
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got

author:CCTV News
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got

April 23 is World Book Day, but for book lovers, every day is book day. "Reading can experience a thousand kinds of life, and people who do not read can only live once", how much wonder about the world, the cultivation of aesthetics, the feeling of stories... It's all brought to us by books.

What is the most important thing that reading brings you?

We asked this question to 20 book lovers and got some wonderful answers.

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


The most important thing that reading brings me is to fully understand the vastness of the world. The world is all-encompassing, and knowing its richness makes our lives tasteful. The ancient scholar Chen Shou once lamented: "There is no book for a day, and Pepsi is barren." "The spiritual satisfaction brought by reading, the sense of inner fullness, is irreplaceable.

I read and write books, distilling the interesting part and returning it to my readers. This cycle repeats, like water steaming and condensing between mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, endlessly, and people who love to read have a leafy and green individual world.

——Shen Jiake Writer and Cultural Scholar——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


For me now, Luo Xiang's words can best express my thoughts: "When I am in a sea of fear and anxiety, without direction, in a state of great uncertainty, books can temporarily make me quiet, find a little peace and a moment of certainty." ”

——Li Yuan, Freelancer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I used to work as a responsible editor on a book called "How to Pick Up the Book Again," and I think there's a sentence in the book that answers this question well:

"Reading with all your heart is actually you and a book teaming up against time. You will forget time, you will forget death, you will forget the unhappiness and pain in life, and you will be completely immersed in the eternal happiness of the present and the present. ”

——White Hole Book Editor——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I read books, and a lot of times I want to get out of real life and look at the world in a book. Reading books to me is very much like I am a director, through my lens to look at the world in the book, sometimes nervous, sometimes quiet, sometimes warm. It's a wonderful feeling, I feel relaxed and I get more virtual perceptions.

——Huang Lei Screenwriter, Writer, Book Publisher——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I think that the most important thing that reading has brought to me is, first of all, an ability to resist the loneliness of life, which entertainment, games, pastimes, and even intimate relationships cannot bring, and in the world of literature, all your absurd and deviant ideas seem reasonable, and your doubts and troubles can be answered from books.

Secondly, I think it is the cultivation and protection of language habits, maintaining reading habits, and making my expression more concise and concise, which I feel as a writer has benefited a lot.

——Canoe Best-selling author——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


Reading is to enter the world of calligraphy and painting symbols, listening to music is to enter the world of sound, and watching movies is to enter the world of images.

But listening to music and watching movies, people are carried by sound and video with rhythm; reading, people can choose the rate relatively conveniently. Presumably, reading a book is about experiencing a symbolic space that you can control relatively freely.

As far as I am concerned, the books I have read may not all be remembered, but they will exist in my heart and change your life unconsciously. At least many of the twists and turns in my own life, my first thoughts, were related to reading.

Human beings always habitually overestimate the impact of their actions on the present, overestimate some things that can be seen and touched, underestimate the long-term impact of their actions, and underestimate some spiritual subtleties.

In fact, what we experience is a life that has been unconsciously changed by the books we have read.

——Zhang Jiawei Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


The most important thing that reading brings to me is the improvement of cognition.

I often say in the company that the biggest gap between people in the future is no longer the asymmetry of information, but the asymmetry of cognition.

Reading is the most direct, effective and lowest cost way to help us improve our cognition.

In the past few years of entrepreneurship, how to operate, how to recruit people, how to manage... Almost all knowledge comes from one book after another, and it is a positive cycle that benefits me a lot from books every day, and then uses it in practice, and when I have doubts, I read more books.

——Chen Xinyan Founder of "Book List"——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


The most important thing that reading brings me is to clearly understand what "understanding" is. Through reading, seeing more of the world, walking into more people's hearts, and having words leading the way ahead, we really have the opportunity to get closer and take the initiative to understand. Reading has changed my vision and perspective of the world, I understand myself, I will be more determined and determined; I also understand others, I will be more gentle.

——Yang Shuang Book Publisher——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


First of all, reading books can help people increase their commitment and resilience to life. Books are the crystallization of writers' life experiences, they seal their souls in the book, and readers of each era will have different feelings with their different personal experiences and the souls in the book.

The second important thing is that the book brings whetstones, endless mirrors, endless doors, and endless gardens where the paths bifurcate.

——Zhang Tianyi Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


Reading for me is somewhat similar to walking at night with a flashlight.

This long night is my lack of knowledge, and each book can illuminate a small unknown place.

Whether it is novelty, good or evil, heaviness or touching seen from the light itself, the beam of the book gives the nocturnal walker something more important, or sobriety and courage. It can not only make you always remember your ignorance and shallowness, but also embolden you and encourage you to walk forward, which is the most precious companionship.

——Guo Peiwen Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


There is a saying that "less do not read the Red Chamber", otherwise children are easy to develop a weak personality, but I began to read "Dream of the Red Chamber" when I was 6 years old. From the children's version with pinyin to the original, for a long time, "Dream of the Red Chamber" was my favorite book to read. Because I am too familiar with the plot, many times I just flip it and read it from wherever I turn it.

