
Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

author:Smart and happy sharers

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On the basketball court, passion burns and celebrations are deafening. The Chinese women's basketball team won the Asian Cup, and the whole team cheered. Behind this victory, Li Meng's performance once again became the focus and her basketball career regained its glory.

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

After winning the championship, Li Meng returned to the United States, returned to the team, regained trust and got along with his teammates. And Zhao Lei, who used to "snatch her husband", can only force a smile now. She deeply realized how it is difficult for an ordinary person to compete with someone with great energy.

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

For Zhao Lei, what she did reflects the sadness and helplessness of ordinary people in this emotional storm. She made a series of mistakes that gradually turned the situation against her. What did she do wrong?

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

First, they believe too much in the power of the media and fail to take real action. Zhao Lei is superstitious in the media, believing that by exposing Li Meng's so-called cheating behavior, she can easily obtain alimony. However, she underestimated the plasticity of public opinion, and Internet word of mouth can change rapidly. Zhao Lei once exposed Li Meng's private photos, but soon she felt the change in online public opinion. She was originally widely supported, but as the incident developed, more people began to support Li Meng. Does Zhao Lei think she can knock Li Meng down with public opinion? This was her first mistake and also caused her to lose the initiative.

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

Second, the handling of matters has dragged on, leading to a reversal of the situation. Zhao Lei dragged her feet in dealing with things, and after she discovered that Li Meng had an extramarital affair with her husband Zhang Long, she delayed for nearly a year to expose the incident. And the timing of this exposure is not wise, because Li Meng has married Zhang Long, which makes the public confused and does not know who is the "junior". Her delay has allowed the situation to spiral out of control and missed opportunities to defend rights. At that time, there were rumors that Li Meng's team wanted to negotiate with her, but Zhao Lei refused. Her appeal should be to negotiate with her ex-husband Zhang Long, but she did not take action and missed the opportunity to negotiate with Xie.

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

Third, too credulous of others, easy to be influenced. Zhao Lei is easy to trust others, she believes in Zhang Long's assurance, and also believes in the so-called "big sister". She once trusted Zhang Long's pre-marital assurances, and then again trusted him to provide alimony and real estate when she divorced. She also blessed Li Meng, showing her heart. However, her credulity and delay made her road to rights defense more difficult, and gradually lost the attention of public opinion.

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

Today, Zhao Lei's situation is difficult, and her voice no longer attracts widespread attention. Li Meng has once again become the focus of attention, her basketball career is glorious, and the endorsement brand has returned to her. There are obvious problems in Zhao Lei's actions and decisions, she fails to seize the opportunity, and is too credulous of the outside world, which eventually reverses the situation and helps Li Meng move towards a more brilliant future. #China Women's Basketball Team Asian Cup Championship# #李梦: Victory belongs to our Chinese women's basketball team#

Li Meng Zhang Long is very beautiful! Zhao Lei is sad and helpless, what can she do? After all, ordinary people!

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