
#Bird photography circle#White-headed bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotussinensis, English name: Light-vented Bulbul or Chin

author:Huajia Dijia No. 1 Lao Li

#Bird photography circle #White-headed bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotus sinensis, British name: Light-vented Bulbul or Chinese bulbul), also known as white-headed eagle, white-headed shell boy (Taiwanese), is a small bird of the passerine family of storks, a songbird, the northern bird migrates south to migratory birds in winter, and the Taiwan subspecies is a resident bird in Taiwan, with an average lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. It is commonly found in East Asia, the Yilan Plain of Taiwan, and Chinese mainland in most of the southern part of the Yangtze River, as well as Hong Kong, the Ryukyu Islands (Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa, etc.), and is lively and not very afraid of people. Eating insects, seeds and fruits, omnivorous, the male has a dark gray breast, the female is pale, and the male has a very clear white occipital (back head).

The white-headed bulbul (pronounced: bēi) ( Pycnonotus sinensis ) is a small bird in the passerine family , with a black forehead to the top of the head, white above the eyes to the posterior occipital , forming a white occipital ring with a white belly with yellow-green longitudinal stripes. Sexually active, active in groups on fruit trees. Sometimes flying from perches to prey. The bald bulbul is a common species of bird in the vast area south of the Yangtze River, mostly found in hilly or plain shrubland, and also found in coniferous forests. Sexually lively and not very fearful. Omnivorous, eating both animal and plant foods. 

The bald bulbul eats a large number of agroforestry pests and is one of the beneficial birds of agriculture and forestry, which deserves protection.

#Bird photography circle#White-headed bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotussinensis, English name: Light-vented Bulbul or Chin
#Bird photography circle#White-headed bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotussinensis, English name: Light-vented Bulbul or Chin
#Bird photography circle#White-headed bulbul (scientific name: Pycnonotussinensis, English name: Light-vented Bulbul or Chin

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