
Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation

author:Shanxi Nongxin

Excellent Communist Party member

Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation
Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation

Gao Huizhong

Gao Huizhong is the president of the Chengguan Branch of Jingle Rural Commercial Bank. As a party member, he supports the leadership of the party, loves the cause of rural credit, works down-to-earth, diligent and sincere, and in the work of 2021, he has completed various work tasks well, especially the balance of personal collection and disposal of non-performing loans ranks first in the bank, which has played a leading role as a party member.

With a modest and prudent attitude of study, he consciously used his rest time to conscientiously study various party affairs knowledge and professional knowledge through multiple channels, continuously improved the level of political theory and the cultivation of party spirit, and enhanced his professional knowledge and professional ability, laying a foundation for solid and effective work.

He always maintained a truth-seeking, pragmatic, and diligent attitude, obeyed the arrangements of the party committee, overcame all difficulties, and fulfilled all the goals and tasks issued by his superiors to the letter. In his daily work, he actively improves his ability to perform his duties, and since he became the president of Chengguan Sub-branch, the completion rate of the branch's business indicators has ranked first in the bank for many times.

He coordinated and promoted various tasks to ensure the steady progress of organizational funds, loan delivery, new business development and other businesses. He makes full use of his experience accumulated in credit work for many years to strictly control credit risks. Due to the strict requirements for themselves, the meticulous attitude towards work and the work style of hard work have won everyone's praise.

He consciously implemented the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities and the relevant requirements of honesty and self-discipline, maintained unity with the party Central Committee in ideology and action, constantly strengthened the concept of the legal system in his work, handled affairs according to regulations, was honest and self-disciplined, and consciously set strict demands on himself by the standards of party members, and played a good exemplary and leading role.

Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation
Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation

Guo Yonglan

Guo Yonglan is currently the president of the Cultural Street Branch of Shenchi Rural Commercial Bank. As a party member, she has always demanded herself by the standards of excellent party members, scrupulously fulfilled her duties, made selfless contributions, loved her post and dedicated herself, worked hard and complained, and played the vanguard and exemplary role of party members everywhere.

She conscientiously implemented the party's line, principles, and policies, worked aggressively, and was self-motivated. Concentrate on your work and be brave enough to be first-class. Usually be independent, dare to innovate, unite and lead employees to forge ahead, successfully complete various business indicators, interpret the advanced nature of Communist Party members with practical actions, and reflect the responsibility of a Communist Party member.

She regards the cause of rural credit as a lifelong cause, and strives for excellence everywhere. As the president of the branch, she led the staff to go deep into the merchant stores every day, pay salaries to customer units, and the customer operation office of small and micro enterprises to dock, investigate, explore, rate and grant credit, and actively promote inclusive finance. In the "first quarter of 2021", she led employees to gain a foothold in the competition, develop in the competition, and the net increase in deposits was 223.52% of the task target.

She has always set strict demands on herself, conscientiously studied, understood, and consciously implemented the system of responsibilities and responsibilities for the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption work goals, and strictly restrained her own behavior. At the same time, we should do a good job in the integrity education of the branch staff to ensure that there is no violation of discipline between themselves and the branch.

She always has a deep affection for the staff, so that the branch staff feel the warmth of the big family of the rural commercial bank. She cares about the lives of employees, safeguards the interests of employees, and when employees are sick and injured, she reports in a timely manner and does a good job of condolence work, so that employees and their families can feel the warmth of the party organization; When conflicts arise between employees, she takes the initiative to mediate, patiently and meticulously does ideological work, and effectively helps the parties to solve the problem ideologically and fundamentally.

Outstanding Party affairs workers

Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation
Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation

Guo Peng

Guo Peng is the Secretary of the Party Committee and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qinshui Rural Commercial Bank.

Closely centering on the overall thinking of the provincial federation, he took the lead in setting an example, set an example by example, persisted in grasping the party building business with two hands, making no mistakes, and promoting both, promoted the steady improvement of the quality of the contingent of party members, made steady progress in business performance, further enhanced combat effectiveness and cohesion, reshaped the brand-new corporate image of Qinshui Rural Commercial Bank, and fulfilled the solemn promise of a communist party member under the party banner.

He has always conscientiously fulfilled the main responsibility and "first responsible person" responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, adhered to the leadership of party building, promoted the in-depth integration of party building work and operation and management, and provided a strong political and organizational guarantee for the transformation and development of Qinshui Rural Commercial Bank. He and the members of the team are united in unity, but also divide labor and cooperate, understand the overall situation, take the overall situation into consideration, and pay attention to management and management. In daily work, we should obey the overall situation and maintain a high degree of consistency with the party committee of the provincial federation. Every Monday, we insist on morning meetings before the start of classes, adhere to collective leadership, democratic centralization, and strictly follow the system. Solidly carry out party history study and education throughout the jurisdiction and stimulate the strength to forge ahead. Closely focusing on the overall requirements of "one guidance, two prevention and control, and three stability" of the provincial federation, he faithfully performed his duties, adjusted and optimized the institutional settings, and comprehensively improved the quality and efficiency of operation. The bank ranked fourth in the first quarter comprehensive evaluation of the province's rural credit cooperatives in a second-level county-level organization. In the counterattack of "cleaning up bad", he led all cadres and employees to overcome dangers and obstacles and break the waves with excellent faith, excellent ability and excellent style, and the overall progress of liquidation and disposal of risk assets ranked among the forefront of the province.

This comrade has set an example everywhere in his life and work, played an exemplary and leading role in all aspects, and embodied in him the qualities of an excellent party worker.

Advanced grassroots party organizations

Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation
Gao Huizhong, Guo Yonglan, Guo Peng, and the party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank were commended by the provincial federation

Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank Business Department United Party Branch

The joint party branch of the business department of Gaoping Rural Commercial Bank insists on planning and deploying the party building work and the central work together, actively explores the effective model and practice path of deep integration of party building and business, and creates outlets with perfect facilities, high-quality services and customer satisfaction by improving the quality service level of outlets, further enhances the customer's sense of experience, and realizes the results of building a strong business with party building and promoting party building with business.

The first of the branch is to strengthen ideological and political study and cultivate a contingent of party members with high political consciousness and excellent ideological quality. The branch resolutely obeyed the organizational arrangements, worked hard and complained, played an exemplary and leading role in current affairs, and fulfilled the commitments of Communist Party members with its own practical actions.

The second is to strengthen the learning of business knowledge and cultivate a staff team with strong learning ability and solid business quality. In daily work, the staff of the branch actively learn the latest business knowledge in operations, credit and other aspects, study the business assiduously, continuously improve the comprehensive ability and quality, become the backbone force leading the development of the business, and create a good atmosphere of love for work and love for learning.

The third is to actively change the work style and cultivate a team of employees who are conscientious and responsible and have outstanding performance. The staff of the branch love their posts and dedicate themselves to their work, work diligently, bravely shoulder heavy burdens, have a strong sense of professionalism, a sense of responsibility and a strong ability to perform their duties, work diligently, and achieve good management performance.

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