
Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

author:The food of the snow peaks

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Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

The staple food of northerners is pasta, and flour can not only make our Chinese pasta, but also make Western-style pastry. I learned to do this, and every three forks and five children asked for food.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

In Western pastry, the favorite is bread, today I will share with you the method of a bread, the combination of nuts and bread, so that this bread is healthier without oil and less sugar. There are many types of bread, including European bread, tabletop bread, Russian bread and so on. Today we are making a kind of Russian bread, Da Leba is a hard bread, children don't like it very much, I neutralized the practice of toast bread, so that this Da Leba Xuan is soft and delicious, and more nutritious. If you like bread, let's take a look together~

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Ingredients used: 600 grams of gluten flour, 350 grams of milk, 1 spoonful of honey, 3 grams of salt, 3 grams of yeast powder, 1 egg. Ingredients: walnuts, almonds, raisins.

Practical steps:

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 1: To make this large lieba, you do not need to knead the dough out of the film, just knead all the ingredients well and ferment.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 2: Walnuts, almonds reserved, raisins cleaned and dried for later use, if there are other nuts or preserved fruits.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 3: Vent the fermented dough and divide it into 2 pieces.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 4: Roll out into a dough sheet and sprinkle evenly with nuts and nuts, as much as you like.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 5: After rolling, put it on a baking sheet for secondary fermentation, so that the softness of the bread will be there. If you prefer to eat a firmer large lieba, you can use whole wheat flour to bake.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 7: Brush the fermented bread with egg liquid and make a few cuts on the surface with a knife.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 8: Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Flour is more popular than steamed dumplings, and the ingredients are so soft and delicious that children rush to eat them!

Step 9: The baked bread is soft and delicious, and the nuts and preserved fruits add flavor to this bread, which is much more delicious than the pure Russian grand lieba.

Feng'er words:

1, bread to be soft, flour must not be used wrong, use the wrong flour bread will be like baked steamed buns, generally Russian bread is made of whole wheat flour, bread will be relatively hard, I made this large lieba with high gluten flour, the bread made is relatively soft.

2, this large lieba should also pay more attention when baking, because the brand of the oven is different, the temperature will be slightly different, you can adjust it yourself.

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