
A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

author:The history of poetry is in charge

#母亲当孩子面顺走其它食客落的包 #

It is said that parents are children's first teachers, but for some parents, their own morals and behavioral norms are not enough to be good examples for their children to learn. Especially in such a challenging and tempting time, children face more and more negative effects and shocks.

A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

Recently, there was an incident that shocked countless netizens. At a restaurant in Shaanxi Province, a woman accidentally left her handbag inside the restaurant, and she immediately returned to the restaurant to find it, but the waiter told her that no missing bag was found, and promised that if a guest lost something, they would definitely return it to the guest. To prove his claim, the restaurant owner retrieved surveillance video and found that the woman's bag had been picked up by a mother who was dining nearby.

A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

According to surveillance video, the mother and her children ordered two bowls of noodles and a bun while eating at the restaurant. After the woman left, the mother found the woman's left bag in her place. The mother confirmed that no one around was noticing, then brought the bag to her seat and continued the meal with her daughter. The woman who left her bag on the seat said that her bag contained stored value cards from supermarkets and stored value cards from cake shops, worth more than 2,000 yuan, but what worried her most was bank cards and various documents. At present, the woman has called the police for help.

A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

Is it your own daughter?

This incident involved the mother's act of picking up items left behind by others in front of her children. Such behavior is not only morally questionable, but also a violation of the law. The owners of the items that were picked up said that the most important thing is to recover their documents and bank cards, because the loss of these items will cause them a lot of inconvenience and trouble.

Therefore, as parents, we need to seriously think about how to establish the right values and morals for our children, so that they can have a healthy mindset and a correct code of conduct when they grow up. In this process, it is necessary not only to pay attention to words and deeds, but also to have patience and perseverance to guide and educate children, so that they can gradually become independent, confident and responsible adults.

What shocks us even more is that this immoral mother can set an example for your children in front of your own daughter?

This behavior will undoubtedly have a great impact on the child's development. Parents are a child's first teacher, and their actions and words can affect the direction of the child's development. If parents show immoral behavior in front of their children, children will also learn this bad behavior habit. Maybe in the future, when you encounter something and want to educate your children, she will have to say to you, aren't you such a person? ?

A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

What age is this, don't you know there is a camera?

In addition, we can also look at this matter from a legal point of view. In the mainland, after picking up other people's lost items, they should be returned to the owner in time, otherwise it will constitute the crime of embezzlement. Moreover, as parents, we should set an example by teaching our children to abide by the law and not to easily encroach on other people's property, which is also one of the important contents of moral education for children.

A fatal mistake in a mother's education, when the child goes down the bag of other diners

For the mother, it would be a great educational opportunity if she behaved correctly at the time, giving the bag to the store or waiting for the donor to claim it. Such behavior can teach children correct moral values and codes of conduct, such as honesty, fairness, and respect for other people's property. Such education is not only beneficial for children, but also has a positive impact on society.

It's not too late to make amends, I advise this mother with children, it's not easy to go out now, hurry up and apologize to this woman and maybe get understanding, big things become small, small things become small.

In real life, we often hear some "pick it up before talking" remarks, but behind such remarks lies an irresponsible and immoral attitude. If each of us can have a heart that respects the law and respects others, I believe that our society will be more harmonious and beautiful.

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