
Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

author:TVBBBBBB Information Jun

(Reprints must be noted; severe crackdown on plagiarism, infringement will be investigated)

Taiwanese actress Yu Yuanqi (Qiqi) recently came bad news again, since the Lunar New Year was found to have colon cancer recurrence, she has been in the hospital treatment, but because the cancer cells continue to spread, so that her body is suffering, the condition is getting less and less optimistic, earlier in July because the cancer spread to lymph, lungs, liver and thigh hips and other parts, emergency resection surgery.

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

It is known that this operation lasted for 17 hours, the process can be described as quite painful, but unfortunately also failed to remove all the cancer cells, the doctor was scheduled to operate on Yu Yuanqi in August, to continue to deal with the cancer cells in the lungs, but because Yu Yuanqi's body is getting weaker and weaker, and the recovery period after the operation is too long, even the waist can not be straightened, so it can only be treated with chemotherapy.

Yesterday (16), when Yu Yuanqi's brother Yu Xiangquan attended a public event, when talking about her sister's condition, her emotions were once out of control and she cried bitterly, he said that the current situation of the second sister was very unoptimistic, because chemotherapy also caused the body to start to become thinner: "She had half of her lungs removed before, and the doctor said that she could no longer do any more surgery." As he spoke, Yu Xiangquan couldn't make a sound.

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

Yu Xiangquan also revealed that Yu Yuanquan has now done 51 times of chemotherapy, just need to do 12 times a week, although the cancer cell index in Yu Yuanqi's body has decreased significantly, and the situation has also improved, but because the side effects of chemotherapy are also very large, Yu Xiangquan's heartache sister has been tormented by illness, and she can't do anything: "She has been vomiting before chemotherapy, her face is full of swelling and red nails and black nails..."

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

Alas, I am really helpless! What a sad feeling of helplessness to watch your loved ones suffer from illness and not be able to do anything for yourself! Yu Xiangquan said while crying, he really admired his sister's bravery and strength, and he thanked the outside world for his concern for his sister all the time, he prayed every day for a miracle to happen, hoped that the wounds in her body could heal for surgery, and hoped that she could recover...

It is understood that Yu Yuanqi's life routine has always been recognized by the whole family as the healthiest, no tobacco, no alcohol, pay attention to health, but did not expect that she suffered from such a vicious disease, which really made the family very heartbroken! In 2014, Yu Yuanqi was first diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer, when she was hospitalized to remove the tumor and received 12 rounds of chemotherapy, after which she successfully recovered from cancer and was discharged from the hospital, and the whole family was happy for her.

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

In the next few years, Yu Yuanqi paid more attention to her body, and it was not easy to get her life back on track, and she began to plan to have a second child with her husband, looking forward to the future happiness of a family of four.

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

However, I did not expect that in 2019, not long after Yu Yuanqi gave birth to her second child, it was found that the cancer had recurred, and the cancer cells had spread to the liver and lungs, which was heavier than the first cancer blow!

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

Looking at the baby who is still swaddled, Yu Yuanqi, as a mother, chose to face the disease bravely again, and then she underwent surgery and more than 30 times of chemotherapy, until last year, it was not easy to fight cancer successfully, and as a result, on the Chinese New Year's Eve night at the end of the year, she received a report from the doctor that the cancer had recurred... 7 years of anti-cancer road, let the strong people, at this moment are completely collapsed...

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

Yu Yuanqi, who is still struggling to survive, is getting weaker and weaker day by day, in fact, everyone understands what this means and knows what she is about to face, but looking at Yu Yuanqi, who is dying on the sickbed, is still trying so hard to fight against the disease, it is really indescribable! Yu Yuanqi's mother also broke down and cried during the interview: "My daughter is already in the end, and my mood really doesn't know what to do..."

Powerless to go back to heaven! Actress intestinal cancer 2 recurrences have spread throughout the body Brother tear collapse: sister only half of the lungs

Powerless you and I, then leave a blessing to Yu Yuanqi, although it may not be able to change anything, but may Heaven have mercy on this strong mother, may a miracle appear! Come on, hello, blessings!

Editor-in-charge: Zeng Zexi

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