
Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

author:Academy of Literature and History
Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Text | Academy of Literature and History

Editor: Institute of Literature and History

The pre-establishment history of the State of Israel dates back to around 2000 BC, when the regions of Israel were ruled by different tribes and nations.

Around 1000 BC, the region began to form a Jewish nation and culture, which was inextricably linked to Judaism in Israel. In the 6th century BC, the Babylonian Empire occupied the areas of Israel and exiled the Jews to Babylon.


An important event before the founding of the People's Republic of China

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

In 539 BC, the Persian Empire conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Israel. In 332 BC, Alexander the Great conquered the region, making it a Hellenistic society.

The Roman occupation of the area of Israel in 63 BC and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD marked the Diaspora of the Jews, and in the Middle Ages, the Arabs occupied the area and incorporated it into the Islamic Empire.

From the 16th to the 19th century, the region was ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. At the end of the 19th century, political tensions arose in the Israeli region as Jewish immigration increased.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

During World War I, Britain occupied the area and in 1917 issued the Balfour Declaration, proclaiming support for the establishment of a Jewish state.

In 1922, the League of Nations authorized Britain to establish a mandate in the region in order to promote a settlement of the Palestinian question. However, during World War II, the situation in the region became more tense, with a surge in Jewish immigration, while tensions between Arab countries and Jews intensified.

In 1947, the United Nations adopted the partition plan for Palestine, dividing the region into Jewish states and Arab states. However, this plan aroused opposition from Arab countries, leading to the outbreak of war between Jews and Arab countries.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

This is also an important event in the pre-establishment history of the State of Israel, which laid an important foundation for the establishment of the State of Israel, and the post-establishment history is a series of events and changes that have occurred since the establishment of the State of Israel, including political, economic, cultural and military aspects.

In 1948, Israel declared its independence, marking the establishment of a Jewish state in the region. However, this decision aroused opposition and resistance from Arab countries, leading to an escalation of the conflict between the two countries.

In 1948-1949, the first Middle East war broke out with Arab countries, and Israel won and expanded its territory.

During the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956, along with Britain and France, an attack was launched against Egypt, but it was eventually pressured by the international community to force Israel to retreat.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

In 1967, the Third Middle East War broke out with Egypt, Syria and Jordan. The Israeli army defeated the coalition of Arab countries and occupied areas such as the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

In the 70s of the 20th century, a series of peace negotiations were held with Egypt, and in 1979 a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was signed, ending the long-standing conflict between the two countries.

However, the conflict between Israel and other Arab countries continues to this day, with the introduction of a socialist economic model in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century.


One of the most developed economies in the Middle East

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

But in the 70s of the 20th century, economic reforms began, gradually shifted to a market economy, and became one of the most developed economies in the Middle East.

Cultural life is rich and diverse, including literature, film, music and art, and Israel's cultural industry has gained worldwide recognition.

The history after the founding of the People's Republic of China is a course full of challenges and opportunities, and through unswerving efforts, it has continued to develop and progress, becoming an important country in the Middle East region and the world.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

The Israeli war is a series of conflicts and wars with neighboring Arab countries, one of the main causes of which is the question of Palestine, which is one of the root causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The question of Palestine can be traced back to the establishment of Jewish states in Palestine, which belonged to the Ottoman Turkish Empire in the early 20th century. However, with the outbreak of World War I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the region came under British administration.

During British rule, large numbers of Jewish immigrants entered Palestine, which sparked tensions between Jews and Arabs.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Jews believed that they had the right to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, while Arabs saw it as an invasion and occupation of their ancestral lands.

In 1947, the United Nations passed a resolution dividing Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab, but the resolution was not fully accepted by both sides.

In 1948, Israel declared a statehood, and Arab countries did not recognize the decision and tried to overturn it by force. This triggered the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, in which Israel won and expanded its territory.


Relations between countries in the Middle East

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Since then, the Arab-Israeli conflict has continued, with the occupation of Palestinian areas, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights in 1967 in the Third Middle East War.

This has led to more Arab-Israeli conflicts and wars, including the fourth Middle East war in 1973 and the Gaza wars in 2008 and 2014.

The question of Palestine, one of the main causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Israeli war, has caused tensions between Jews and Arabs in the process of establishing a state in the Palestinian territories, which have persisted to this day.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Middle East geopolitics refers to the research field involving geopolitical relations, conflicts of interests, conflicts and cooperation among countries in the Middle East.

