
Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

author:Cats eat and drink

Recently, a certain industry association issued a "raw salmon" group standard, but it was terrible! A bunch of people jumped out to oppose, vowing to beat the "rainbow trout" into the eighteenth layer of hell and never be reborn. Uncle Cat is strange, you have not even eaten "salmon", why protect the interests of "salmon"? Is this fair to the fish?

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

The purpose of this article is to "be fair, fair, and TMD is fair", not to stand on any interest group, simply to figure out "how to treat salmon correctly?" " of ideas.

What is the triangular relationship between salmon, salmon and rainbow trout? (Reasonable) Why is the controversy between Chinese and foreign foodies about "salmon" so different? (Interesting) salmon, eat as much as you want! (with attitude)

Figure out the above problems, you can become a reasonable, interesting, attitude of foodie!

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

The "salmon" that foodies know

What is the relationship between salmon, salmon and rainbow trout?

Since the first "salmon" was imported to China 30 years ago, no fish has been so popular that it has almost become synonymous with "sashimi".

In that plate, slices of seductive orange salmon sashimi with white texture, dipped in soy sauce, mustard (most restaurants are not wasabi sauce), the delicious taste of melting in the mouth, so that countless foodies are fascinated. This is the "salmon" that diners perceive, as for what kind of fish it is, what do we bird things?!

However, at the other end of the table, in order to occupy the "salmon" market for foodies, various merchants are fighting for each other and fighting happily. Then, how to define salmon and gain the right to speak is an important issue.

Salmon, also known as salmon, is a common name for several species of salmonids. Most of them are migratory rayfin fish and are one of the common edible fish. More than 300 genera of salmonids live in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans , and can be found in non-native areas such as Patagonia and the Great Lakes. Salmon are farmed all over the world. Salmon are born in freshwater, then move to seawater to grow and migrate to freshwater to reproduce. The salmon uses the guidance of the sun and the Earth's magnetic field to swim back to its own birthplace to reproduce. Pacific salmon generally die within a few weeks of breeding.

(Defined from Wikipedia)

See, the term "salmon" is just a pronunciation of salmon, and the term "salmon" is an academic concept, which refers to the fish of the salmon family. Salmon, the original translation came from Hong Kong.

What salmon do you eat with salmon sashimi?

The orange-flesh-colored salmon with distinct white stripes that are common on our tables are all cultured species from mariculture, commonly known as Atlantic salmon.

Atlantic salmon (scientific name Salmo salar) is also known as Ontario salmon, a genus of trout. It is a salmon species mainly distributed in the waters of the North Atlantic and surrounding rivers.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Atlantic salmon

Atlantic salmon farming, from the rise of the 1960s (wild can not eat), to today has formed a "Warring States six heroes" situation - Norway, Chile, Scotland, Canada, Faroe Islands, Australia, the current global market of farmed salmon is basically supplied by the above six countries and regions.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Marine salmon farms in Norway

What is the origin of the rainbow trout?

Rainbow trout (scientific name: Oncorhynchus mykiss), also known as rainbow salmon and Mackey hookfish, is a species of fish in the genus Salmon. Native to northern North America and the western coast of the Pacific Ocean, the rainbow trout is an edible fish that lives mainly in low-temperature freshwater. It has been moved into several countries, but has become an invasive species in some areas.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout, is in recent years in the rise of domestic aquaculture fish, Qinghai and other places to breed triploid rainbow trout in the market also has a good response, the current triploid rainbow trout is mainly concentrated in China's Qinghai, Gansu and other places of large reservoirs, plateau lakes and reservoir bays, the annual output of about 20,000 tons, its full artificial seedling technology mainly rely on Denmark, England, Canada and other countries imported eye eggs for cultivation.

(Source: China Aquatic Products Network)

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Rainbow trout sashimi

Uncle Cat has eaten rainbow trout raw, there is a Xiyu Reservoir in Beijing's Pinggu District, around which there are many farmhouse restaurants, and the rainbow trout produced in the reservoir is one of the important features. I vaguely remember that the fish is delicate and slightly tough in taste, because the oil is not too rich, so it is thinly cut.

After reading the above concepts, I wonder if you have a clear idea? If you haven't figured it out yet, Uncle Cat will draw you a picture again, and what is not clear is the IQ problem.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

So, called rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon... That's not wrong for salmon. However, the salmon in the cognition of the vast majority of domestic diners is Atlantic salmon imported from Europe. It is not the Pacific salmon around China, Japan, etc.

