
James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

author:Contented people say health
James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all


The news of James' right foot injury brushed the list on major platforms,

James suddenly fell to the ground during a layup during the game,

As he lay on the ground, he said: "I heard a 'bang'. ”

This is the fifth time he has been seriously injured in a match.

And this time his injury is more complicated,

It wasn't until today that the Lakers officially released the exact results of the check:

"After testing, James was diagnosed with a tendon injury in his right foot,

He will be reassessed in about three weeks. ”

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

In addition to athletes who are prone to tendon injuries during competition,

In life, due to trauma or long-term strain,

It can also lead to tendon damage!

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

So why is it always easy to cause tendon damage during exercise?

How can we prevent and treat tendon injuries?


What is a tendon injury?

As we all know, muscles are the power organs that make bones move.

There are about 600 pieces of skeletal muscle in the human body.

About forty percent of the body's body weight.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

Common examples: Achilles tendon behind the calf, front of the thigh

Quadriceps tendon, biceps tendon in front of the upper arm, etc.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

Tendon injuries can occur when tendons are overused, worn out, torn, strained, ruptured, or cut.


What to do after a tendon injury?

When tendon injury occurs,

Namely: Protection, Rest,

Ice, compression, elevation,

He immediately went to the hospital for treatment.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

: Mainly to protect the affected part, to avoid tendon re-injury, can be used protective support belts or orthopedic instruments to fix the affected part, in order to limit the movement of a certain direction of the joint, strengthen the stability of the joint, so as to protect the unhealed tendon, to ensure its good healing.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

: Emphasizes that the tendon must be surgically sutured as early as possible in addition to the routine management of PRICE to fully restore tendon continuity.


How to prevent tendon injury?

When we do high-intensity exercise,

often associated with various potential risk of injury,

Be sure to prepare in advance,

Reduces the risk of tendon injury.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

: Proper warm-up and stretching before exercise can help muscles and tendons become more flexible and reduce the risk of injury.

: Do not suddenly change the mode or intensity of exercise, the intensity and duration of exercise should be gradually increased to allow the body to adapt to the new exercise load. Avoid repeated use of the same set of muscles for long periods of time or overloaded training to reduce fatigue and damage to tendons and other tissues.

: Wearing shoes that support the arch of the foot, cushion shocks, orthopedic insoles, and protective gear can reduce the risk of damage to tendons and other tissues.

: Give the body sufficient rest time after exercise to recover and repair muscles and tendons, such as massage, ice, stretching, etc.

James was injured again, this time it was the tendon that bore it all

The contented reminds you:

Race results are important,

Sports injuries to be prevented!

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