
Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool, what should be done to prepare the soil before planting? Foreword Orange is a citrus water loved by people all over the world

author:Gu Yuqi

Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool, what should be done to prepare the soil before planting?


Orange is a citrus fruit loved by people all over the world. They grow on orange trees, which belong to the Rutaceae family. The citrus growing process involves several stages, including site selection, planting, pruning, fertilization, and pest control. Today I will take you to explore the environment and process of orange cultivation.

First, the planting environment of oranges:

Oranges grow best in warm subtropical climates, with mild winters and long, hot summers. The ideal temperature range for orange trees is 15°C to 30°C.

Orange trees need to be fully exposed to sunlight to produce optimal fruit quality and yield. They also need well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil should be rich in organic matter and high in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The site selection process is critical to the successful growth of orange trees. The site should be located in a well-ventilated, sunny place. The site should also be protected from frost bags, which are low-lying areas where cold air accumulates and damages trees. The site should also have good soil drainage and protect against strong winds that can break branches.

Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool

Before planting, the soil should be prepared by removing weeds and grasses and adding organic matter such as compost. The planting pit should be dug deep enough to accommodate the root system of the tree, and the tree should be planted at the same depth as when the nursery was planted. After planting, the trees should be thoroughly watered and covered to retain moisture and control weeds.

Pruning is an important part of orange tree management. Pruning should be done during the winter when the tree is dormant. The purpose of pruning is to remove dead, diseased or damaged branches, sparse crowded branches, and shape the optimal growth and fruit yield of the tree. Pruning also promotes air circulation and light transmission, which reduces the risk of pests and diseases.

Orange trees need regular fertilization to maintain optimal growth and fruit yield. Fertilization should be carried out before budding in spring and after fruit harvest. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are essential nutrients needed by orange trees. The amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the soil measurement results and the growth stage of the tree.

Orange trees are susceptible to various pests and diseases that can reduce fruit quality and yield. The most common pests affecting orange trees include shellworms, mites, aphids, and fruit flies.

The most common diseases affecting orange trees include citrus canker disease, citrus greening, and black spot. The best way to control pests and diseases is through Integrated Pest Management (IPM), which involves a combination of cultivative, biological and chemical methods to control pests and diseases.

Cultivation methods for pest control include planting disease-resistant varieties, pruning to promote air circulation, and sanitation, such as removing fallen fruit and debris that may harbor pests and diseases. Biological methods of pest control involve the use of natural enemies such as ladybugs and grassflies to control pests.

Chemical control should be used as a last resort and only when necessary. Pesticides should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions and appropriate safety precautions should be taken to avoid harm to humans, wildlife and the environment.

Orange trees usually begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting, with peak yields occurring after 5-10 years. Tangerines are harvested in winter when the fruit is ripe.

3. Storage and marketing:

After harvesting, oranges should be stored in cool, dry conditions to maintain their freshness and quality. Oranges can be stored in refrigerated conditions for up to two weeks.

This fruit can be sold fresh, frozen, or processed into various products such as orange juice, jam, and essential oils. Oranges are a popular fruit in the global market, and they are exported from many countries, including the United States, Spain, Italy, and Brazil.

The author's opinion

Growing oranges involves several stages, including site selection, planting, pruning, fertilization, and pest control. Oranges grow best in warm subtropical climates, with mild winters and long, hot summers. The soil should be well-drained, rich in organic matter and have a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

The site should be located in an area with good air circulation, adequate exposure to sunlight and protection from frost and strong winds. Orange trees need regular fertilization, pruning, and pest control to maintain optimal growth and fruit yield.

Tangerines are harvested when the fruits ripen in winter and can be sold fresh, frozen or processed into a variety of products. Sustainable practices such as organic farming and water conservation are essential for reducing environmental impact and


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Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool, what should be done to prepare the soil before planting? Foreword Orange is a citrus water loved by people all over the world
Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool, what should be done to prepare the soil before planting? Foreword Orange is a citrus water loved by people all over the world
Orange trees are usually planted in winter or early spring when the soil is moist and cool, what should be done to prepare the soil before planting? Foreword Orange is a citrus water loved by people all over the world

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