
Uterine fibroids - this party dissipates fistulas, repeatedly unhappy, share with you! Composition: nasturtium, forsythia leaf, grass river cart, yellow cypress, cat's claw grass, forsythia, nutmeg, half-branched lotus, ox knee,

author:Director Li of the Department of Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Uterine fibroids - this party dissipates fistulas, repeatedly unhappy, share with you!

Composition: nasturtium, forsythia leaf, grass river car, yellow cypress, cat's claw grass, forsythia, nutmeg, half-branched lotus, ox knee, red cardamom, tulip, psyllium, lotus seed meat.

Directions: Fried in water, one serving daily.

Efficacy: Activate blood circulation and dissolve stasis, eliminate fistula.

Indications: uterine fibroids.

nasturtium, forsythia leaves, grass river car clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain; Huangbai clear heat and dampness, ephemeral fire and steaming; Cat's claw grass, forsythia detoxification and swelling, dissolve phlegm and disperse knots, psyllium can strengthen the expectorant effect; nutmeg warm in the air; Red cardamom disperses cold and damp; Half-branched lotus and tulip can not only clear heat and detoxify, but also disperse stasis and stop bleeding, water and swelling; Ox knee can not only activate blood circulation and remove stasis, but also nourish the liver and kidneys; Lotus seed meat focuses on qi and blood to supplement the spleen and stomach.

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment, one person, although the prescription is good, it needs to be used with caution. If you have a relevant question, you can talk about it.

#Health##TCM##Uterine fibroids##女性 #

Uterine fibroids - this party dissipates fistulas, repeatedly unhappy, share with you! Composition: nasturtium, forsythia leaf, grass river cart, yellow cypress, cat's claw grass, forsythia, nutmeg, half-branched lotus, ox knee,
Uterine fibroids - this party dissipates fistulas, repeatedly unhappy, share with you! Composition: nasturtium, forsythia leaf, grass river cart, yellow cypress, cat's claw grass, forsythia, nutmeg, half-branched lotus, ox knee,
Uterine fibroids - this party dissipates fistulas, repeatedly unhappy, share with you! Composition: nasturtium, forsythia leaf, grass river cart, yellow cypress, cat's claw grass, forsythia, nutmeg, half-branched lotus, ox knee,

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