
3×3 Title XIX About the Base Pigeon of the Iwata Breed Chapter 4 The Introduction of Forty Middle Distance Pigeons from Different Bloods After 1991 Concern J. Sanjay Repeated Verification Extended Reading: About the Golden Pairing of Iwata

author:Hidden Dragon Pigeon Language
3×3 Title XIX About the Base Pigeon of the Iwata Breed Chapter 4 The Introduction of Forty Middle Distance Pigeons from Different Bloods After 1991 Concern J. Sanjay Repeated Verification Extended Reading: About the Golden Pairing of Iwata

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the foundation pigeons of the Iwata lineage</h1>

Iwata: The introduction of Sanjays Heterogeneous Blood is to improve the speed performance of the Iwata line, but my basic breeding philosophy has not changed, that is, to breed pigeons that can compete in all weather conditions.

Although it is still in the stage of release verification, I have already felt that compared with the Iwata × Jensen, the Iwata × Sanjays have a higher homeowning rate.

I intend to gradually increase the proportion of pigeons with Sanjay's ancestry, so that when I reach 70% or 80%, I can halve the total number of pigeons and prepare for future races with a small but refined lineup of pigeons.

Wakawa: The Sanjay clan is indispensable, but I think the existence of the Iwata clan is the basis for the advantage. Understanding the process of forming and establishing the Iwata input line will make friends who aspire to breed excellent pigeons over long distances feel enlightened.

The basic pigeons of the Iwata series were imported from the United States and Europe by Mr. Takashi Iwata in 1953, including famous pigeons such as Bricu, Stasa and Sion, who were active in Belgium at the time, as well as all-weather pigeons such as Opel and Arcadi and Baca and Azaxon of the United Kingdom.

Iwata: The pigeons you mentioned are the source of the Iwata lineage, in which the Opel pigeon with the Arkadi pigeon produced a golden pair of 777×619, and we used this pair of outstanding breeders to breed a number of outstanding offspring and thus laid the foundation for the Iwata lineage.

And the river: The source pigeons of the Opell line are from the Logan family in England. In order to breed pigeons that can adapt to the foggy weather of the UK, Logan has specially selected the winning pigeons from the major races in the Strait of Fore on foggy days.

The Oppel pigeons introduced by Mr. Iwata may have inherited this characteristic of the Logan family, with the ability to return home in bad weather conditions.

Iwata: At that time we didn't know anything about the Arkadi lineage, but the two breeding pigeons that Kochi bought were excellent.

And the river: The Arkadi loft is located on the east coast of the United States, which is geographically disadvantaged, but it was the number one strongman in the American pigeon world at that time. The basis of his pigeon lineage is the Belgian Bel and Lièges, and the pigeons are small, with dense feathers and a good hand feel.

The outstanding flying ability of the Iwata pigeons is probably inherited from the characteristics of the Arkadi breed, which has been characterized by decades of inbreeding and has formed a high return rate of long-distance racing.

Iwata: Thank you Mr. Wakawa for your introduction. At present, "difficulty in homing" is a major problem plaguing the Japanese pigeon world, and people usually blame the decline in homing rates on bad weather, raptor attacks, radio disturbances and so on.

The location of my loft is absolutely unsatisfactory, and the runners have to cross the mountains and the sea on the way home, but the pigeons have not changed compared to the past, and they have never felt "difficult to return".

The crux of the matter may lie in the knowledge of pigeon pedigree, some fanciers are able to win the title of "best loft" by their combined results, but no pigeons return home in the long distance races. They often only use fast bloodline breeding, thinking that as long as the pigeons are more than one year old, no matter what the bloodline can return home from all kinds of race distances, such a concept of breeding pigeons and racing is not correct.

And river: Those of us in our eighties are still exploring and working the first line of pigeon racing, and sincerely hope that the newcomers will grow quickly and breed better pigeons with better performance.

Iwata: Looking back, it's really emotional, Takashi and I have been in contact with Mr. Wakawa for more than seventy years.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Chapter 4 Forty middle distance pigeons were introduced from different bloods after 1991</h1>

In 1991 I went to Italy for the FCI Olympic tasting, where I met many famous pigeon breeders from all over the world. I was seventy-three years old and was hesitating about whether I should quit the pigeon world.

Motivated by my good health and the fact that I was motivated by old friends and new friends, I decided to take on a new challenge in my pigeon racing career, whether it was too late or not. Then the rapids retreat.

The Iwata lineage, which has a history of more than half a century, can still cope with long-distance races of 700 to 800 kilometers, but years of close relatives have made the pigeons too strong and lack explosive, and they are still strong but already struggling in the competition.

At a distance of two hundred, three hundred, and five hundred kilometers, although it is possible to rely on extremely careful management, there is no chance of winning in the fierce confrontation where every second counts, unless there is bad weather in my favor during the race. I was aware of this problem a few years ago, but it dragged on year after year out of a preference for my own lineage.

A large loft like my family's must be able to compete with the opponent at every distance, and if you can't score in short and middle distance races such as RG, the results in the long distance races will eventually be regretted.

