
What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

author:The small fish looks up

In the past two days, Zhang Jike gave Jing Tian's private photos to the creditor, which spread on the Internet.

The incident originated in the early morning of the 31st, when Li Weiao, a reporter from the Economic Observer, suddenly posted on WB: "Judging from some judicial materials I saw and possessed a few years ago, Zhang Jike passed Ms. Jing's private video to others, and this situation is true."

What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

Li Weiao's first Weibo

Immediately afterwards, at 3 pm on the 31st, Zhang Jike's studio forwarded a lawyer's statement denying the matter.

What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

The first statement from Zhang Jike's studio

At 5 p.m., Li Weiao said on WB again: "Judicial materials show that there are 3 private videos of Ms. Jing leaked to the outside world, and there is also 1 video screenshot. Zhang Jike admitted that he had shown others a passage from the video. In addition, Zhang Jike was sued by creditors (and his family) a few years ago. After the lawsuit, after mediation, Zhang repaid the creditor (and his family) 1 million yuan. However, Zhang Jike's IOU was about 5 million yuan, and that IOU was still in the hands of the creditor (and his family). ”

What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

Li Weiao's second Weibo

At 8 p.m., Zhang Jike's studio released another statement denying the matter.

What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

The second statement from Zhang Jike's studio

In the early morning of April 1, Li Weiao posted again: "Zhang Jike's debt and video problems are not simply the "gossip" of celebrities, but have triggered a serious criminal case. In this case, Ms. Jing was the complete victim. Zhang Jike's creditor, who "asked for money" from her, later pleaded guilty and is still serving a prison sentence. And what role did Zhang Jike play in this case, and can he himself respond publicly? ”

What happened to Zhang Jike Jingtian

Li Weiao's third Weibo

Now the Internet is rumoring about this matter, some netizens think that the news of Zhang being gambled is not once or twice, but it is really shocking to give his girlfriend's private photos to the creditor, if it is true, the title of athlete cannot become a death-free gold medal.

Some netizens believe that whether this matter is a gambling crime or something else, there is no doubt that Ms. Jing is a victim, because this kind of news is very unfriendly to women.

So far, Jing Tian has not made any reply.

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