
Known as Jet Li's successor, he spent 15 years in prison and attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles

author:Unoccupied ports

There is a group in the entertainment industry, they are called "child stars", when they are young, they can often bring the public very good works, and become small actors liked by the public with a cute and cute image that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some child stars, because of their adherence to their acting careers, also have a good development after growing up, such as Yang Zi, Zhang Yishan, Guan Xiaotong, etc.; while some child stars have no good resource advantages because of their short absence, such as Shi Xiaolong, Hao Shaowen, Cao Jun and so on. Fortunately, each of them can recognize their own position, whether it is fire or not, and insist on following the right path. However, there is a child star who debuted at the same time as Shi Xiaolong, who deviated from the track of life, was imprisoned for 15 years, and even attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles.

Known as Jet Li's successor, he spent 15 years in prison and attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles

This off-track child star is called Yan Zhengguo. Speaking of this name, many people may not be familiar with it, but when it comes to the work of "Good Boy", I believe that many post-70s and post-80s have an impression. It was with this work that Yan Zhengguo won the 1983 Golden Horse Award for Best Child Star. Many people thought he would be Jet Li's successor. However, since then, Yan Zhengguo has not encountered a suitable script, and gradually lost the glory of "Best Child Star".

Known as Jet Li's successor, he spent 15 years in prison and attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles

Although Yan Zhengguo, who became famous at a young age, was unable to continue the heat, he became addicted to drugs and lived a luxurious life. There was no high income but only large expenditure, so he began to gradually stretch, in order to be able to maintain his drug use, Yan Zhengguo chose to steal, so he was imprisoned for five years.

Known as Jet Li's successor, he spent 15 years in prison and attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles

After his release from prison, his father's guidance gradually made him close to his heart, and he had his own small family. What was supposed to be the beginning of a new life, he did not expect to embark on the road of crime again, and in 2001, he was imprisoned for kidnapping and murder for the second time. And his father was also worried about this matter, and eventually died early.

Known as Jet Li's successor, he spent 15 years in prison and attended his father's funeral with handcuffs and shackles

At the time of his father's death, he was allowed to worship his father in handcuffs and shackles, and it was this experience that made him repentant, actively participated in prison rehabilitation, and was released on parole in 2012. Today, he has become a calligraphy teacher, living an ordinary life, and he has also made his own personal experience into the movie "Horned Head", hoping to give some life warnings to today's young people. Do you still have an impression of the movie "Good Boy"?

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