Since wars, conflicts and political turmoil have long attracted the attention of the international community, geopolitical issues in the Middle East have always been an important link in the world political and economic landscape.

The Middle East is one of the world's important oil and gas producing regions, and its energy resources play an important role in the world energy market, and energy competition and cooperation between countries is an important aspect of Middle East geopolitics.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

The region contains a variety of religions and nationalities, such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Arabs, Kurds, Persians, etc. These religious and ethnic relations often lead to political, social and cultural complexities and conflicts in the region.

It plays an important role in international strategy, and many countries have strategic interests in the region, such as the United States, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries. The conflict of interest and game between countries is another important aspect of the geopolitics of the Middle East.

Geopolitical issues are complex, dynamic and ongoing in multiple areas, requiring the joint efforts of the international community to address and mitigate them.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Resource competition is an important aspect of the geopolitics of the Middle East, which is an important oil and gas producing area in the world, and its energy resources play an important role in the world energy market.

Due to the abundant and strategic value of these resources, the competition between countries for energy resources in the Middle East is becoming increasingly fierce, and the Middle East region has the world's richest oil and gas resources.

For example, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and other countries are all big oil and gas exporters. The issue of competing among countries for the rights and distribution of oil and gas resources in the region is an important aspect of Middle East geopolitics.


A major problem in the region

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

The Middle East is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world, so the use and management of water resources is also an important aspect of the geopolitics of the Middle East, for example, the issue of the competition between Israel and Palestine for water resources has long been a hot topic in the region.

Religious conflicts with Arab countries are an important aspect of Middle East geopolitics, involving disputes and contradictions among various religions, including Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

The religious conflict with Palestine was primarily between Judaism and Islam, in which Palestine was seen as the land promised by God to the Israelis.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

It is considered one of the holy places for Muslims, and as a result, the religious conflict between Israel and Palestine revolves mainly around the struggle for control and sovereignty in the Palestinian areas.

The Middle East also involves religious conflicts between Christians and Islam, for example, between Christians and Muslims in Lebanon that have long been a major problem in the region.

The 1948 Palestinian-Israeli War (also known as the "War of Independence" and "Naqaba War") was a war that lasted about nine months in the early years of the State of Israel, involving Israel and the Arab coalition.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

The causes of the war can be traced back to territorial disputes between Jews and Arabs in the Palestinian territories, which became British trusteeships after World War I, which promised Jews a state in Palestine.

However, this commitment was opposed by Arab countries, causing conflict between Jews and Arabs. After the adoption of the United Nations plan to partition Palestine in 1947, the Jews proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel, but Arab countries strongly opposed this.

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was officially proclaimed, but the Arab States did not recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel and united to form the Arab coalition to launch an attack on Israel.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

In the war, the army, relying on its superiority in equipment, organization and combat effectiveness, defeated the Arab coalition and occupied parts of the area originally allocated to the Palestinian Arabs.

After the war, the occupation of new territories, including the western and central areas of Jerusalem, caused strong opposition and dissatisfaction among Arab countries. Since then, territorial disputes and conflicts between Palestine and Israel have continued, leading to lasting turmoil and instability in the Middle East.

The 1956 Suez Canal War was a military operation by Israel, the United Kingdom and France in Egypt's Suez Canal region. In July 1956, Egyptian President Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal, which triggered a backlash from Israel and the West.

Analyze Israel's post-establishment economic reform initiatives and Arab relations

Britain and France then sent troops, claiming to protect the canal's free passage rights. However, their real motive was to overthrow the Nasser regime and ensure that Britain's oil interests were not threatened.

The author believes that the Suez Canal War lasted less than a month, as a result of which Israel occupied the Egyptian peninsula, Britain and France occupied the Suez Canal, and put pressure on Egypt to stop cooperating with the Soviet Union.

Despite the short-term victory of the West, the Suez Canal War led to tensions in the Middle East and even triggered a diplomatic crisis between the Soviet Union and the West.


Jia Yanlong: "The Historical Background and Development of the State of Israel" (Oriental Journal, No. 4, 2014)

Zhang Hong: "Geopolitical Analysis of the Middle East" (Modern International Relations, No. 3, 2011)

Bi Guoqing: "Religious Conflicts between Israel and Arab States and Their Impact" (Journal of Southern University for Nationalities, No. 4, 2007)

Zheng Yali: "On the Impact of the Palestinian Question on the Middle East" (Journal of Anhui Normal University, No. 5, 2010)

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