It is advisable to race with breeders with different performances at the same time, flying medium distance with fast-blooded races and races with long-distance breeders.

Under normal management conditions, my pigeons don't start to make results until races 800 km away, and they often become foils in short and middle distance races. So I went to the loft of the old Herbert immediately after the FCI meeting, intending to bring in a group of fast middle distance pigeons.

Herbert is a trusted gentleman-type pigeon breeder with a number of "commissioned" lofts in addition to his own loft, with thousands of pigeons of famous Belgian and Dutch descent, and if seventy or eighty pigeons are imported from his recommended bloodline, it will have a considerable breeding line-up.

I told Hubbard to find fast pigeons that flew five or seven hundred kilometers, of whatever lineage he thought was reliable. Herbert has prepared more than eighty pigeons for me, both in his own loft and in other middle distance pigeons of different pedigrees than the Dutch loft.

I did not study the pigeons very well and made a hasty decision, and the final transaction was based entirely on the trust in the character and pigeon knowledge of Herbert.

For foreign commercial pigeons, I think that pigeons that have won many awards on long distances and are worth millions or even tens of millions of yen cannot be wrong, while the breeding pigeons of general grade lack of proof and credibility.

It took me two hours to look at the pigeons according to the main points of the evaluation, selected forty pigeons from them and asked Hubbard to send the pedigree to Japan.

At that time, even if I read the pedigree book and explained by Herbert, it was impossible to remember, so I accepted Herbert's suggestion unconditionally about the bloodline of the pigeons, and I only checked the pigeon body.

Hubbard also took me to the Loft of Houtz in the Netherlands and said that the pigeons of The House are of long distance ancestry, winning four pigeons and three of them winning the Ramaton Prize at the Barcelona Race in 1990.

In the House I selected more than a dozen short and medium distance pigeons, and later introduced some more. The characteristic of this loft is the breeding of pigeons in a fairly dense inbreeding method, which is very rare in the Netherlands.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > follow J. Sanjay</h1>

Although more than fifty xeno bred pigeons were introduced at once, I did not expect them to bear fruit in a year or two. Due to the large size of my loft, it is important to avoid unverified changes in the performance of the pigeon population, and the effect on the mixing of foreign bloods will take at least three years.

In the autumn of 1992 I put my crossbreed pigeons into the race and five or six pigeons did well. One of the descendants of the Sanjays line is faster and faster than the pigeons of other bloodlines, and the proportions are good, and I carefully examined the pedigree book sent by Herbert to learn that his peers had been awarded the elite pigeon in Germany.

Among the breeding pigeons imported from the Hauz loft and the Loft of Hubert, the young Sanjays 91 2086645 attracted my special attention, and its offspring stood out in the short distance races before the RG race and continued to be released in 1993, and it was still this pigeon that was the first in the group of Honsher players to return home.

It was at this time that I received a message from Bruce Rozan saying that Sanjay himself had retired from pigeon racing, but that his pigeons were "the fastest flying bloodline in Belgium and in the world", and that at the Olympic tasting meeting in the Canary Islands, Spain, the Olympic was named a 1st middle distance fast class and the Magic Star was named a middle distance elite pigeon.

One of the two pigeons was purchased by The Herbert Loft and the other owned by the Loft of Rozan. Their father is the base breeder Fonde of Rozan's loft.

Fontaine is a close relative of Sanjays' Computer One and Computer II, both of which are descendants of The Basic Breeder Wright Tom of Sanjays' loft.

The Sanjays breed is a great match for the Iwata pigeons and soon the explosiveness of the players in my loft was greatly enhanced. For such easy success, I feel that the inbred Iwata line played a major role, because the results of the hybridization of the Sanchez pigeon with other bloodlines were not ideal.

Later, when the Japanese fancier Mitsuo Kayama went to Europe, he met Rozan and introduced the racing environment in my loft and the performance with The Sanjays pigeons, which both Rozan and Emile Denis found unbelievable. Despite some doubts, I went on to rebuild my middle distance pigeon team with the help of the Sanjays.

Sanjay's pigeons are not popular in Belgium, and people are probably too busy promoting their pigeons to take care of a deceased pigeon breeder. But the Sanjays pigeon is extremely well-known in the UK, and until now Hubbard continues to receive orders from the UK.

There are not many Sanjays pigeons that can be transferred in the loft of Herbert, and almost all the pigeons he is willing to sell are bought by me. At first I introduced most of the offspring bred by the Loft of Herbert, and later I also got some original pigeons from the Loft of Sanjays.

Every year when I met Herbert, I asked him for Sanjays pigeons, and when he didn't have them in his loft, he went to look for them in another loft, and by the end of 1998 I had more than a hundred Sanjays pigeons. After I bought the descendant pigeon of "Wright Tom" at a high price, I heard that There was another pigeon of his own in Herbert, and when I contacted him, I learned that the pigeon had been sold to Taiwan.

