
It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

author:I think about the exclusive padded jacket

Beijing time on April 4, 2023, Zhang Jike's debt turmoil attracted foreign media attention, according to Japanese media "TBS NEWS" and Yonhap News Agency, after a number of Chinese companies ended their cooperative relationship with Zhang Jike, Japanese companies also took action, Japanese automakers deleted promotional content related to Zhang Jike. For Zhang Jike, the end of cooperation between foreign companies can be described as a fatal blow, and it is difficult for Zhang Jike to gain a foothold overseas.

It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

Zhang Jike still hasn't announced his retirement, but he hasn't played professionally for a long time, he has neither represented the local team in domestic competitions, nor returned to the national team, although he has not announced his retirement, but in fact, he is in a state of retirement. In the past few years, the most intersected with Zhang Jike is the entertainment industry, he has occupied a place in the entertainment industry with his excellent results and good image, and his influence and income have been greatly improved.

It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

Because Zhang Jike did not personally announce his retirement, some fans still expect him to return to the game. As a table tennis Grand Slam winner, Zhang Jike is very influential overseas, many Japanese players have taken Zhang Jike as an example, many Japanese companies have also cooperated with Zhang Jike, and the Japanese league is becoming more and more mature, fans once fantasized about Zhang Jike participating in the Japanese Table Tennis League. But after the debt turmoil, it all came to naught.

It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas
It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

According to the authoritative media Yonhap News Agency and local Japanese media reports, Japanese companies have paid attention to Zhang Jike's debt turmoil, and a Japanese automobile manufacturer immediately deleted the promotional content related to Zhang Jike, which also means that the cooperation between this Japanese company and Zhang Jike has ended. If there is no major turning point in this matter, whether it is a domestic company or an overseas company, it will break off contact with Zhang Jike, and the overseas company's action is the last blow to Zhang Jike, and it is difficult for him to gain a foothold overseas.

It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

Regarding the debt turmoil and emotional entanglement involved in Zhang Jike, the relevant parties need to straighten it out, after all, the official media has already spoken, and there is no room for maneuver in this matter, so it can only move forward and find out the truth. So far, the Chinese Table Tennis Association and the national team have not spoken, but as a former meritorious figure of National Table Ping, this matter has brought a negative impact to National Table Tennis and is difficult to eliminate in a short period of time.

It was revealed that Japanese companies shot a fatal blow to Zhang Jike, and it was difficult for the National Table Tennis Grand Slam to gain a foothold overseas

In the past, Zhang Jike was a Tibetan mastiff in the table tennis altar, but now, the Japanese and South Korean media have changed their statements, which also shows that the perfect image created by Zhang Jike is close to collapse. After the Japanese and Korean media reports, Zhang Jike's debt turmoil will continue to spread and spread overseas, not only Zhang Jike's image is destroyed, but the impact on the national table tennis is indeed great, the champion has made the opponent helpless, but now he has to be pointed at by others!

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