Later, when I went to junior high school, I began to live in the school, and the school did not allow any books that were "not related to learning". I can't read it anymore, like I can't meet again, and I miss the people in the Grand View Garden every day. Every half a month when I go home on vacation, the first thing I do is to take "Dream of the Red Chamber" in my hand, flip it over casually, anywhere, as long as I see the familiar name, I will solve the pain of lovesickness.

It's been a long time, and now I'm never so obsessed with a book again, but I'll never forget that feeling. That's what reading is most precious to me: I believe that there's another world in the book, and there's really another world, and unlike the real world, it's always there, and I can hide in it at any time.

——Okai Editor——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


The most important thing that reading has brought me should be that I can find answers to different problems and have one more way of thinking.

Philosophical, legal, economic, and other works that were previously unreadable are often read with relish. When I was young, I loved to read novels, I would always put myself into the story to find the answer to life, and now I am probably older, and I find that the plot of the ups and downs is not as good as the reality of the bone, so my knowledge blind spots are less, the angle of looking at the problem is more, many things will be solved, even if it cannot be solved, it can also be open-minded, so that the happiness obtained is really happy.

——Achai Media People——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


For me, reading establishes an independent space away from real life, and through books, I can have one-on-one communication with authors of different eras, different regions, and different backgrounds. Reading is both the end point of creation and the beginning of self-discovery in other people's words. Returning to daily life with the rediscovery and understanding of self, the texture of daily life will become clearer and more delicate.

——Liaojing Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


Life is not about living long or short, but about living more or less. I think the meaning of reading is here, it allows you to get a soft, elastic spiritual space outside the hard reality. This space can hold objects that real life cannot accommodate, a wisp, a string and a pillar, making you feel as if you have another life, so that you can live "more" than others.

——Lin Peiyuan Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


What important "things" does reading bring me? It seems that I have achieved a result of reading, a real and concrete "thing", but I can't think of what this "thing" is. My current understanding of reading is more like a process of conversation and listening, which may bring abstractions, such as patience and awe.

——Xiaoye, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


The most important thing that reading brings me is probably to know my ignorance, the more I read, the more I feel that I know less, the more motivated I am to learn, which is a very interesting exploration process.

——Meow who doesn't work the night shift, media man——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I like a poem "The poor and the poor fall into the yellow spring, and the two places are not seen", which makes me always feel that the world we live in is just a mezzanine, coming and going in the mezzanine, walking and stopping, and maybe reading is a method, you can go up and down the yellow spring, temporarily get out of the mezzanine world, look for reflection in the vast universe and time and space, then, we are not a lonely grain of dust.

——Wu Lanmo, Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I read books for a strong purpose, either for learning or for entertainment. The process of reading a book is a bit like watching a movie, you will enter a dream, gain calm, suppress anxiety. If you encounter words that resonate enough, you will be able to clarify your thinking texture and understand yourself more deeply. In addition, we can understand what others are thinking while reading, which can make us more empathetic and is an important way to gain a sense of care.

——Ni Wentian Young Writer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got
The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


I once watched a science fiction novel in which the heroine was asked why she liked to watch movies and said something like this:

"Movies can be a way to escape from life, but sometimes you just need to escape life, see a life that is more worth living on the screen, know from the screen that life can be better, or see a worse life and realize that you are still good." 」 Movies taught me not to settle for it. ”

I think it's okay to replace "movie" here with "reading" and "screen" with "in the book".

——Bi Yi Film Critic——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got


For me, reading is about reducing the cost of being a human being.

Imagine if my life, death, marriage and children were trapped in a small place, my ideas were simple and the same for decades, then my use of this exquisite human identity would be too low- I would get too little, and the cost of living would be too high.

How can we make the best use of living things?

Here's the most straightforward answer: reading.

To see the wider world, more bizarre laws, more interesting possibilities.

When I think that emotions are only divided into joys and sorrows, the emotional energy that erupts in the book often shocks me, and it turns out that there is love in the book but it must not be turned a thousand times, there are passing shoulders until death, some people have the evil of original sin, and there is also a divine luster.

When I thought that there were only a few ways of living and thinking, I could read a lot and understand that jagged polymorphism is the source of the world.

If a valuable book is a key, you will open a window, and sometimes a mirror.

You see the world here, you see yourself.

——Everyday Internet Content Producer——

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got

Text/CCTV News Collection and Writing

Photo/Visual China

The method of "experiencing a thousand lives" has been got

Whatever reading brings to people,

What a different harvest and feeling,

There is a common premise,

That is: to read.

Not only on the day of reading day,

More in

You want to know more, experience more, feel more

Every moment.

Producer 丨Li Zhe Editor-in-Chief 丨 Wang Ruolu

Editor 丨 Yang Yuting Proofreader 丨 Gao Shaozhuo

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