewe and her husband, both Malawian, lost her husband at a young age at the age of 23. And within hours of her husband's death, the villagers found Mbeve missing.

It turned out that she hid alone in her sister's house for fear of being sexually cleansed. She did not attend her husband's funeral, nor did she meet with relatives and friends who came to mourn and receive their comfort. Unfortunately, after the funeral, the head of her husband's village sent people around to find her whereabouts, and finally "arrested" her.

After returning to the village, Mbeve's frightening scene still happened. The village elders and her husband's family forced her to participate in sexual cleansing, threatening her body to be seen as the most evil representative if she did not obey, and that everyone who saw her would spurn her. There may even be some extreme people who will kill her violently.

In the end, Mbeve, who had no choice, could only endure humiliation and had sex with her husband's cousin, completing the ritual of sexual cleansing. I thought that my compromise would lead to a stable life, but Mbewe did not expect that the real bad luck was far from beginning.

After a period of sexual cleaning, Mbeve found that he often fell ill with fever and went to the hospital for examination, only to find out that he was infected with AIDS. She firmly believed that her husband was healthy before he died, so she must have been ill because of sexual cleanliness.

After falling ill, Mbewe washed her face with tears all day long, she has lost her husband, and now she has an incurable disease. If they die in the future, what will happen to the children, and who will take care of them?

Fortunately, a foreign media outlet reported on Mbeve's tragic experience, and many international donors raised donations for her, so that the family's life could be maintained.

But stories like Mbeve's are just the tip of the iceberg of bad habits in Africa, and there are many, many more examples of AIDS due to sexual cleanliness. Fundamentally, it is because of a profession closely related to sexual cleanliness customs - "cleaner".

As the name suggests, they are men who specialize in sleeping with widows and deceased fathers and girls, and they will call their careers "get rid of demons" and "get rid of evil", in fact, they are a group of lecherous men who are lazy and covet women's bodies.

Because of their special status, they engage in sex very frequently, coupled with the general lack of hygiene of these single men, making them the "dirtiest people" on the African soil and the group with the highest rate of HIV infection. Later, HIV is transmitted to thousands of innocent women.

In the village of Gangori, near the Kenyan capital, there is a man named Francis Yachaka, who in the eyes of the women of the village, he is almost like a terrorist: adult alcoholism and the smell of alcohol; Life is slovenly, hair grows enough to raise lice, and the face is dirty; The clothes were also torn, and the trousers and clothes were covered with oil stains and food scraps.

So whenever they saw Francis in the village, the women almost vomited. But they had to obey Francis's orders to sleep with him, because Francis was the cleaner of the village.

When Francis became a cleaner, even the village elders can't remember. However, in recent decades, whenever a wife lost her husband or a young girl died of a father, he had to ask Francis to help clean it. In return, the villagers had to give him the family's most valuable cow and fresh rice.

This is why in African countries such as Kenya, cleaners thrive. Not only can they enjoy their work, but they can also taste the body of a young woman, and even pay them well.

But now, when HIV emerged, these cleaners have become the largest transmission of the virus. According to International Relief International, six out of every ten AIDS patients in Africa are now women. And the cause of their illness is inseparable from the bad habit of sexual cleanliness, and the cleaners are the culprits.

As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Francis's village of Gangori has organized a women's federation to protest the custom of sexual cleanliness. A widow named Magritte in the village repeatedly rebelled against Francis's ugly deeds and asked him, "How many women have you defiled, are you not satisfied?" ”

Ironically, even Francis himself can't remember exactly how many he slept with. Under the guise of getting rid of demons, but doing evil things, it is no wonder that he has become the target of widows.

Now, the widows of the village of Gangori have refused to accept Francis's cleaning. I also hope that the resistance of the women can be as smooth as the village of Gangori, and change the land of Africa as soon as possible!

It's just that bad habits have been spread for a long time, and the worldly vision is the most difficult to change. African women's protests and reforms still have a long way to go!

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"You must sleep with me so I can help you get rid of the devil!" In Africa in 2020, a dirty man took off his woman's clothes and put his hands on his hands while using a threatening tone
"You must sleep with me so I can help you get rid of the devil!" In Africa in 2020, a dirty man took off his woman's clothes and put his hands on his hands while using a threatening tone
"You must sleep with me so I can help you get rid of the devil!" In Africa in 2020, a dirty man took off his woman's clothes and put his hands on his hands while using a threatening tone

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