It should also be clarified here that what we think of as salmon is not a rarity of Japanese food, because the salmon produced around Japan is the Pacific salmon, commonly known as autumn salmon. A common Japanese recipe is salt roasting or pickling. The next time someone asks you what you like to eat, don't come up and say Japanese salmon, it sounds a bit layman.

The recent controversy in public opinion about the incident of "rainbow trout is not salmon", in the eyes of Uncle Cat, is actually a market dispute. China's huge demand for salmon every year, and it increases every year, this large amount of money let foreigners earn what line ah! Therefore, our local aquaculture industry must not sit still.

China's salmon farming, basically two legs walking, on the one hand, the introduction of Atlantic salmon from Europe in the seawater culture; on the other hand, the same introduction of rainbow trout farmed in freshwater, using reservoirs around the country for aquaculture.

Uncle Cat, as a diner, is of course happy to see it come true. China's strong fishery breeding capacity can balance the high price of imported salmon and allow us to enjoy food cheaper, which is not a good thing.

As for, some people have to say that freshwater fish have parasites and marine fish do not, which is nonsense. I will not argue with you here, and I will find science to go by myself. The answer is yes, and that's all. To be safe, you can only rely on manual insecticide.

Why is the controversy between Chinese and foreign foodies about "salmon" so different?

When looking up the information, Uncle Cat also found an interesting phenomenon. On foreign websites, there are also many debates about "salmon", but it is not the difference between rainbow trout and salmon, but the debate between wild and aquaculture.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

The prevailing view is that wild salmon is healthier than farmed salmon

I believe that most people who eat salmon sashimi have never eaten wild salmon, and certainly do not know the attractive orange fish meat and beautiful white texture, only farmed salmon is like this, and wild salmon is not.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Farmed vs wild salmon meat

Why is farmed salmon orange? What is the obvious white texture?

Know that wild salmon, or Atlantic salmon, have flesh color from their food.

Atlantic salmon originated millions of years in the verdant valley between Asdoria and Cantabria in northern Spain, when they found cold, oxygenated waters and abundant food in the outer seas of Greenland – krill, herring and pilaris – stopped in that area to meet populations from northeastern North America, Scandinavia.

(Source: China Fishery Network)

Farmed Atlantic salmon, although in the sea, are kept in captivity in circular aquariums. Limited room for movement causes them to have a high fat content between their muscles, forming distinct streaks. Moreover, krill, herring, woolly fish, the cost of these natural feeds is thought to be high, farmers are not willing to spend such a blood. Therefore, the addition of dyeing ingredients such as carotene to the feed makes salmon meat appear orange today.

If no dyeing ingredients are added, the fish will appear grayish-white. Such fish meat is placed on the supermarket shelves, and the competitiveness can be imagined.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Salmon meat with no added dyeing ingredients

Therefore, the problem points complained about by foreign foodies are mainly concentrated in: the excessive oil and fat composition of farmed salmon, the harm of dyeing ingredients in farmed salmon feed, and the pollution of the growing environment of farmed salmon.

So why do they love to argue about this? In fact, it is nothing more than a dispute between the interests of farmers and fishermen!

Therefore, in the end, we can't escape our old saying: "The world is bustling, all for profit; the world is bustling, all are for profit." ”

Salmon, eat as much as you want!

Let them fight, the capitalists do not earn the unlucky people! Therefore, Uncle Cat is not like some stupid egg to follow the line. I can eat whatever fish comes, why not!

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

Raw fish, must be farmed Atlantic salmon delicious! What makes sashimi melt in the mouth? Of course, it is rich in oil. Tuna belly (O-Toro) and chu-toro, which are respected by many gourmets, are the same reason, that bite and a mouthful of oil, can not be melted immediately!

Of course, we can't deny the rich flavor brought by fat, the fat meat on the kebab, the fat beef hot pot, the pork belly, which is not because of the existence of fat meat, let us salivate.

Salmon have never been eaten, why do you protect the interests of "salmon"?

This piece of wild salmon meat is either grilled or pickled, and the taste must not be wrong

Pickled salmon, this one with wild salmon (autumn laurel, rainbow trout...). After marinating, it can not only make the fish have a salty and delicious taste, but also make the tough fish become soft and sticky, and taste better.

Salt grilled salmon, this way that kind of salmon is no problem, especially if you buy it yourself and make it at home, and you are not afraid of the parasite risk brought about by unqualified channels. It's also super easy, just sprinkle salt and bake. No oven with microwave is ok.

To be a foodie, it is necessary to do a good job of foodies, and as for other issues, it is better to leave them to the merchants, to the market, and to the government to consider. If you don't have much ability, don't worry about it.

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