
Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health

author:It's a big joy house
Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health

When the cold wave of spring recedes and the yang qi arises, it is best to supplement the body with food supplements and improve the sub-health state of the body.

Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health

1. Porridge with leeks

Food supplement

Nourish the kidney and help the yang, lift the yang, and strengthen the stomach and solidify the essence. It is the preferred food in spring and can be eaten often by men.


Chives: to taste

100 grams of rice

Salt: to taste

How to make it

1. Cut the leeks into small pieces after washing;

2. Wash the rice, put it in a casserole, and cook until the rice blooms according to the ratio of rice to water of 1:7;

3. Add leeks and cook until the leaves are soft, add salt to taste (you can cook some leeks appropriately)

A final word

Chives are also called yang grass, sweet, spicy, warm, non-toxic, with the effect of tonifying the kidney and helping the yang, lifting the yang, solidifying the essence and stopping sweating, strengthening the stomach and refreshing the spirit. Modern medicine believes that leeks are invigorating and strong medicines, containing volatile oils and sulfides, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin C and other substances, suitable for night sweats, enuresis, frequent urination, impotence, sperm loss, regurgitation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, female menstrual irregularities, leakage and bruises, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, etc.

Rice is sweet and flat, can replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

The combination of the two can play a role in tonifying the kidney and helping the yang, lifting the yang and lifting the qi, and strengthening the stomach and solidifying the essence.

Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health

2. Red date porridge

Food supplement

Replenish the spleen and nourish the blood. Suitable for spring dietary therapy.


Red dates: 50g (6-7)

Japonica rice: 100 grams

How to make it

1. Wash the red dates and set aside;

2. Rinse the rice, put it in a casserole pot with the red dates just washed, add about 700-800 grams of water and cook until the porridge is sticky.

A final word

Red dates can invigorate qi and replenish blood.

Rice is sweet and flat, can replenish qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

The combination of the two has a good effect of replenishing the spleen and invigorating qi and nourishing blood. Spring is the best season to nourish the liver, the liver mainly stores blood, blood can nourish the liver, so this porridge is a good food and health product for nourishing the liver in spring.

Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health

3. Glutinous rice porridge with red adzuki beans and orange peel

Food supplement

Strengthens the spleen and moisture, and stomach. It is suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and spleen deficiency and dampness, the symptoms are less abdominal distention, warm and happy press, loose stool, warm limbs, white face, light fat tongue, tooth marks on the side of the tongue, etc.


Adzuki beans: 50 grams

Glutinous rice: 50 grams

Fresh orange peel and red dates: 10g each

Brown sugar: to taste

How to make it

1. Clean adzuki beans, glutinous rice and red dates and soak for 2-3 hours;

2. Pour the soaked adzuki beans, glutinous rice and red dates into a casserole, add about 600 grams of water and boil, then turn to a simmer and cook until the rice blooms;

3. Scrape off the inner bowl of fresh orange peel with a spoon, and add the remaining orange peel into shredded porridge;

4. After the aroma of the orange comes out, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

A final word

Red adzuki beans are sweet, warm, diuretic, swollen and antiemetic. Red jujube has a sweet taste and flat nature, which can replenish qi and nourish blood safety

God. Fresh orange peel tastes bitter and sour, and can strengthen the spleen and stomach. Glutinous rice is sweet, warm, and can strengthen the spleen and qi. All four are combined.

Play the function of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, dissipating cold and dampness.

Use these porridges in spring to improve sub-health