It is already very difficult to find the original pigeons in the Sanjays loft, there are about twenty-five pigeons bred by Sanjays himself in my loft, all of them born between 1987 and 1990, the cocks are still usable, but some of the hens are no longer able to lay eggs, and I will keep this bloodline with special care.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > repeatedly verified</h1>

I think it is too early to draw conclusions about the performance of the Sanjays pigeons, although some of the older pigeons that were originally introduced have begun to lay spermatozoan eggs, and it is still necessary to continue to verify their offspring. It takes a long time, and in seven years I have identified only one-third of the breeding pigeons.

A paired pigeon has to be verified in a race two or three years later, and it is rare to have an immediate result.

Strictly speaking, the validation of previous years has convinced me that there is only one breeding pigeon (645), that there are only four or five pigeons with excellent performance, and that the pigeons born in 645 are also a mixture of good and foolish. In my more than seventy years of pigeon racing, only the golden pairs of 777 × 619 have had a handsome son.

Every pigeon from 777×619 has an extraordinary performance that has contributed to the formation of the Iwata lineage, while the Sanjays descendant has a much lower winning rate. Nevertheless, I think the introduction of heterogeneous blood was successful, because the homeowning rate did not decrease after the hybridization of the Sanjays and Iwata lineages.

My aim is to absorb the advantages of the Sanjays lineage's fast middle distance, and in that sense the results are satisfactory.

I am also envisioning how to further integrate the Sanchez lineage with the long-distance pedigree of this loft, with the intention of working for another decade. Although I am afraid that I am no longer here after ten years, I continue to think, both for the honor of the pigeon breeder and for my own ideals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="70" > Further reading: About Iwata's Gold Pairing</h1>

In 1996, Iwata Seizo won the comprehensive championship of the 800 km two leagues with the 199 weight of the 777 * 619 with a gold base, which shows the strength of his skill.

(777 is the American Akarudis system, 619 is from the American Opel series - more than 2500 long-distance famous series of more than 800 kilometers in 50 years, originating from the Ottoman Logan in the United Kingdom, I also used this bloodline to successfully compete in the 1500-kilometer national race, more than 3 days.) )

Mr. Hu Yinghui, a pigeon lover of overseas Chinese living in Japan, and Mr. Takashi Iwata (brother of Seizo Iwata), the late head of the Iwata clan, were close friends.

My class place is in Osaka's Tenjinbashi 8-chome, and Mr. Hu lives in the 6-chome is very close, often after class directly to help Mr. Hu sweep the pigeon loft, Mr. Hu came back to eat together to listen to his half Chinese and half Japanese preaching of pigeons.

According to Mr. Hu, once he jokingly asked Iwata Takashi: "I have not made a gold pair for so many years, how is your 777 X619 gold pairing made, teach me."

Iwata Takashi also half-jokingly said, "What does Mr. Hu mean?" The founder of my Iwata department made a gold match, of course, it is a lifelong effort, do you want to doubt and challenge the authority?? hehe!! ”

Hu: "Then you make a few more pairs for me to see!" ”

Iwata laughed and was speechless.

Han Yan said: "To tell the truth, when I imported a total of 16 foreign blood pigeons from Europe and the United States, eight males and eight males and females, I came back and thought that the 1st best male was the 1st best female, and the 2nd best male was the 2nd best female."

And so on, and finally the worst 1 male and 1 female were left, who thought it was the worst of the pigeons, and left it alone, they formed pairs in the corner nest box.

Later in the 700 km race. My brother Makoto and I won one pigeon each at the same time, winning the first and second prizes. When I checked my parents, I never expected that it was all made by this 8th pair. This 8th pair was the 777 X 619 gold pair that would later become famous in the Japanese pigeon world. ”

I personally looked up a lot of information about the Iwata lineage in Japan, and from the photos, I saw that the 777 was a black male with a feather, or a folded arm, and it couldn't even flutter for 20 centimeters.

And 619 is a hen like an old wild, the tail is high, the wings are hanging under the tail, Iwata Seizo in the later memoirs, searched the intestines and scraped the stomach for half a day and did not find its appearance advantages, and finally only said: the chest is slightly wider, the muscles are harder.

According to the data: 777 was later paired with four hens, all of which succeeded, while 619 was paired with three cocks and all failed, which shows that 777 is a very good match.

I told Mr. Hu: I have never seen such an ugly pigeon,

Mr. Hu said: "These two photos are still the most decent from the number of photos taken, I have seen those two pigeons, it is really ugly, and then many people in Osaka introduced pigeons from Iwata, and the result was a mess in Osaka."

Finally, it was said that the Iwata clan did not fly in Osaka, I think that Osaka and Nagoya are similar in bad geographical conditions, should not not fly, so I asked Iwata Takashi, guess what he said: they came to buy pigeons, picked out all the good looks, gave me all the good ones to fly, my gold pair is such an ugly pigeon, how can it be beautiful to make offspring? ”

To be continued...

Wen | Seizo Iwata

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3×3 Title XIX About the Base Pigeon of the Iwata Breed Chapter 4 The Introduction of Forty Middle Distance Pigeons from Different Bloods After 1991 Concern J. Sanjay Repeated Verification Extended Reading: About the Golden Pairing of Iwata

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