
Zhao Lei learned 1000% of Wang Xifeng's methods and attempted to strike sideways to achieve her goal

author:Harmony of knowledge and action

#Knowledgeable# #红楼梦 #

#Wife reveals former women's basketball leader Zhang Long cheating Li Meng# #Sports#

I believe that many comrades have seen "Dream of Red Mansions", even if they have not read the novel, the 87th version of the TV series has always been watched, after all, it is a long-lasting classic.

As the protagonist of the recent hot news, Zhao Lei, she is the ex-wife of former women's basketball team leader Zhang Long, and she has provided fierce materials one after another, trying to tear Li Meng to achieve her goal.

We can't help but think that Zhao Lei must have obtained the true biography of Wang Xifeng.

Zhao Lei learned 1000% of Wang Xifeng's methods and attempted to strike sideways to achieve her goal

Image source network: Wang Xifeng

Why do you say that, let's see:

Purpose of conduct.

Let's review Wang Xifeng's approach to Jia Lian. Jia Lian is Wang Xifeng's husband, and he secretly married Second Sister You outside, which was still detected by Wang Xifeng. In order to fight Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng tricked Second Sister You into Jia Mansion, and through multiple means, eventually caused Second Sister You to commit suicide by swallowing gold.

Zhao Lei learned 1000% of Wang Xifeng's methods and attempted to strike sideways to achieve her goal

Image source network: Zhang Long and Li Meng

And Zhao Lei, before tearing Li Meng, should have had a fight with Zhang Long. Zhao Lei's restrictions on her ex-husband are: divorce, all real estate belongs to Zhao Lei, child custody is given to Zhao Lei, and Zhang Long pays alimony. But Zhang Long did not handle Zhao Lei's last two needs after the divorce, so Zhao Lei hated it to the bone, and it is estimated that some measures were also taken, but they were always ineffective. Zhao Lei turned to the method of encircling Wei to save Zhao, and forced Zhang Long to submit by hitting Li Meng, the main player of the women's basketball team.

Zhao Lei learned Wang Xifeng's plan, there is no way to deal with her husband, but she can hit her husband's mistress. Zhao Lei has a good operation, so in the next few days, Zhao Lei may have more fierce material to release, because its purpose has not yet been achieved.

Plan of action.

Let's talk about Wang Xifeng's approach first. In feudal times, it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Wang Xifeng could not fight Jia Lian, so he accused Jia Lian of violating state regulations (you cannot marry during the funeral) through a false lawsuit, forcing Jia Lian and others to comply. For Second Sister You, Wang Xifeng first tricked Second Sister You into entering the Grand View Garden, which was equivalent to putting Second Sister You under house arrest. Then, through the methods of verbal stimulation and sluggishness in diet of the maid who served, Second Sister You was devastated mentally and physically. It just so happened that Jia Lian was praised by his father Jia Xun for doing things, and rewarded his concubine Qiutong, who was used by Wang Xifeng as a knife handle, and scolded Second Sister You in the yard every day as a rotten person, which further destroyed Second Sister You.

Zhao Lei learned 1000% of Wang Xifeng's methods and attempted to strike sideways to achieve her goal

Image source network: Advice from a well-wisher

Then, we try to analyze Zhao Lei's actions. For her ex-husband Zhang Long, Zhao Lei should have known this many times, but Zhang Long did not cooperate with the transfer of the house, nor did he give the two children child support. Zhao Lei also realized that Zhang Long might have to flee overseas, in that case, he would not be found in the future. Since Zhang Long is not in line, then take Li Mengkai, after all, people are popular fried chickens in women's basketball, and they will not care about their reputation. Therefore, Zhao Lei published the past chat records and screenshots of naked chats (there are still mosaics), so that the masses ate melons for a few days. In the past two days, he has been saying that he has listened to someone's suggestion to go through judicial procedures, or there is still a sudden shake of the material. Since he couldn't hurt Zhang Long, he hurt Li Meng; Those who can't hurt Li Meng will ruin Li Meng's reputation.

You may wish to take a look at the practices of both, there are lawsuits against their husbands, but the actual effect is not good. Then the two targeted the same injured woman, and Wang Xifeng controlled Second Sister You through spirit and diet, striking her emotions, causing her to commit suicide. Zhao Lei used the verbal criticism of netizens to achieve the purpose of destroying Li Meng's reputation, and if Li Meng or Zhang Long did not compromise, she would continue to break the news.

Expected results.

Wang Xifeng killed Second Sister You, but Jia Lian also took revenge on Wang Xifeng in the end, finding Second Sister You's fiancé Zhang Hua and Jia family maid Wang'er to testify, and confirmed Wang Xifeng's crime, which can be described as "the organ calculated too cleverly and missed Qing Qing's life."

The drama of Zhao Lei tearing Li Meng is still in progress, and we can't estimate what the follow-up will be for the time being. However, we still have to say to Zhao Lei that for her ex-husband who has no interest, we should take legal measures as soon as possible to protect our rights. For Li Meng, you have already hurt a lot, you may as well stop the evil deeds, after all, exposing other people's privacy and spreading it on the Internet in large quantities is not only against public order and good customs, but also once the other party is investigated, it should be a relatively serious matter.

brief summary

In the matter of Zhao Lei shelling Li Meng, there is no winner, and I hope everyone will solve it peacefully. If the negotiation fails, try to use legal means.

I wish you all peace and joy.

What do you think, welcome to leave a comment. Thank you!


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